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1、【备考资料】托福TPO3口语 Task6 题目文本及答案解析 在托福口语备考中,想要快速提升自己的托福口语能力,除了不断的累积自己的词汇和句型之外,从 TPO练习入手也不失为一个不错的方法。那么,在以下内容我们就为大家带来托福口语TPO的题目和答案解 析。 托福 TPO3口语 task6 题目 Listening Part: Now listen to part of a lecture in a Psychology class. The professor is discussing advertising strategies. Professor (female) In adverti

2、sing various strategies are used to persuade people to buy products. In order to sell more products, advertisers will often try to make us believe that a product will meet our needs or desires perfectly, even if its not true. The strategies that they use can be subtle, friendly forms of persuasion t

3、hat are sometimes hard to recognize. In a lot of ads, repetition is a key strategy. Research shows that repeated exposure to a message, even something meaningless or untrue, is enough to make people accept it or see it in a positive light. Youve all seen the car commercials on TV like, uh, the one t

4、hat refers to its roomy cars over and over again. You know which one I mean. This guy is driving around and keeps stopping to pick up different people. He picks up three or four people. And each time, the narrator says, “Plenty of room for friends, plenty of room for family, plenty of room for every

5、body.” The same message is repeated several times in the course of the commercial. Now the car, the car actually looks kind of small, its not a big car at all, but you get the sense that its pretty spacious. Youd think the viewer would reach the logical conclusion that the slogan miss-represents the

6、 product, instead, what usually happens is that when the statement “plenty of room” is repeated often enough, people are actually convinced its true. Um, another strategy they use is to get a celebrity to advertise a product. It turns out that were more likely to accept an advertisement claim made b

7、y somebody famous, a person we admire and find appealing. We tend to think theyre trustworthy. So, uh, you might have a car commercial that features a well-known race car driver. Now, it may not be a very fast car, uh, it could even be an inexpensive vehicle with a low performance rating. But if a p

8、opular race car driver is shown driving it and saying, “I like my cars fast!” Then people would believe the car is impressive with its speed. 托福 TPO3口语 task6 答案解析: Using the examples from the talk, explain how persuasive strategies are used in advertising. 托福 TPO3口语 task6 答案解析: 1. Listening keys (1.

9、1) Main idea: two persuasion strategies that are used in advertising (1.2) First: repetition (1.2.1) Example: car ad, someone drives around, narrator keeps saying “plenty of room for everyone”. The audience will think the car is big although it s small (1.3) Second: using celebraties (1.3.1) Example

10、: car ad, famous race car driver drives a slow car, people will think the car is pretty fast because people find famous people trustworthy and appealing. 托福 TPO3口语 task6 范文: The professor talks about two strategies that are used in TV ads that will make them more convincing. One strategy is repetiti

11、on, when people hear something often enough, the message becomes positive. Take a car ad for example, the na rrator says “plenty of room for everyone” for many times, although the car is small, eventually people will start to think that the car is fairly big. The second strategy is using a celebrity

12、 to advertise a product because people tend to believe someone famous. A race car driver who says “I like my car fast!” might actually make people think the car in the ad to be pretty fast, because we find them trustworthy. 本文部分信息来源于新东方在线。如有任何问题,请联系点课台管理员进行修改或删除。 爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之;宽以济猛,猛以济宽,政是以和。将军额

13、上能跑马,宰相肚里能撑船。 最高贵的复仇是宽容。有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈。 君子贤而能容罢,知而能容愚,博而能容浅,粹而能容杂。 宽容就是忘却,人人都有痛苦,都有伤疤,动辄去揭,便添新创,旧痕新伤难愈合,忘记昨日的是非,忘记别人先前对自己的指责和谩骂,时间是良好的止痛剂,学会忘却,生活才有阳光,才有欢乐。 不要轻易放弃感情,谁都会心疼;不要冲动下做决定,会后悔一生。也许只一句分手,就再也不见;也许只一次主动,就能挽回遗憾。 世界上没有不争吵的感情,只有不肯包容的心灵;生活中没有不会生气的人,只有不知原谅的心。 感情不是游戏,谁也伤不起;人心不是钢铁,谁也疼不起。好缘分,凭的就是真心真

14、意;真感情,要的就是不离不弃。 爱你的人,舍不得伤你;伤你的人,并不爱你。你在别人心里重不重要,自己可以感觉到。所谓华丽的转身,都有旁人看不懂的情深。 人在旅途,肯陪你一程的人很多,能陪你一生的人却很少。谁在默默的等待,谁又从未走远,谁能为你一直都在? 这世上,别指望人人都对你好,对你好的人一辈子也不会遇到几个。人心只有一颗,能放在心上的人毕竟不多;感情就那么一块,心里一直装着你其实是难得。 动了真情,情才会最难割;付出真心,心才会最难舍。 你在谁面前最蠢,就是最爱谁。其实恋爱就这么简单,会让你智商下降,完全变了性格,越来越不果断。 所以啊,不管你有多聪明,多有手段,多富有攻击性,真的爱上人时

15、,就一点也用不上。 这件事情告诉我们。谁在你面前很聪明,很有手段,谁就真的不爱你呀。 遇到你之前,我以为爱是惊天动地,爱是轰轰烈烈抵死缠绵;我以为爱是荡气回肠,爱是热血沸腾幸福满满。 我以为爱是窒息疯狂,爱是炙热的火炭。婚姻生活牵手走过酸甜苦辣温馨与艰难,我开始懂得爱是经得起平淡。 爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之;宽以济猛,猛以济宽,政是以和。将军额上能跑马,宰相肚里能撑船。 最高贵的复仇是宽容。有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈。 君子贤而能容罢,知而能容愚,博而能容浅,粹而能容杂。 宽容就是忘却,人人都有痛苦,都有伤疤,动辄去揭,便添新创,旧痕新伤难愈合,忘记昨日的是非,忘记别人先前对

16、自己的指责和谩骂,时间是良好的止痛剂,学会忘却,生活才有阳光,才有欢乐。 不要轻易放弃感情,谁都会心疼;不要冲动下做决定,会后悔一生。也许只一句分手,就再也不见;也许只一次主动,就能挽回遗憾。 世界上没有不争吵的感情,只有不肯包容的心灵;生活中没有不会生气的人,只有不知原谅的心。 感情不是游戏,谁也伤不起;人心不是钢铁,谁也疼不起。好缘分,凭的就是真心真意;真感情,要的就是不离不弃。 爱你的人,舍不得伤你;伤你的人,并不爱你。你在别人心里重不重要,自己可以感觉到。所谓华丽的转身,都有旁人看不懂的情深。 人在旅途,肯陪你一程的人很多,能陪你一生的人却很少。谁在默默的等待,谁又从未走远,谁能为你一直都在? 这世上,别指望人人都对你好,对你好的人一辈子也不会遇到几个。人心只有一颗,能放在心上的人毕竟不多;感情就那么一块,心里一直装着你其实是难得。 动了真情,情才会最难割;付出真心,心才会最难舍。 你在谁面前最蠢,就是最爱谁。其实恋爱就这么简单,会让你智商下降,完全变了性格,越来


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