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1、2009 年 04 月更新 Update in 04/2009 2.8.5 屈臣氏贵宾卡管理屈臣氏贵宾卡管理 Watsons Loyalty Card management 屈臣氏贵宾卡,又称屈臣氏 VIP 卡。见后附图例。 Watsons Loyalty Card, also call Watsons VIP Card. Sample as the enclosed. 屈臣氏贵宾卡推行的目的:屈臣氏贵宾卡推行的目的: The purpose of Watsons Loyalty Card: 1. 体现公司对客户的关怀和重视 Materialize the care and regard to

2、 customer 2. 促进顾客的忠诚度 Hasten the loyalty of customer 3. 提升购买频率和单次消费金额至目标 Upgrade purchase frequency and average transaction value 屈臣氏贵宾卡的保管屈臣氏贵宾卡的保管 Watsons Loyalty Card storage 店铺的屈臣氏贵宾卡按正常货品方式保管,损耗由店铺承担。 Watsons Loyalty card keep in stock room specific place,shrinkage will be charged with store. 屈

3、臣氏贵宾卡的售卖屈臣氏贵宾卡的售卖 Sell Watsons Loyalty Card 店铺销售屈臣氏贵宾卡均须过机,相关赠品也须过机扫描。 Watsons Loyalty Card need to be scanned when it is sold out, and free gift for Loyalty card need to be scanned too. 注:屈臣氏贵宾卡相关赠品,必须随卡销售时送出。 Remark: The free gift for Loyalty member, only give out while the card sold 屈臣氏贵宾卡的申请屈臣氏贵

4、宾卡的申请 Apply Watsons Loyalty Card 顾客在店铺支付 10 元,获得屈臣氏贵宾卡,可选择在网上填写个人资料,激活贵宾卡; 或通过会员服务热线激活贵宾卡。 Customer pays 10 RMB, apply Watsons Loyalty Card, on website or call hotline to fill in personal information, complete the activation of Loyalty Card,or complete the activation through member service hotline.

5、屈臣氏贵宾卡的使用屈臣氏贵宾卡的使用 Use Watsons Loyalty Card PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 2009 年 04 月更新 Update in 04/2009 A. 联网时的操作:联网时的操作: Operation with network 1. 收银员在扫描商品前, 须询问顾客是否有屈臣氏卡, 须在扫描商品前扫描屈臣氏贵 宾卡条码。 Cashier scans loyalty card before scan product when VIP member purchase. 2. 顾客持屈臣氏贵宾卡购物满 10 元人民币可获得 1 点积

6、分,每 2 点积分可当 0.1 元 人民币现金使用,可用于购买屈臣氏店内任意商品. Every 10 RMB purchase get 1 membership point, every 2 membership point redeem 0.1 RMB for purchase any product in Watsons store. 3. 贵宾卡会员生日月任何一天到店铺购物,可获双倍积分,结算金额每 10 元人民币 可获得 2 积分。 The member customer earns double bonus point in birthday month purchase, ever

7、y 10 RMB, gets 2 points. a. 顾客在其生日月内获得双倍积分的奖赏具有上限, 购买额度的上限为 300 元。 超过 300 元的购物积分,按正常积分方式处理。 Member customers birthday month purchase limited in 300 RMB for earning double bonus point. Beyond 300 RMB purchase, same as normal collecting point procedure. b. 生日月的双倍奖赏积分以购物累积基本积分为基础计算,所有额外赠送的积分 都不会在生日月双倍积

8、分内重复计算。 Member customers birthday month purchase earning double bonus point base on basic purchase point, all extra presented point will not calculate into double bonus point. 4. 屈臣氏贵宾卡专享优惠: 顾客持屈臣氏贵宾卡, 可参加贵宾会员专享的各种优惠活 动。 Watsons Loyalty Card member special promotion activity: Watsons Loyalty Card me

9、mber customer can enjoy the Watsons Loyalty Card member special promotion activity. 5. 积分查询 Check membership point 贵宾卡积分查询的方式有:网上查询、销售小票票尾信息、店铺柜台查询、会员服 务热线查询。 The ways for checking loyalty card membership point: website, receipt statement, store cashier counter, member service hotline. 6. 有效期:屈臣氏贵宾卡

10、没有有效期,可长期使用;会员积分有效期为截至获取积分 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 2009 年 04 月更新 Update in 04/2009 之日的下一自然年末。 Expired date: Watsons Loyalty Card no expired date. Loyalty member point valid time is from the date get the credit point to next year last day. 7. 如顾客申请会员卡,付款后要求开发票,店铺根据各区财务部公布的申请流程,申 请开具营业税发票(不能使用普

11、通销售发票)。 If member customers ask for invoice for membership fee , store should issue on business tax invoice, forbiden to issue sale invoice for VIP card selling, detail please refer to regional financial department regulation. 8. 顾客会员卡遗失,可通过网上报失或会员服务热线报失。 Customer loses Watsons Loyalty Card, report

12、loss through website or member service hotline. - 会员卡一经报失, 马上会被冻结, 无法再使用 (既不可累积积分也不可使用积 分)。 Loyalty Card which is reported loss, will be frozen, can not use for save credit point or use credit point. - 遗失会员卡的顾客,重新申请(购买)会员卡后,可将原遗失的会员卡分数转 移到新会员卡上。 After loss, Loyalty Card member can apply new loyalty

13、card, and transfer the loss card credit point to new card. - 如店铺工作人员拾获顾客的会员卡,按 2.9.9 顾客遗留物品店铺操作程序处理。 Store staff finds any customers Loyalty Card, operate as 2.9.9 Handling Customers Belongings. 9. 会员顾客购物后,要求退货,会涉及积分的扣减: Member customer refund, relate to deducting credit point: a. 若退货商品是之前获取了积分的,退货时

14、系统会按商品的出售时的售价除以 10,然后按所得的整数值从客户帐户中扣减积分。 If the refund product which earned credit point, deduct the points as the integer number which is price divided 10. - 若顾客帐户余额满足积分扣减,返还商品金额 (按一般退货程序)。 If there are enough points in customer members account, refund as normal procedure. - 若顾客帐户余额不足以抵扣应返还的积分时, 只能换

15、货不能退货。 If there are not enough points in customer member account, just exchange product instead of refund. 注:在进行退货操作前,须先确认顾客帐户积分是否能满足扣减分数,注:在进行退货操作前,须先确认顾客帐户积分是否能满足扣减分数, 才能操作才能操作 退货。退货。 PDF 文件使用 pdfFactory Pro 试用版本创建 2009 年 04 月更新 Update in 04/2009 Check if there are enough points in members account

16、 to deduct the points before refund. b. 若退货商品是之前用积分换购的, 则尽量请求顾客进行换货。 若顾客坚持退货, 则作退货但积分不返还。 If the product redeem by points, try to ask the customer to exchange the product. If customer insists on refunding, the points can not be returned. c. 若退货商品是积分换购与其他付款方式(如现金、信用卡等)混合支付的,尽量 请求顾客进行换货。若顾客坚持,可作退货处理,系统将扣减基本积分(退货 商品非积分换购支付金额除以 10), 但用于换购的积分不予以返还。 If the product is redeemed by points and mix with other



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