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1、初一年级英语练习Unit3-初中一年级英语试题练习、期中期末试卷、测验题、复习资料-初 中英语试卷 -试卷下载 初一年级英语练习Unit 3 Name: No: 一、出与所给例词发音相同的词: ( ) 1.gradeA.bagB.thankC.whatD.name ( ) 2.mapA.andB.gameC.KateD.class ( ) 3.deskA.tenB.elevenC.excuseD.zero ( ) 4.noA.sorryB.PollyC.oldD.not ( ) 5.fiveA.thisB.nineC.sixD.in 二、按顺序用英语写出115 共 16 个数字。 三、根据上下

2、文在空格上填上一个恰当的词。 1. “ your name ? ” “ My name is Li Ming .” 2.What class are you ? 3“ are you ? ” “ I m twelve.” 4. “ Are you eleven?”“ Yes,I . ” 5. “ is seven plus three?” “ Ten. ” 6.Six and is twelve. 7. “you in Row 3 ?”“. Im in Row 2.” 8. “ Can you spell your name , ” 9. “ are you ?” “ Fine, thank

3、you .And you?” 10Excuse ! Are you Mr Li? 11. I m a student (学生 ) and Li Mei is a student,. 12. Five and four nine . 四、单项选择。 () 1.“ Can you spell it,please?”“ Yes, . ” A.I amB.I canC.I isD.We are () 2.“ What s eleven minus three?”“ It s . ” A.FourteenB.nine C.EightD.Seven () 3. “is your mother?”“ It

4、s a secret .” A.Where sB.WhatC.HowD.How old () 4.Jim is in . A.Grade 1 Class 1B.class 1,grade 1C.grade 1,glass 1D.Class 1,Grade 1 () 5.That is . A. teacherB. I teacherC. me teacherD. your teacher () 6. Is your number 6 ?. A Yes,I amB. No,I m not C. Yes,it isD. No,it is () 7. grade are you in ?A. How

5、B.WhereC. WhatD.What s () 8.“ ?”“It s R. ” A. Whats your name B. What s thisC. Is this“ R ” .D. Where is “ R” () 9.“ How your teacher ?”“ Fine,thank you.” AareB. isC. amD. do () 10. “ Are you Lucy ? ” “ Yes, . ” A. ImB. he isC. I amD. you are () 11.Mum, my teacher,Miss Gao . A. She isB. he isC. This

6、 isD. This are () 12.,are you Mr Green ? A .SorryB. OhC. HelloD. Excuse me () 13.I m eleven .Are you eleven, ?A. andB. OKC. pleaseD. too () 14.I not Lily .My name Lucy .A. am,amB. am, isC. is ,areD. is,am () 15. “ where s my bag,Mr Wang?”“” A. Yes,it is .B. Yes,I am.C. Its hereD. I m here 五、句型转换。 1.

7、 I m twelve.(对划线部分提问) You ? 2.Are you Li Ping?(作否定回答) 3.Can you spell it ,please ? (作否定回答) , I . 4.I m a teacher .(变为一般凝问句) a teacher ? 5.Kate is in Class 3, Grade 1. (对划线部分提问) Is Kate? (对划线部分提问) 6.Fifteen minus seven is eight . (对划线部分提问) fifteen seven ? 7.Zhang Hong is in Row 4 . (对划线部分提问) is Zhang

8、 Hong in? 8.My teacher is nineteen . (对划线部分提问) is teacher ? 六、汉译英。 一只钢笔一个鸡蛋一辆自行车一张桌子 几岁用英语几班这是什么? 答案: 一、写出所给例词发音相同的词 DAACB 二、略。 三、根据上下文在空格上填上一个恰当的词。 1 What s 2.in 3.how old 4.am 5.What 6.six 7.Are No 8.please 9.how 10.me 11.too 12.is 四、单项选择 1-5 BCDDD6 10 CCBBC 11-15CDDBC 五、句型转换 1.How old are2.No,Im not 3.No,can t 4.Are you 5.What class , in 6.What s minus 7.What row 8.How old ,your 六 汉译英。 A pen an egga bikea desk how oldin Englishwhat classWhat is this? 欢迎下载使用,分享让人快乐



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