高中英语课件 必修四 Unit1reading language points

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1、Language points Reading,1. achievement (c.n.),He is proud of the achievements in astronomy.,make an achievement/achievements 取得成就,他对天文学方面取得的成就感到自豪。,a sense of achievement成就感,In the past ten years,China has made great achievement in aerospace.,achieve (vt.) 后接n.做宾语,他取得了巨大的成就。,He achieved great succes

2、s.,除非你更努力的工作,否则你不会实现你的目标。,You will never achieve your aim, unless you work harder.,achieve ones goal/dream 到达目标/实现梦想 =realize ones goal/dream=ones goal/dream comes true,achievable可达到的,have sth. in common (with sb./sth.) (与)有共同之处 这对孪生姐妹彼此没有共同之处。 The twin sisters have nothing in common . common sense

3、常识 common practice 常例,通例,condition 1)cn 条件,on condition ( that ) 在条件下,倘若 你要穿上大衣才可以出去。 You can go out on condition that you wear an overcoat.,on/under no condition 一点也不,决不,你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。 You must on no condition tell him what happened.,2)un 状况,状态 be in condition 处于某种状态中,conditional adj. 附带条件的,有条件的,sp

4、ecialist n. 专家 一位日本史专家 a specialist Japanese history eg:要演讲的人是一个中美关系专家。 The man who will give a speech is_ _ _SinoAmerica relationship.,in,a specialist in 在某方面的专家,=expert,specialize vi. 专门研究,专攻,specialized adj. 专用的;专门的;专业的,specialized knowledge/equipment 专业知识/专用设备,specialize in sth 专攻,他专攻心脏疾病,He spe

5、cializes in heart diseases /attack.,He _ _ _ music.,devoted himself to,devote 常与介词 to 连用,“献身于,专心于,致力于”。,3.devote vt. (与to连用) 献身;专心于,1. 他致力于帮助穷人。,2. 他一生都献给了造福人类的事业。,He _ _ _ _ the poor. He _ _ _ _ the poor.,He _ _ _ _ _ benefiting mankind.,devoted himself to helping,was devoted to helping,devote ones

6、elf to (doing) sth. sb be devoted to (doing) sth.,devoted his whole life to,致力于,专心于;献身于,她是一位贤妻良母。 She is a good wife and _. 他们深爱着自己的孩子。 They _ their children.,a devoted mother,【拓展】devotion n 关爱,奉献,专心 devoted adj 挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的, be devoted to 深爱某人。,are devoted to,devote,Mrs White, a _ friend of mine,

7、_ all her energy to her career and her _ to children made us vote for her.,devoted,devoted,devotion,Before going abroad, he devoted all the time to _ (improve) his spoken English. 改错 Neighbors devoted their spare time to help others in need. _ (devote) to his work, he has no time to care for his fam

8、ily. _(devote) himself to his work,he has no time to care for his family.,improving,Devoted,Devoting,4. connection n 连接,关系 There is a close connection between smoking and lung disease. have a/ no (direct/close/strong) connection with. in connection with. 与有关 connect v 连接,联系 connect.with把.与.联系起来 conn

9、ect.to.把.和.接通/相连,connected 相连的,相关的 be/get connected with 与.有关 类似搭配: be related to be/get involved in be associated soietd with,1. Tell me all that you know in _(connect) with that matter. 2. (改错)His question had direct connection with our discussion.,connection,a,5.campaign:,运动 战役 n. dont make a foo

10、l of yourself. He behaved as if nothing had happened.,well-behaved adj 表现好的 badly-behaved adj 表现差的 派生词:behavio(u)r u.n 行为,举止 你想象不到一个行为这么得体的绅士竟然会对一位女士这么粗鲁。 You cant imagine that such a well-behaved gentleman should be so rude to a lady.,1. His _ (behave) towards her was becoming more and more aggress

11、ive. 2. As you know, family rules, which let us know how to behave _ (we) and develop healthily, are greatly beneficial to us.,behavior,ourselves,2.worthwhile adj. (作表语、定语和补语),It is worthwhile to do / doing sth. 做某事是值得的 去长城看一看是值得的。 It is worthwhile to pay/paying a visit to the Great Wall.,worth adj.

12、 值.的 sb./ sth is worth +n./doing(v-ing用主动形式表被动意义 这本书值得认真读读。 The book is worth reading carefully. worthy (定语、表语) sb/sth is worthy+of being done to be done of+名词,1. I thought I had something to say that was worth _(put)down on paper. 2. _is worthwhile reading the book referred to by our teacher.,putti

13、ng,It,他的建议值得考虑。,It is worthwhile to consider his suggestion.,considering his suggestion.,His suggestion is worthy of consideration.,His suggestion is worth consideration / considering.,being considered,to be considered,Para2,1)观察,观测,看到 observe sb doing sth 看到某人正在做 observe sb do sth 看到某人做(全过程) observ

14、e sth done 看到某事被做 1.When I passed by, I observed him _ (chat) with a stranger. 2. The old man observed the painting _ (steal) by a young man. 3. She was observed _across the street.,chatting,stolen,to come/coming,同see,watch,hear,notice)be observed to do,5. observe,Everyone should observe the law. 2)

15、 遵守(规则、法律等)=obey Could you tell me how you usually observe Christmas in your country? 3) 庆祝=celebrate 派生词: observation n 观察 be under observation 受到监视,observe the traffic rules,6. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.,1) Only when teacher left the classroom did the students begin to talk. 2) Only then did he realize his mistakes . 3) Only in this way can we solve the problem.,only+状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句等) 放在句首时,须用倒装。,On


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