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1、 1 对外经济贸易大学对外经济贸易大学 2005 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试 411 金融学综合试题金融学综合试题 一、名词解释(每小题 4 分共 16 分) l、实际经济周期 2、平衡关税 3、贸易条件 4、审慎性监管 二、判断题 (只判断正误,无需改正,每小题 1 分,共 6 分) l、乌拉圭回合签署的服务贸易总协定将国际服务贸易界定为自然人流动、境外消 费、商业存在、跨境贸易四种形式。 2、国际商品协定中,缓冲存货指协定参加国通过建立战略性商品库存以应付可能发生 的供应短缺。 3、技术法规、标准与合格评定程序是绿色贸易壁垒采用的一种新形式。 4、一国对 IM

2、F 的债权,该国如果想提取并用于支付国际收支逆差,必须经过 IMF 的 许可。 5、欧洲债券是一国借款人在外国证券市场上发行的以该市场所在国货币表明面值的国 际债券。 6、资本帐户是按净额来记入借方和贷方的。 三、多项选择(每小题 2 分,共 8 分) l、以下属于商业银行表外业务的是_。 A承兑业务 B贴现业务 C信用证业务 D租赁业务 2、以下选项中,基于防范金融机构流动性风险而建立的制度是_。 A法定准备金制度 B贷款分级制度 C存款保险制度 D最后贷款人制度 3、根据我国现行的中华人民共和国外汇管理条例 ,属于外汇的是_。 A外国货币 B外币支付凭证 C外币有价证券 D特别提款权 4、

3、下列国际储备形式中,一国能主动增减的是_。 A黄金储备 B外汇储备 C在 IMF 的储备头寸 D特别提款权 四、简答题(每题 8 分,共 24 分) 1、在研究企业的成本变动规律中,规模经济、范围经济和学习曲线对企业的成本分别 有什么影响? 2、请指出货币政策的最终目标和中间目标的主要区别是什么?并说明在什么情况下,央 行主要以利率或者货币存量为目标来运用货币政策? 3、简述人力资本说对里昂惕夫之谜的解释。 五、论述题(每题 12 分,共 24 分) l、货币市场与资本市场具有不同的功能。但货币市场又与资本市场具有密切的联系。 试分析货币市场与资本市场各自的功能及两个市场之间的联系。 2、20

4、04 年 11 月 17 日美国财政部长约翰斯诺表示,市场是美元交易的最好决定者 这意味着美国政府可能不会采取措施干预汇率。当日,美元暴跌,而有分析家认为,下跌 才刚刚开始。 美国贬值使得人民币升值的压力再次加大。 请联系近两年我国在汇率问题上的 持续压力谈谈我国应如何应对人民币升值压力,并评价我国目前的汇率形成和决定机制。 六、论述与计算分析题(14 分) 已知总生产函数为 y=K0.5(AN)0.5,其中 K 为资本存量,A 为技术水平,N 为劳动力 2 数量。假定:A 为 l,N 以人口自然增长率 n=0.1 的速度增长, (1)写出人均生产函数的形式。 (2)根据新古典经济增长模型,当

5、储蓄率 s=20时。求经济稳定增长时的人均资本量 和人均收入。 (3)稳定状态下的人均收入增长率是多少?总收入增长率是多少? (4)说明有哪些因素影响稳态的人均收入增长率?如何影响? 七、案例分析题(8 分) 一投机者持有1000, 欲在国际外汇市场上进行套汇。 他所掌握的 3 个外汇市场同一时 刻的外汇牌价是: 伦敦市场 1=$1.859 纽约市场 $l=EURO 0.749 法兰克福市场 1=EURO 1.435 (1)什么是三角套汇? (2)如果想获得套汇利益的话,该投机者该如何进行套汇?请写出分析及计算过程。 八、英译汉(共三段,共 50 分) 1. The Classical The

6、ory of Motivation(20 分)分) The classical theory of motivation can be stated simply;Money is the sole motivator in the workplaceIn this view, human beings are economic creatures who work only to pay for food, clothing, and shelter (and whatever luxuries they may be able to afford beyond that) To motiv

7、ate workers,then,a manger has only to show them that theyll earn more money by doing things the companys way. he chief spokesperson for the classical theory was Frederick W. Taylor (1856 1915) A firm believer in the division of labor, Taylor broke work into small units that were both efficient and e

8、asy to measureHe then determined a reasonable level of productivity for each task and established a quota, or minimum goal,that he expected each worker to reachUnder this piecework system,workers who just met or fell short of the quota were paid a certain amount for each unit producedThose who surpa

9、ssed it were paid at a higher rate for all units produced,not just for those that exceeded the quotaNeedless to say, his system gave workers a strong incentive to increase productivity. About 1 900 Taylors system, called scientific management,was introduced at Bethlehem Steel with impressive results

10、The average steel handlers wage rose from $1.1 5 to$1.85 a day, and productivity increased So sharply that handling costs were cut by more than halfThe experiment had a profitable outcome for everyone. The classical theory of motivation worked well in the early pan of this century for a good reason:

11、Most workers were very poorToday, however, classical theory fails to explain why a person whose spouse makes a good living will still want to work or why a Wall Street lawyer will take a hefty pay cut to serve in governmentClearly, money is not the only thing that motivates people to work (as Taylor

12、 was quite aware-he also did pioneer work in job design and worker health) 2. A China Upstart Takes on Ebay(20 分)分) Chinese Internet entrepreneur Jack Ma is a small man with elfin featuresIts easier to imagine a stiff wind blowing him across the surface of West Lake, the main tourist attraction in h

13、is hometown of Hangzhou,that to picture him blocking the g1obal expansion drive of an online juggernaut like eBay. And yet thats just what Ma,CEO of a little-known B2B auction site called 3 A,is doing“we were scared, ”Ma says of his reaction in March 2002 when eBay paid $30 million for a 33stake in

14、EachNet,Chinas first and largest online trading site for consumersMa now calls eBay“a lot weaker than we thought ” Last year, just weeks after eBay spent $l 50 million to acquire the remaining 67 of EachNet,Ma put A in direct competition by launching a rival consumer site called T (Chinese for“diggi

15、ng for treasure” ) Ma,a former English teacher who has been hailed by many as the father of Chinas Internet since he registered Chinas first website in 1995, insists eBay will prove n0 match for Taobaos local savvy and superior customer serviceand no user feesEBay, he saysmay be the“shark in the oce

16、an,but we are the crocodile in the Yangtze River ” The water these sharp。toothed creatures inhabit will soon be far widerChina has more than 80 million Internet users,making it the worlds second1argest internet population after the U.S But eBay CEO Meg Whitman thinks the number of Chinese Netizens could soar to 500 million, which over the next ten to 1 5 years would


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