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1、最新教育资料精选 1 / 9 最新精选外研版初中英语九年级下Module 6 Eating togetherUnit 2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food. 拔高训练第十五篇 第 1 题【单选题】 Would you like some milk ? _ A、Yes, please B、The same to you C、Help yourself D、My pleasure 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 2 题【单选题】 The visitors enjoy _ in this town very much because it i

2、s very beautiful. A、live B、living C、to live D、to be living 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 3 题【单选题】 _, he doesn t go out on Friday evening A、General 最新教育资料精选 2 / 9 B、For general C、In general D、In generally 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 4 题【单选题】 一 Welcome to my home for dinner,children Help to some chicken I ll cook some fish for you

3、 一 Thank you,Aunt Li A、yourself B、you C、yourselves D、ourselves 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 5 题【单选题】 You can do _ you _ A、like ; like B、as ; as C、like ; as D、as ; like 【答案】: 【解析】: 最新教育资料精选 3 / 9 第 6 题【单选题】 I told him the news _ he came back yesterday. A、until B、as soon as C、unless 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 7 题【单选题】 The little

4、 boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. A、offered B、brought C、lent D、looked 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 8 题【单选题】 Our teacher told us to do he did A、to B、as C、for D、by 最新教育资料精选 4 / 9 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 9 题【单选题】 _ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one A、Pick B、Bring C、Carry D、Take 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 10 题【

5、填空题】 根据首字母提示补全单词 Please bring this g_ a glass of beer. I think it is my duty to s_ the people . Dont be c_ with the child for being late. I saw a beautiful bird on the w_. A w_ is red inside and green outside. 【答案】: 最新教育资料精选 5 / 9 【解析】: 第 11 题【阅读理解】 根据短文内容,完成下列问题。 Almost every kid in this country ha

6、s ever eaten Hershey chocolate. But do you know that the Hershey chocolate factory is more than one hundred years old? And do you know that the father of Hershey Chocolate, Milton Hershey, had many failures in business before he started his famous company? Milton Hershey grew up in Pennsylvania. Bef

7、ore he became interested in making chocolate, he worked as a printer for a small newspaper at first, and then decided that printing was not the right job for him. Then he worked at a candy factory in Lancaster. After working a few years there, he decided to open his own little candy business near Ph

8、iladelphia. His first business failed because it was not making money. After that, he went to Denver to learn how to make caramels(焦糖 ). He took his new skills back to New York and worked selling candies on the street. But his second business also failed. Finally, Milton Hershey moved back to Pennsy

9、lvania where he grew up. He then experimented with all sorts of different candies and chocolate. By 1893 he was selling a million dollars worth of caramel candy each year. Since his chocolate-flavored( 巧克力味的 ) caramels were the best selling, he decided to make chocolate himself. By experimenting, Mi

10、lton Hershey discovered how to make delicious chocolate. The area where he lived had a large and easy suppl y of milk and sugar, which helped him succeed in his c hocolate business. In 1903, Milton Hershey built a huge chocolate factory and a town to go with it. Today, the town of Hershey is still t

11、he home if the factory that Milton Hershey built. And if you ever visit, you can smell delicious chocolate smells just but driving through the town. The factory is not so hard to find, Just travel down Cocoa Avenue until you get to East Chocolate Avenue. Turn right at the traffic lights and just fol

12、low your nose. Who is the father of Hershey Chocolate? Where did he grow up? 最新教育资料精选 6 / 9 Why did he go to Denver? Why did he decide to make chocolate himself? What might be the reasons for Hershey s success in his chocolate business? 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 12 题【翻译】 根据汉语意思完成句子 这项工作将于明年年初开始。 The work will b

13、egin_next year 我们常说: “ 人乡随俗。 ” We often say,“ When in Rome,_the Romans_ 最新教育资料精选 7 / 9 昨天她因他迟到而十分生气。 She_quite_him for being late yesterday 他主动提出代替我去。 He_instead of me 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 13 题【选词填空(词汇运用)】 Knives can_cutting things. _is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. I can t eat _; my stomach is bu

14、lging. It is harmful to your health to drink _. 最新教育资料精选 8 / 9 The coffee break _; its about time you set to work. 【答案】: 【解析】: 第 14 题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】 根据汉语提示完成句子 Yesterday I visited my aunt and she_( 为 端上 )me with a lot of delicious food School is_(结束 )at 5 oclock in the afternoon -Why was Mr Black_( 生气的 )with you? -Because I didn t hand in my homework Butterflies_( 翅膀 )are very beautiful In the hall there are three_( 男士 )talking 【答案】: 【解析】: 最新教育资料精选 9 / 9 第 15 题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】 根据中文写出单词。 _n.西方人 _n西方 (尤指西欧和北美) _v端上;服侍 进餐 _adj相似的 【答案】: 【解析】:


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