七年级英语上册 Module 5《Healthy food》同步练习 外研版

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1、七年级英语上册 Module 5Healthy food同步练习 外研版用healthy的适当形式填空Swimming is good for our_ . Apples and carrots are _ food. Coke is an _ drink. 答案:health healthy unhealthy我有一个橘子。I have got_ _ . 你喜欢橘子汁吗?Do you like _ ? 贝蒂有一件橙色的外套。Betty has got _ _ _ . 答案:an orange orange an orange coat用be的适当形式填空Fish _ healthy food

2、. Juice and water _ healthy drinks. 答案:is are用and, but, or 和so填空Fish is healthy food_ candy isnt healthy food. He is from China _ he is Chinese. Is he a doctor _ a teacher? He does sports every morning, _ he is in good health. 答案:but and or so我的眼镜在课桌上。My_ _ on the desk. 答案:glasses are. 单项选择(5分钟,10分)

3、1. Fish is healthy food, _ hamburgers are not healthy food. A. andB. butC. orD. so2. Candy and ice cream _ unhealthy food. A. is B. areC. has D. have3. His grandfather is seventy. Hes _ good health. A. at B. onC. with D. in4. Is juice _ healthy drink? Yes, it is. A. theB. aC. anD. /5. Milk and water

4、 are healthy _. A. drink B. food C. drinks D. foodsBBDBC. 将方框中的词汇进行归类(5分钟,10分)pork, tomatoes, apples, fish, candy, Coke, noodles, rice, hamburgers, ice cream(1)Healthy food and drink: pork, tomatoes, apples, fish, noodles, rice(2)Unhealthy food and drink: candy, Coke, hamburgers, ice cream在这个瓶子里有些牛奶

5、。There is_ _ in the bottle. 我没有一些米饭。I havent got _ _ . 在这儿你有些新朋友吗?Have you got _ new _ here? 我饿了,我能吃些面条吗?Im hungry. Can I _ eat noodles? 答案:some milk any rice any; friends some. 用some或any填空(5分钟,10分)1. They have got_ pictures. 2. My parents havent got _ rice. 3. Has she got _ brothers or sisters? 4.

6、They havent got _ beef. 5. Would you like _ orange juice, Mary? 答案:1. some 2. any 3. any 4. any 5. some. 完成句子(5分钟,10分)1. 我们在冰箱里有些牛奶。We have got some milk_ _ _ . 2. 西红柿和土豆是我最喜欢的蔬菜。_ and _ are my favourite _. 3. 桌子上有一些橘子和苹果。There are some _ and _ on the table. 答案:1. in the fridge 2. Tomatoes; potatoes

7、; vegetables 3. oranges; apples 4. 他们吃米饭、蔬菜和鸡肉。They have some _ , some _ and some _ . 5. 你喜欢橙汁吗?Do you like _ _ ? 不,我喜欢中国茶。No, I like _ _ . 答案:4. rice; vegetables; chicken 5. orange juice; Chinese tea将下列方框内的单词按要求归类noodle, rice, juice, milk, apple, tomato, chicken, melon, onion, beef, carrot, pork1.

8、可数名词:_2. 不可数名词:_答案: 1. noodle, apple, tomato, melon, onion, carrot2. rice, juice, milk, chicken, beef, pork写出下列单词的复数形式1. shop _2. bag _3. bus _4. box _5. baby _6. city _答案:1. shops 2. bags 3. buses 4. boxes 5. babies 6. cities 7. knife _8. life _9. tomato _10. potato _11. radio _12. zoo _答案:7. knive

9、s 8. lives 9. tomatoes 10. potatoes 11. radios 12. zoos完成句子1. 你想喝杯茶吗? Would you like_ _ _ _ ? 2. 我们有一些牛奶。We have got _ _ . 3. 瓶子里有点果汁。There is _ _ _ in the bottle. 答案:1. a cup of tea 2. some milk 3. a little juice 单元聚焦点. 单词闯关1. 最喜欢的(adj. )_2. 冰箱(n. )_3. 鸡肉(n. )_4. 果汁(n. )_5. 牛奶(n. )_答案: 1. favourite

10、 2. fridge 3. chicken 4. juice 5. milk6. 冰激凌(n. )_7. 橘子(n. )_8. 面条(n. )_9. 汉堡包(n. )_10. 蔬菜(n. )_11. 食物(n. )_12. 水果(n. )_答案:6. ice cream 7. orange 8. noodle 9. hamburger 10. vegetable 11. food 12. fruit 13. 饮料(n. )_14. health(n. )_ (adj. ) _(反义词)15. potato (n. ) _(复数)16. tomato (n. ) _(复数)答案:13. drin

11、k 14. healthy; unhealthy 15. potatoes16. tomatoes. 短语过关1. 健康食品 _ food2. 喝果汁 _ juice3. 吃一些水果 _ some fruit4. 食品和饮料 _ and _ 5. 在冰箱里 _ the fridge答案:1. healthy 2. drink 3. eat 4. food; drink 5. in. 句型攻关1. 我们有些果汁吗?_ we_ _ juice? 是的,我们有些果汁,但是我们没有牛奶了。Yes, weve got _ juice. But we_ _ _ milk. 2. 我们有些甜瓜。We_ _

12、_ melons. 答案: 1. Have; got any; some; havent got any2. have got some 3. 肉和鱼是健康的食品。_ and_ _ healthy food. 4. 水果和蔬菜是健康的食物,但是汉堡包和糖果不是健康的食物。Fruit and vegetables are healthy food _ hamburgers and candy arent healthy food. 5. 他们有一些米饭、蔬菜和鸡肉。Theyve got_ _ , _ _ and_ _ . 答案:3. Meat; fish are 4. but5. some rice; some v


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