五年级英语上册Unit7Lesson3We’llsay“HappySpringFestival”toeachother课件鲁科版 修订

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1、,“Happy Spring Festival”.,Well say,Unit 7 Lesson 3,Chant,T: grandparents, grandparents Ss: go to my grandparents T: fireworks fireworks Ss: set off fireworks T: relatives , relatives Ss: visit relatives T: eat ,eat Ss: eat at home,S1 :Did you last Spring Festival? S2:Yes ,we did. /No, we didnt.,What

2、 will you do at Christmas?,Well eat jiaozi at midnight.,Well have a big dinner.,Well wear new clothes and visit friends.,Well say “Happy Spring Festival” to each other.,Well set off fireworks.,Well get lucky money.,Lucky money,Blow the balloons(吹气球),them,them,them,them,them,them,Blow the balloons(吹气

3、球),lucky money,lucky money,lucky money,lucky money,lucky money,lucky money,Blow the balloons(吹气球),midnight,midnight,midnight,midnight,midnight,midnight,Blow the balloons(吹气球),each other,each other,each other,each other,each other,each other,Blow the balloons(吹气球),lunar,lunar,lunar,lunar,lunar,lunar,

4、My parents are making jiaozi.Well eat them at midnight.,Its the time to welcome the lunar new year.,Well wear new clothes and visit friends.,Well say “Happy Spring Festival” to each other.,Yes.Well get lucky money ,too,Will you get presents?,My parents are making jiaozi. Well _them at midnight.,Its the time to welcome_.,Well _and visit friends.,Well say “_” to each other.,Lets talk,Well_.,Well_.,Well_.,Well_.,Well_.,Well_.,Well_.,


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