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1、 第 - 1 - 页 共 4 页 课 题 Grammar教学目标 代词教学重点及难点 会灵活运用代词教学过程教学流程 教师活动 学生活动 Step1 Listening The students listen and do Activity 1Step2 Reading The students read Activity 3 and fill in the form in Activity 5.Step3. Answer the questionsThe students ask and answer in pairs and then show the answers to the cla

2、ss.四 .指示代词1.近指: this these 远指: that those 2.用法:1)that those 常用来代替前面出现的人或物,以避免重复 . That 代替可数名词的单数或不可数名词. Those 代替复数名词.The weather in Guangdong is hotter than _ in Qinghai .The books in that shop are cheaper than _in this shop.A.this B.that C.one D.those 2)this ,that 可代替句子或句子的一个部分 ,that 代替前面提到的句子而this

3、 代替下面提到的句子.He had a bad cold ,that is why he didnt come .3)在电话用语中,this 代替自己,而 that 代替对方.This is Tom speaking . Who is that ?五 .不定代词的区别 .1.one 与 it 的区别One 代替同类事物中的一种. 而 it 代替上文中出现的某事物.This book is a good one . May I borrow it ?2.some 与 any 的区别一般情况下,some 用于肯定句,any 用于否定,疑问句,条件句中.但在表建议的疑问句中,仍用 some 代 an

4、y. 常用于 could / would / May 开头或 what about /how about . 的句中。May I have some water ?He asked me for some paper , but I didnt have any .3.many 与 much 的区别Many+可数名词的复数 Much+不可数名词 都相当于 a lot of +复数名词/不可数名词注:a lot of 不能用于否定句中. 否定句中用 many /much .4.a few /few /a little /little 的区别The story is easy to read .

5、there are _ new words in it .Hurry up ! There is _ time left .表否定(几乎没有) 表肯定(有一点/几个)修饰可数名词 few a few修饰不可数名词 little a littleStep 1. Dictition Have the students read the words and phrases in Unit 1, the have a dictition.Step 2. Work in pairs . Do Activity One . 第 - 2 - 页 共 4 页 5.each / every 的区别each 表示

6、两者或两者以上的人或物中的每一个.而 every 表示三者或三者以上的人或物中的每一个.There are trees and frowers on _ side of the street ._ student has read a story .注:each 可以与 of 连用, each of 作主语时,谓语动词用单数.而 every 不能与 of 连用.只能放在名词前作定语 .Each of us _(study )hard .6.no one 与 none 的区别no one 表示没有人, 不能与 of 连用. 而 none of +复数名词/ 代词,作主语时,谓语常用单数。.The

7、 boys were all tired , but _ of them stopped to have a rest .7.both /neither /either /all / none / any 的区别There are many trees on _ side of the river . A. both B.any C.either D.all 注: 1). both 的否定词是 neither , all 的否定词是 none.2).both of 作主语时 ,谓语动词用复数 .neither of 作主语时, 谓语动词用单数.Neither of the answers _(

8、be) right .Both of my parents _(be) workers.3).词组 A) both and 连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数. 同义词组 :not only but also 反义词组: neither nor Not only you but also she likes watching TV.= _ you _ she like watching TV .= You like watching TV , _ _ she .B) either or 或者 或者 , neithernor 既不也不 连接两个主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则.Neither you n

9、or he _ (be ) right .One of Lily and Lucy is going to the park. = _ Lily _Lucy _ going to the park.C) either 也可用于否定句中的 “也”D) neither 也可表示 “ 也不” 句型: neither sb 某人也不怎么样.If you dont go there , _ _ I . (我也不去)4) how many /how much 的回答:用 none 回答.Who 的回答:用 no one 回答.What 的回答:用 nothing 回答.How many students

10、are there in the classroom ? _.Who can answer the question ? _.A. None B.No one C.Nothing 8.other /the other /others /the others 的区别都 都不 任何一个两者之间 both neither either三者或三者以上 all none any 第 - 3 - 页 共 4 页 注: 1) one the other 表示两者之间的一个另一个2) some others 表示一些 一些3) another 表示三者以上的不确定数目中的另一个. 只能修饰可数名词的单数.但

11、another +数字 + 复数名词 = 数字+ more +复数名词 表示 “ 另外几个”Would you like _ apple ?I have two brothers , one is a teacher , _ is a worker .Some are cleaning the classroom , _ are sweeping the window .There are 20 teachers in our school . Eight of them are men teachers ,and _ are women teachers 9.Every one of us

12、has seen the film .Everyone should do their best .10.复合不定代词.注: 1.复合不定代词作主语时 , 谓语动词用单数.2.形容词修饰不定代词时, 形容词放在不定代词之后.3.动词不定式修饰不定代词时, 动词不定式放在不定代词之后.4.复合不定代词用于反义疑问句中, 1)指人的不定代词, 其反义疑问句中的主语用 he 或 they .2)指物的不定代词, 其反义疑问句中的主语用 it .5.any ,anything ,anyone, anyboby 也可用于肯定句中,表示 “任何/任何物/任何人”Everything _(begin ) t

13、o grow in spring , _ _ ?Is there _(一些有趣的事)in todays newpaper ?I want something _ (eat ).(空)后面没有名词 (空)后面有名词有数量限制 (特指) the others the other没有数量限制 (泛指) others othereveryone 每个,人人,大家 不与 of 连用every one 每个人、物 可与 of 连用some any no everything something anything nothing everythingone someone anyone no one eve

14、ryonebody somebody anybody nobody everybody 第 - 4 - 页 共 4 页 归纳总结1.复合不定代词作主语时, 谓语动词用单数.2.形容词修饰不定代词时, 形容词放在不定代词之后.3.动词不定式修饰不定代词时, 动词不定式放在不定代词之后.4.复合不定代词用于反义疑问句中, 1)指人的不定代词, 其反义疑问句中的主语用 he 或 they .2)指物的不定代词, 其反义疑问句中的主语用 it .5.any ,anything ,anyone, anyboby 也可用于肯定句中,表示 “任何/ 任何物/任何人”布置作业活页题板书设计A) both an

15、d 连接两个主语时,谓语动词用复数. 同义词组:not only but also 反义词组: neither nor Not only you but also she likes watching TV.= _ you _ she like watching TV .= You like watching TV , _ _ she .B) either or 或者或者 , neithernor 既不也不 连接两个主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则.Neither you nor he _ (be ) right .One of Lily and Lucy is going to the park. = _ Lily _Lucy _ going to the park.C) either



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