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1、第二部分笔试部分 五、读一读 ,将正确答案的序号填在( )里。 ( )1、 This weekend I will _ with Sam、 A、 play B、 playing C、 plays ( )2、 This little girl cant do her Maths、 I m going to help_、 A、 him B、 she C、 her ( )3、 I will go to the _、 And I will see elephants、 A、 station B、 zoo C、 cinema ( )4、 What _ ten plus eleven? A. is B、

2、am C、 are ( )5、 They _ got oranges at this fruit farm 、 A、 havet B、 havent C、 hasnt ( )6、 She always _ people 、 A、 helps B、 help C、 helpful ( )7、 We _ pick apples and pears 、 A. are B、 will C、 do ( )8、 Big Ben is a very _、 A、 new clock B、 new bridge C、 old clock ( )9、 How many _ are there? .apple B、

3、 an apple C、 apples ( )10、 - Will you go to the zoo this weekend? - _? A. Yes, I wont、B、 No, I will 、C、 Yes, I will 、 六、选择适当的答语 , 将序号填在 ( )里。 ( )1、 Whats Sam like? A、 I will buy her a present、 学校姓名班级_ 座位号 装订线内不要答题 ( )2、 Will you play with me? B、 Yes, I will、 ( )3、 What fruit will we pick? C、 Hes ver

4、y clever 、 ( )4、 I feel tired now、D、 We ll pick pears 、 ( )5、It s Mum s birthday、E、 I will go to bed and sleep、 七、读句子 , 圈出正确的单词。 1、 Hello、 This is my ( friend / friends)、 2、 This little boy cant do his Maths、 I m going to help ( her / him )、 3、 I ll visit my grandpa、 He ( live / lives ) in the count

5、ryside、 4、 Xiaoyong wants to fly、 But he won t ( flying / fly ) a kite、 5、 I will help my mum ( in / on ) Saturday、 八、选择正确的单词填在横线上。 1、 My grandpa is a 、 2、 I m we can t pick all the peaches 、 3、 I ve got friend、 4、 Xiaoyong is clever、 But he s quiet、 5、 This is a book、 Its Music、 九、改错。将错误的选项写在( )里,

6、并在_改正。 ( )1、 Peaches is my favourite fruit 、 A B C ( )2、 I will see lots of pig 、 A B C ( )3、Sam don t like pears 、 A B C ( )4、 Look at the peaches in these trees、 A B C about another afraid farmer a bit ( )5、Will he dancing on Friday ? A B C 十、连词成句 , 注意首字母的书写与标点符号。 1. cant / This / do / Science / l

7、ittle boy / his / 、 2. Will take you your ball tomorrow ? 3. other / fruit / will / What / we / pick / ? 4. got I ve twenty pears 、 5、 Youll / a / in this park / river / see / wide /、 / 十一、阅读下面的短文。并判断下列题就是否正确, 对的填“ T”, 错的填 “F” 。 ( ) This is Mike、 He is very clever、 But he s a bit naughty、 He likes r

8、unning、 Maybe hell be a runner like LiuXiang、 This is Lucy、 She is very nice 、 But she s a bit shy、 She likes reading books very much 、 Maybe shell be a writer、 根据短文内容判断正 (T),误(F)。 ( ) 1、Mike is a girl 、 ( ) 2、 Mike is very clever、 ( ) 3、 He ll be a runner、 ( ) 4、 Lucy is a bit naughty、 ( ) 5、 Lucy

9、will be a writer 、 () My name is Mary、 I am eleven、 Ted is my brother 、 He is thirteen、 We are in the same school 、 My mother is a teacher、 She is a teacher in our school、 My father is a teacher, too 、 He is a Chinese teacher in a college 、 I have a cat 、 Its name is Miaomiao、 It is white、 It is a n

10、ice cat、 We are good friends、 根据短文内容判断正 (T),误(F)。 ( )1、 I am twelve、 ( )2、 Ted is Marys brother、 ( )3、 Ted and I are in the same class、 ( )4、 My parents are teachers 、 ( )5、 I have a cat 、 十二、读一读 , 连线。 十三、阅读短文 ,用给动词的正确形式填空。 This is my new friend John、 Look! He is _ (listen) to music、 He is a good boy 、 He always_ (listen) to music after dinner、 But he _ _ (not listen) this night、 He will _(go) to the supermarket with his mum、 paint breakfast have idea good her Maths do nineteen peaches pick a picture


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