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1、(冀教版)六年级英语下册期末试卷,teach(过去式) light(反义词) buy(过去式) fast(比较级) nine(序数词),一、 词汇。 按要求写单词。 teeth (单数) lie (现在分词) wash(单三形式) lose(反义词) leaves(单数) 短语互译。 1.at the airport 3.say hello to 5.at the sports store 7.洗脸,2.be good for 4.a basketball player 6.去游泳 8. 一双跑鞋,从星期一到星期五 10.努力工作 二、单项选择。 ()1.-do you play basket

2、ball?-Once a week. A.How manyB.How muchC.How oftenD.How old ()2.I will runthan the police officer? A.fastB.fastterC.fasterD.fastr ()3. kite looks like a bird,but looks like a circle. A.Yours,mineB.yours,myC.your,mineD.your,my,1,()4.I dont have A.some ()5.-Why? A.Before,soup. B.anyC.many - its good f

3、or you. B.BecauseC.AfterD.What,()6.Dont late for school A./B.wasC.beD.is,D.in,()7.Its 7:00 now. Time breakfast. A.toB.atC.at ()8.The weather is .,C.warmer and warmer,A.warm and warmB.warmer and warm ()9. Li Ming is soon.,A.comeB.comesC.comein,D.comeing,()10.What would you like supper?,D.with,A.toB.i

4、n ()11. My house is on,A. thirdB. the third,C.for floor. C. three,D. the three,()12.We send some cards to our teachers on,。,ATeachers Day C. Teacher Day,B. Teachers day D. the Teachers Day,()13. Whose desk is this? Its A. Jim and Tom C. Jims and Tom,B. Jims and Toms D. Jim and Toms,()14.He is playin

5、g piano and she is playing football.,C. /; theD. a; the,A. the; /B. /; / ()15. Have you got a map,A. ofB. sC. in,Shanghai? D. to,()16. Lily is wearing purple shorts,a Thursday morning.,B. in,D. to,C. on have lunch.,A. at ()17. Its time A .to,B .for,C. of,D. /,D. tobuy,2,()18. Where did youthe Mp3. A

6、. buyB. boughtC. buying ()19. he like music? A. AreB. DoC. Does,D. Is,()20. Do you have erasers?,D . a,A. someB. anyC. an 三、给问句选答句。,()1.How does Amy feel?A.I went swimming. ()2.What did you do last weekend? B.He is a teacher. ()3.Where does the rain come from?C.It comes from the cloud. ()4.Whatsyour

7、father?D.We have social studies. ()5.What do you have on Monday?E.She is tired. 四、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 I have a beautiful cat. ( it )name is Mimi . Listen! Some girls (sing) in the classroom. He often (have) dinner at home. There (be) some water in the bottle. Its Friday today . What she (do) this weeken

8、d? Tom (fly) kites in the playground yesterday. Do they like (swim)。 Look! She is (draw) a picture. Danny eats cakes ,eggs and (grape) for lunch. Yesterday he (be) late for the meeting. 五、从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话。 Helen: What are you looking at, Tom?,3,Tom: 1 Helen: 2 Tom: Ill leave on the first of the Ne

9、w Year. Helen: How will you get there? Tom: 3 Helen: My Dad went to there last year. 4 Tom: 5 A. When will you leave?C. Thats great! D.The Great Wall, Im going there on holiday. E. I want to go there, too.B. By plane. 六、找错并改正。,1. Iam read AB,2. Everyoneareyour,abook now.() CD teacher.() D,BC Jennygo

10、es B,swimmingtomorrow.() CD,yesterday?() D,A Will A Didyouateice-ream ABC Thisismy AB,pencil, thatis your.() CD,七、根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T) 误(F)。 An English student went to a city in Australia to study. He walked around the city to look for a warm room. One evening he was walking along the street with a map.

11、 He saw a small board in the window of a house. The word“Room ”was on it。“What a nice room it is!”he said, “the window are in the south side 。 The sun will come into the room during the day. I like it. But he was wrong. The sun is always in the north in the city. Do you know why? ()1. The English student went to Australia for a trip. ()2. He knows the city very well. ()3. The sun is always I the north in that city. ()4. He liked the room because he thought the sun would come into the room during the day. ()5. The English student was wrong because the city is near the south end of the earth.,


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