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1、Unit 6 Self Check . 阅读下面包含本单元词汇的短文,从方框中选单词并用其适当形式完成短文 hobby, relationship, discuss, doctor, they , promise, scientist, paint, begin, resolution As college students, we often 1._ these questions, “ What are you going to be in the future ?” “Do you want to 2._ your life colorfully ?” Different student

2、s have different answers. Most boys want to be pilots, engineers, computer programmers or 3._. Many girls want to be violinists or pianists . Others want to be cooks or drivers . These jobs meaning is great. They can enjoy 4._ in working. So no one questions these jobs. As for me, my parents want me

3、 to be a professional 5._ because Im studying medicine in a foreign university in London . But I m not sure about it. In fact, my personal 6._ is reading. At the 7._, Im taking up my hobby and I often write some articles and send them to a weekly newspaper. Then my own 8._ is to be a teacher. This h

4、as to do with my life. I often play with some students in a football team . From them, I decide to give them a good educationand little schoolwork . I think Im able to improvethe 9._ between the teachers and students. I am a man who makes a 10._ and carries it out. Do you agree with me? .用方框中所给单词或短语

5、的适当形式填空 can, be able to 11As long as you work hard, your dream will _ come true. 12My son _ walk when he was ten months old. 13You must _ speak French for this job. 14I think he _ work out the math problem right now. .用所给单词的适当形式填空 15No one helped them. So they had to do it _ (them) 16Although he is

6、four years old, he is able to _ (read) and write. 17At the _ (begin) of the show, we all got a surprise. 18He promised _ (see) his old friend during his stay in Tianjin. 19Singing is one of my _ (hobby) and I am good at it. 20The novel is written from _ (person) experience. .根据汉语意思完成句子 21李明长大后想成为一名飞

7、行员。 Li Ming wants to be a pilot when he _ _. 22首先,确保打印机里有足够的纸张。 First, _ _ the printer has enough paper in it. 23如果你能画得很好,就可以加入这个俱乐部。 If you _ _ _ paint very well, you can join the club. 24她打算培养一种爱好。 She is going to _ _ a hobby. 25如果你许下诺言,你就应该遵守它。 If you _ _ _ , you should keep it. .单项填空 ()26. Tom,

8、what are you doing? Im _ drawing because I want to be a painter. Ataking up Bcleaning up Cputting up D making up ()27.When she heard the good news, she was _ excited _ say a word. Atoo; to Bso; that Cvery; to D enough; to ()28.Some children in the villages must look after _ because their parents wor

9、k in the cities. Athem Btheir Ctheirs D themselves ()29.The baby is only 10 months old. She isnt _ walk or eat by herself. Aable to Bup to Cclose to D similar to ()30.I _ the shop. Can I get you anything? Ago to Bwent to Cam going to D goes to .用所给动词的适当形式完成短文 The summer vacation is coming. All the s

10、tudents in Class Two are happy. Listen! They 31._ (talk) about their vacation plans in the classroom. “ Last summer, I stayed at home and 32._ (do) nothing , ” says Harry. “ This time I 33._ (do) something different. China is a beautiful country. I 34._ (fly) there this summer.” “Sounds great! My pa

11、rents and I 35._ (spend) time in the countryside. We 36._ (take) walks and ride bikes there,” says Alice. “It will be a great holiday. I cant wait !” .阅读理解 On Monday, July 29th, 2019, millions of people in Ethiopia, an African country, planted more than 350 million trees in 12 hours. The event was p

12、art of the countrys Green Legacy Initiative(GLI“绿色遗产”计划). People there hope to protect their country. In the early 20th century, the countrys forest was 35% of the land. And how about now? Its just above 4%. GLI plans to plant 4 billion trees in the country by October. They already finished planting

13、 2.6 billion trees. “We not only meet our plan but also exceed it,” a person working for GLI said on Monday. GLI planned to plant 200 million trees that day. Other countries and groups have taken the same action. In 2017, people in India planted 66 million trees in 12 hours. Australia plans to plant

14、 a billion trees by 2030. The African Union, a group of 55 African countries, is going to build a “ Great Green Wall” of trees to stop the spread(扩展 ) of the Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠 ) In 2019, Swiss scientists showed a new report. The report appeared in the magazine Science. The report says that plantin

15、g 12 trillion trees around the world could help clean the air of the earth. Trees use carbon dioxide(二氧化碳 ) to grow. This helps clean the air. ()37.Ethiopia is a(n) _ country. AAfrican BAsian CEuropean DAmerican ()38.Whats the main idea of the first two paragraphs? AWhy GLI made the plan.BHow GLI started the plan. CWhere GLI started the plan.DWhere GLI planted the trees. ()39.What does the underlined word “ exceed ” mean in Chinese? A减少B执行


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