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1、县年中小学招选教师试卷中学英语线总分100分一 单项选择(20分)( )1-Whats the matter with you ?I caught_ bad cold and had to stay in _ bed . A.a , / B. a , the C. a , a D. / ,a ( ) 2.What would you like to drink , girls ? -_ please.姓名 准考证号 得分 A. Two cup of coffe B.Two cups of coffees C.Two cups of coffee D.Two cups of coffees( )

2、 3.After the exam , well have _ holiday. A.two weeks B.two-weeks C. two weeks D.two weeks( ) 4.Theres not enough _ in the corner for the fridge. A. place B. room C.field D. ground( ) 5.If you dont take more _ , youll get fat .封 A.medicine B. lessons C. photos D . exercise ( ) 6.Uncle Tohn is too bus

3、y to help us .Never mind . Lets do it _. A. himself B . myself C. ourselves D. itself ( ) 7.Who taught _ English last term ? Was _ Mister Smith ? No , Miss White did . A. you , it B . you , he C. your , it D. your, that ( ) 8. There are _ people in my family.We live on the _ floor in a tall building

4、 . A. five ,six B. fifth ,sixth C. fifth , six D. five ,sixth( ) 9.Mr Brown has gone to Tokyo. He will be back_two weeks. A.after B.in C.by D.for( ) 10.Bill was told to write a notice and _. A.put on it B.put it on C.put up it D.put it up( ) 11.A lot of people got SARS last year.Its terrible.密 -Yes.

5、We should_ourselves and keep healthy. A.look for B.look over C.look after D.look up( ) 12.Remember this ,children,_careful you are,_mistakes you will make .We know,Miss Gao. A.The more,the more B.The fewer,the moreC.The more ,the fewer D.The less, the less( ) 13.What was the weather like yesterday?I

6、t was terrible.It rained so _that people could_go out.A.hardy hard B.hardlyhardly C.hardhardly D.hardhard( ) 14.What about the English novel?Its not very diffcult.There are only _new words in it. A.few B.a few C.many D.a little ( ) 15.May I go to play football now, Mum?OK. But you_be back before 5 o

7、clock. A.can B.must C.many D.need( ) 16.-Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata?Yes, it_really beautiful. A.feels B.sounds C.listens D.hears( ) 17.Mrs Gao asked those boys_so much noise. A.do not make B.not make C.not making D.not to make( ) 18.What shall we do this Sunday?Why _to the Science Mu

8、seum? A.not to go B.not go C.dont go D.not you go( ) 19.Lucy is always ready to help others.-_the girl is! A.How lovely B.What lovely C.What a lovely D.How a lovely( ) 20.He has few friends in the new school,_? A.has he B.is he C.doest he D.did he二、完形填空(10分)Li Ming 1 often late for school.The teache

9、r is very angry with him. “ 2 are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up 3 ,” answers Li Ming. “ 4 clock can wake you up,” says the teacher.“Yes,you are 5 .But it 6 work ,” says Li Ming.“Why dont you 7 it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh,I dont want it to work 8 ,” answers

10、 Li Ming.“If all of us are late for school, 9 do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh,thats great!There will be 10 schools in the world,” says Li Ming with a smile.( )1.A.is B.be C.does D.do( )2.A.Why B.When C.WhatD.Where( )3.A.quicklyB.early C.lateD.slowly( )4.A.You B.Your C.YoursD.Yourself ( )5.A.ri

11、ght B.wrong C.fineD.OK( )6.A.dont B.doesnt C.isntD.not( )7.A.take B.bring C.makeD.mend( )8.A.good B.nice C.wellD.fine( )9.A.whatB.why C.howD.where( )10.A.no B.not C.littleD.without三、阅读理解(30 分) ATom walked into a shop .It had a sign outside:“Secondhand clothes bought and sold .”He was carrying an old

12、 pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop .“How much will you give me for these ?”The man looked them and then said ,“Two dollars.”“What!” said Tom.“I had guessed they were worth at least five .“No” said the man .“They arent worth a cent more than two dollars .”“Well , said Tom , taking two

13、dollars out of his pocket ,”“heres your money . These trousers were hanging outside your shop .The list price of them was six dollars and a half .But I thought that was too much money , so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth . ” Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and dispeared before the shop owner could think of anything to sa



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