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1、新目标八年级英语下册第1-5 单元 新目标八年级英语下册第1-5 单元试题 一、选择填空(本题共40 小题,每小题1 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。 ( )1、 Kerry , Read this notice and then _ it on to Mr 、 Wang、 OK! I will 、 A、 throw B、 pass C、 carry D、 copy ( )2、 I dont _ riding on a bike very much; Id like to go to work on foot、 But it s a little far from your o

2、ffice, though、 A、 ask for B、 care for C、 call for D、 pay for ( )3、 Tom, look at the mess、 You shouldn t only watch TV 、 Sorry, mom、 I ll help to put things in their _ place at once 、 A、 comfortable B、 wrong C、 personal D、 proper ( )4、Are the chairs enough? No, we need five_ 、 A、 another B、 other C、

3、else D、 more ( )5、 Oh, I left my dictionary at home 、 Could I use yours?_、You can use mine、 A、 Here it is B、 No problem C、 So am I D、 I m sorry、 ( )6、 How did you go home after the game? We failed to _ the last bus, so we walked home 、 A、 miss B、 get off C、 catch D、 find out ( )7、 Which do you prefe

4、r, a CD player or a walkman? _、I prefer the new kind of computer 、 A、 Both B、 Either C、 None D、 Neither ( )8、 Your friends are very nice 、 You are right 、 I choose my friends on how we_ A、 get up B、 get off 、C、 get on D、 get in ( )9、 What about Japanese cars? The cars made in Japan are cheaper than_

5、 made in America、 A、 ones B、 those C、 that D、 it ( )10、 Who gave you the _ for the book? Nobody did 、 But I think it s really wellwritten 、 A、 time B、 address C、 mind D、 idea ( )11、 This way, please、 I d like to _ you to the door 、Thanks for having me 、 Bye! A、 show B、 bring C、 ask D、 find ( )12、 Do

6、 you think it is a lot of _ to play with your pet? Of course、 It s just like a clever child、 A、 time B、 place C、 problem D、 fun ( )13、 I was so _ about my exams that I couldn t sleep these days 、 You d better listen to light music 、 A、 nervous B、 excited C、 busy D、 pleased ( )14、 Mr、 Black _ him a v

7、ery good job but he refused it 、It s a pity、 A、 expected B、 promised C、 lost D、 offered ( )15、 Sima , I heard some passengers stayed at the station just now、 The conductor _ the passengers why the train was late、 A、 explained to B、 argued with C、 smiled at D、 replied to ( )16、 At school we should be

8、 quite _ what we should do every day 、 新目标八年级英语下册第1-5 单元 I think so 、 But we d better make a week plan first 、 A、 excited B、 independent C、 clear D、serious ( )17、Sit down and _ the article three times, do I make myself clear? OK! Please pass me a piece of paper Mr、 Zhang 、 A、 explain B、 read C、 trai

9、n D、 copy ( )18、 In everyone s _, John is a very friendly and pleasant person 、 He can get on well with us, you see 、 A、 advice B、 opinion C、 word D、 feeling ( )19、 It s not right to _ some of the students activities 、 I think some of the after- school activities are good for them 、 A、 work out B、 t

10、ry out C、 cut out D、 find out ( )20、 I can t stand the bad weather in Wuhan, There is too much rain these days、 It s a _ southern climate(气候 )。 A、similar B、 typical C、comfortable D、fantastic ( )21、 I don t care for her she s always _ trouble for us all 、 But I think she is just outgoing and a little

11、 noisy、 A、 causing B、 hating C、 caring D、 expecting ( )22、 How is Tom getting on with his study? Not good, He _can t keep up with his classmates、 A、 already B、 hardly C、 still D、 yet ( )23、 I can t find Mr、 Smith、 Oh, he left a _ saying that he s back home、 A、 message B、 sentence C, news D, voice (

12、)24、 Will you stay for dinner? Sorry, I _ 、 My brother is coming to see me 、 A、 mustn tB can t C、 needn t D、 wont ( )25、 I wonder whether Jack can do it well 、 I don t think he is_ to、 He is often careless、 A、 able B、 possible C、 ready D、 easy ( )26、 Will you come on Monday or Tuesday? I m afraid th

13、at _ day is possible、 I ll be busy next week 、 A、 either B、 neither C、 both D、 none ( ) 27、 Don t you mind if I open the door? _ 、 Its windy outside 、 A、 No, please not B、 Yes, please C、 Sure, you d better not D, Of course not 、 ( )28、May I _ your English book? _、 A、 lend; Sure B、 borrow; Go aheadC、

14、 get; Sure D、 use; Here you are ( ) 29、 Will you please give him the message when you see him? Certainly 、 But if I _ 、 A、 shall B、 must C、 can D、 need ( ) 30、 Is there a game between your class and Class Two? Yes、 It seems impossible that their team will _ ours 、 A、 beat B、 win C、 hit D、 knock ( )

15、31、 The reporter _ everything the news spokesman said, and the article was in the newspaper、 A、 fell down B、 took down C、 broke down D、 pulled down 新目标八年级英语下册第1-5 单元 ( )32、 It s not good for your health to stay up too late、 I know, but I won t go to bed _ I finish my homework first、 A、 until B、 as soon as C、 since D、 if ( )33、 Who did you find in the room?_、 A、 None B、 Nothing C、 No D、 Nobody ( )34、 Oh, I ve left my camera in the hotel、Don t worry 、 I ll _ it for you 、 A、 get B、 receive C、 offer D、 pay ( )35、 W


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