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1、2015年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海卷英语学科评价报告,2014GKPJ,考试目标与内容范围,考试目标: 上海市英语科高考旨在测试考生的英语基础知识和运用语言的能力。其中,着重语言运用能力的考核。 考试内容: 2016年考试手册和词汇手册 考试内容的依据为: 上海市中小学课程标准(征求意见稿),一、试卷总体分析,1.描述性统计,考生人数41595 均分 102.7 中数 106.00 众数 120 最小值40 最大值146 第一百分位 88 第二百分位 106 第三百分位 120,样本说明:四类学校(市示范校、区示范校、一般高中和民办高中)中总分前95%的考生,2. 四类学校总体数据,3

2、. 总分与各大题的相关,4. 各大题间的相关,5. 试卷信度检验,注:Alpha系数0.80,说明试卷信度较高。,二、各大题具体分析,1. 各大题得分情况分析,2. 听力各部分得分情况,听力部分考核目标落实情况,3. 语法词汇部分得分情况,语法词汇部分语篇信息,知识内容考核情况,知识点考核,(30)_ she could react. I gave her a big hug and told her she didnt need to keep it a secret (31) _ me. Key: from 常见错误:to, for 难度 0.90 区分度 0.39,Do you, for

3、 instance, feel that too much is being expected of (37) _, and yet fine it impossible to say no? Key: you 常见错误:yourself 难度 0.03 区分度 0.11,The most important result for the user is that the product does what is 46 .,Most importantly, it needs to 48 light where it is needed.,4. 阅读理解各部分得分情况,阅读理解部分语篇信息,考

4、核目标落实情况,Another trend is off-site or 64 management, where teams of people linked by email and the Internet work on projects from their own houses. 64. A. virtual B. ineffectiveC. day-to-day D. on-the-scene,69. It can be concluded from the passage that “Patty Poem” leads the writer to _. A. discover

5、the power of poetry B. recognize her love for puzzles C. Find her eagerness to grow up D. experience great homesickness,71. If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement, what would happen by the year 2100? The human population would increase by one third B. Little over 50%

6、of all species would still exist. C. Nations would not need to tighten their emissions targets. D. The Agreements minimum goal would not be reached,78. Which is the existing problem with standing on the right and walking on the left? 参考答案 The capacity of escalators hasnt been made full use of. 常见错误:

7、1)reducing congestion at some of the countrys busiest situations 2) increase capacity at the height of the rush hour,5. 翻译与写作得分情况,试题分析,二十世纪末中国经济迅速发展。(witness) 参考答案:The late twentieth century witnessed the rapid development of Chinas economy.,常见错误:The late twenties century was witnessed the developme

8、nt of . Chinas economy witnessed rapidly at the late twentieth century.,Recently, I have been taking part in a research on “Whether Parents feel honoured of their children.” After asking both students and their parents in my school, I found that 80% of the parents thought they feel honoured of their

9、 children while 40% of the students remained unrealizing. There must be some reasons accounting for the phenomenon. As far as I am concerned, parents silent love may be top to say. Usually, children may feel annoyed when their parents advice them to do something or simply help them to accomplish som

10、ething. So children always turn a deaf ear and blind eyes to their parents, ignoring all of their voices and actions. Its no surprise that they couldnt find out their parents true feelings about them. Whats more, many parents show their love in some strange ways and thus having understandings with t

11、heir children. Kids will only feel that they are not good enough when parents push them to get progress. However, in parents opinion, its a way to express their love and expression. In addition, more and more children are becoming self-concerned, not only in school but also at homes. In conclusion, either part of the relationship may be conductive to the problem. whereas the increased emergency of conflicts between parents and children, the research is truly a profound lessons for those unexperienced parents and the adult-to-be like us.,Finally Thank You!,


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