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1、云南省昆明市第一中学2019届高三英语上学期第一次月考试题(扫描版)2019届高中新课标高三第一次摸底测试 英语答案第一部分:听力(30分)第一节(7.5分): 1-5 BACBC第二节(22.5分): 6-10 ACABA 11-15 ABBBC 16-20 BCACC 第二部分:阅读理解 (40分)第一节(30分): 21-23 CBB 24-27 DDAA 28-31 BBCA 32-35 DDAC第二节(10分): 36-40 GFCED第三部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(30分): 41-45 CABDA 46-50 BABCB 51-55 DCDDA 56-60 B

2、DCCA第二节(15分):61. released 62. a 63. whom 64. have suffered 65. Worse66. to 67. having 68. opportunities 69. will be supported 70. to live第四部分:写作 (35分)第一节: 短文改错(10分)With peoples life improved great, more than 70% of the families in our city had bought at greatly haveleast one car for their own use. I

3、n consequence, more and more private cars appear on the road, especially during those rush hour, causing traffic jams frequently. Many citizens also complain hoursthat where there are various problems causing by heavy traffic on the road. causedTo ease such problems, I suggest that we must limit the

4、 number of private cars. Beside, we 或改为should Besidesought to promote public transport so as to provide the citizens fast and withconvenient transportation. In the end, there is necessary for the government to wide the roads in it widenthe city center to promote the flow of traffic in the city.第二节:书

5、面表达(25分)【参考范文】Dear Bob, Hearing about your trip plan to China, I cant wait to introduce a very popular tool to you, which can make your travel more convenient.Nowadays, China is rapidly becoming a cashless society. Nearly everyone who has a smart phone has an Alipay account which can be linked to a

6、personal bank account. Using your phone as your wallet is much safer and quicker than carrying lots of cash with you. To pay varieties of bills, you just need to scan the OR code and confirm the deal. Moreover, its easier to keep track of how much you spend. Please keep in mind that you must keep yo

7、ur phone safe and remember your account password. Wish you a happy journey.Yours,Li Hua【答案详解】第二部分:阅读理解(40分)第一节(30分): A篇【语篇导读】应用文。 文章介绍了一种可以用来治疗心衰的药“ENTRESTO”的使用注意事项。21.C细节判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句“To help increase your chances of more tomorrows”可知,ENTRESTO可以提高患者的生存几率。故选C。22.B 细节判断题。根据文章第五段“Do not take ENTREST

8、O if you:”和第7段“have had an allergic reaction including swelling of your face”可知,如果服用ACE或ARB导致了脸唇等部位肿胀或呼吸困难等过敏反应,就不能服用ENTRESTO。故选B。23.B 细节判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Call your doctor if you develop extreme tiredness.”可知,极度疲惫属于过敏反应之一。故选B。B篇【语篇导读】说明文。 文章介绍了与网络连接的芭比娃娃的功能以及人们对这类玩具的看法。24. D 词组推断题。根据文章第二段第一至第三句“The Barb

9、ie will be able to play games and tell stories or jokes the doll may prefer to this in a future chat.”可知,数码芭比娃娃和孩子之间可以进行交流。故选D。25. D 细节判断题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句“Companies take a lot of care making sure that there are white lists and black lists for content”可知,公司会确保孩子上网内容的安全性。根据文章最后一段第二句至第三句 “Such toys can s

10、trengthen traditional play using their imagination ”可知,孩子们既可以上网玩芭比娃娃,也可以用传统的方法玩。所以,只要处理恰当,数码芭比娃娃是会对孩子有益的。故选D。26. A 推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句 “The number one request we hear from girls is that they want to have a conversation with Barbie,”可知,女孩们想和芭比娃娃进行对话。公司希望创造出这一产品来吸引孩子们。故选A。27. A 推理判断题。从全文可知,文章介绍了与网络连接的芭比

11、娃娃的功能以及人们对这类玩具的看法。故选A。C篇【语篇导读】记叙文。 文章介绍了英国著名歌手Harry Styles单飞后的成功单曲“Sign of the Times”。28. B 细节判断题。根据文章第一段“One Direction is the decades most successful boy band”可知,One Direction是近10年来最受欢迎的乐队。故选B。29. B 细节判断题。根据文章第四段第二句“Theres no question Harry wanted to make a statement and set himself apart from his

12、past work.”可知,Harry想通过这首歌曲表明,他的音乐和以往所在乐队的音乐是不同的,所以Harry的单曲显示了他自己的音乐风格。故选B。30.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“encouraging other artists to expand what is considered successful at mainstream radio today”可知,Harry的这首单曲激发其他的艺术家们思考:在当今的主流电台播放的音乐中, 什么音乐才是成功的音乐。所以,可以得知Harry的单曲在主流音乐中是突出的。故选C。31. A 主旨判断题。从全文可知,文章介绍了英国著名

13、歌手Harry Styles单飞后的成功单曲“Sign of the Times”。A项具有概括性和针对性。故选A。D篇【语篇导读】议论文。 文章讨论了“共享”的理念:不仅要接受,而且要关注。32.D 细节判断题。根据文章第三段第二句“the core concept behind them has already changed the meaning of sharing beyond recognition.”可知,共享单车所体现的共享经济的理念已经完全改变了共享原本的意义。故选D。33. D推理判断题。根据文章最后一段第一句至第三句“In economics, we learn of

14、a theory called the tragedy of the commons humankind has already done ghastly things to it.”可知,在“公悲理论”里,在使用一个共享资源时,个体只会从自己的利益出发而不关注他们的行为如何影响共享资源。正是如此,人类对地球,我们共同的资源,进行了可怕的破坏。所以,在使用一辆共享单车时,我们应该更加关注我们的行为对它造成的影响。故选D。34. A词义判断题。根据文章最后一段第二句“It is the idea how their actions may affect the resource.”可知,个体通常不关注自己的行为如何影响共享资源。再从本段最后一句提出的主张“ is not going to waste ”, 可以推断人类对地球所做的事是可怕的。故选A。35.C主旨判断题。从全文可知,文章谈论了“共享”的理念:不仅是接受,而且要关注。C项具有概括性和针对性。故选C。第二节(10分)【语篇导读】说明文。 文章介绍了影响新闻价值的四个因素。36.G 根据上一句“But what makes news newsworthy?”,本句进一步指出,决定一个故事是否有新闻价值,由一系列因素决定。故选G。37.F 根据上一句“Topics which ar



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