高中英语课件 必修四Unit1 using language

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1、Why Not Carry on Her Good Work?,Lin Qiaozhi was a doctor who became a specialist in women illlness. She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.,Please find out import expressions and sentence patterns,做的研究 偶然地 碰巧看到 某方面的专家 吸引某人注意 减少死亡率 照顾,喜欢 不得病 为写的/打算的,do research _ _ ch

2、ance come _ a specialist _ sth. catch ones eye _ the death rate care _ keep.free _ sickness be intended _,某人忽然想到 后于,次于 接生 等不及做 继续工作 提高成绩 为高考做准备,it hit sb. +that 从句 second to _ a baby cannot wait _ carry _ ones work _ ones studies prepare for the university entrance examination,not.until/till.,i didn

3、t know the answer until one evening _i sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of china. correct: It was not until yesterday when I knew Ihad made a serious mistake in the job. it was_(直到他提醒我) that i remembered his name. 强调:It is/was not until.that.,倒装:not until 在句首, 主句用倒装(即把助动词,

4、be,情态动词放在主语前),until从句不倒装。 即Not until . . +助动词,be,情态动词+主句主语+谓语原型+其它 correct: Not until yesterday I know I had made a serious mistake in the jib.,That was a generation _girls education was always second to boys. It was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature _ got her into medical sch

5、ool.,It seems/seemed that从句 =sb. seems/seemed +不定式 他似乎喜欢他的工作,it seems that he likes his job. =he seems to like his job.,19. refer to查阅;参考;谈到,提到;涉及。 reference n. He is the man we _(refer) to just now. The figures refer to our sales abroad. When giving the lecture,he referred to his notes from time to

6、 time.,refer to表示“查阅”时,接dictionary工具书或资料, look up接Word,phrase 要查找的对象,concern v./n 担心,关心,涉及 adj.concerned 担心的,有关的,涉及的 concern oneself with.关心 sb. be concerned with. sth. be concerned with.某事和.有关、涉及. as far as.be concerned 就.而言 sb. be concerned about .对.担忧的 a concerned look show concern about.对.担心,As

7、far as I am_,parents show too much_about the future of their children. In other words, they are too_about their childrens future. 我订了一些与我的专业有关的杂志 i have subscribed to some magzines_ _ _ _ my major. =i have.magzines_ _ my major.,It was a book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and carin

8、g for babies.,现在分词做定语,修饰book,这是一本介绍在妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中如何降低死亡率的书。,1. explaining explain后接名词、代词、从句、wh-+to do作宾语。 She explained to us why she was late.,2.rate n.比率,速度 the death/birth rate The train is running _ 1,000km per hour. advertising/insurance rates interest rates,at the speed of,广告费/保险费,利率,死亡/出生率,at

9、 the rate of,3.intend,1.我打算出国留学。 I intend to study abroad. 2.他打算让他儿子经营该公司。 He intends his son to manage the company.,intend to do sth intend sb to do sth,be intended to do sth 用于/为设计 1.这本书的本意是激励读者的。 The book is intended to inspire the readers.,be intended for sth 2. 这个课程是为初学者开设的。 The course is inten

10、ded for the beginners.,consideration U n,show consideration for 对.表示体谅 take sth. into consideration 考虑到;顾及 你根本不体谅我的感受。 You showed no consideration for my feelings at all. we shall take your request into consideration. your advice is under consideration.,consider v仔细考虑 considerate adj. 考虑周到的 consider

11、ing prep.考虑到 It was of Tom to inform us of his dalay in case we got worried. What a pity! his ability and experience, he could have done better.,6. deliver,Every day the milkman _ to our house. (送牛奶) He _ at the meeting. (作演讲) She _ every day on average. (接生三个孩子) She was delivered of a healthy baby

12、boy.,delivers milk,delivered a speech,delivers three babies,(生孩子),7. carry on (with) sth. carry on doing sth. 继续做某事 e.g. 1. Carry on with your work while Im away. 2. Carry on working while Im away.,carry out,Will the government _ itspromise to reform the law? Youll have an accident if you _ driving like that. It was so noisy it was hard to _a conversation.,carry out,carry on,carry on,落实;贯彻;执行,


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