2020版 新高考英语部分 层级1第2讲写作常见的3类错误及防范措施

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《2020版 新高考英语部分 层级1第2讲写作常见的3类错误及防范措施》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版 新高考英语部分 层级1第2讲写作常见的3类错误及防范措施(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第2讲写作常见的3类错误及防范措施改正下列句子中的错误1People throwed cans, paper, bags and so on into the river.throwedthrew 2During my summer vacation, I spent half a month in the country and played very happy.happyhappily 3We must pay attention our pronunciation when we speak English.attention后加to4Its high time we do somet

2、hing to reduce traffic accidents.dodid 5There have been more and more road accidents happened in recent years.happenedhappening 6Dr. Smith, together with his wife, are to arrive on the evening flight.areis7Would you please meet my uncle at the airport because this is the first time visit to the US?去

3、掉time 8I have many collections of stamps, some of them are my favorite.some前加and或themwhich一、考场作文常见的3类错误考场写作常见错误主要分为三类:词汇类错误、语法类错误和汉语式英语。(一)词汇类错误考试时,考生很容易出现词形变化错误,而词性不清和词汇运用方面的错误主要还是受汉语的影响。其应对措施是在备考时多注意容易拼错或容易出现词形变化错误的单词,真正用心去体会英语词汇的词性和运用,对一些固定习语更不要想当然地改动。1词形变化错误误:The car hitted the old man and drive

4、d away.正:The car hit the old man and drove away.2词性不清错误误:Doing a parttime job always effects study.正:Doing a parttime job always affects study.3词汇运用错误误:He opened the light after he entered the room.正:He turned on the light after he entered the room.4擅自改动习语误:We lost the game, but we didnt lose our he

5、art.正:We lost the game, but we didnt lose heart.(二)语法类错误一个正确的句子除了用词得当外,语法也应该准确无误。如果语法不正确,再好的构思也难以正确地加以表达,语法错误的多少会直接影响作文得分档次。英语写作中语法类错误主要表现在如下几个方面:1时态错误误:In the morning, we had bicycled in the suburbs to plant trees.正:In the morning, we bicycled in the suburbs to plant trees.2语态错误误:Children who raise

6、 in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years.正:Children who are raised in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years.3非谓语动词使用错误误:Comparing with other countries, the country pays little attention to the pollution.正:

7、Compared with other countries, the country pays little attention to the pollution.4主谓一致错误误:My hobby is widespread, which include drawing, collecting stamps and so on.正:My hobby is widespread, which includes drawing, collecting stamps and so on.5比较级使用错误误:With the development of transportation, the wo

8、rld seems to be getting more and more smaller.正:With the development of transportation, the world seems to be getting smaller and smaller.(三)汉语式英语一般来说,英汉两种语言既有许多相似之处,又有许多不同之处。在写作时如果想当然地去写,会出现许多汉语式英语,其中主要包括如下几个方面:1纯汉语式思维和汉语式语序误:At this school studying, I really very happy.正:Studying at this school, I

9、 am really very happy.2句子成分残缺误:There are many students dont support the project.正:There are many students who dont support the project.3句子粘连误:On the other hand, dogs are our best friends, bring us a lot of fun.正:On the other hand, dogs are our best friends, which/and bring us a lot of fun.4搭配不当误:Und

10、er the help of the teacher, I have made great progress in my English.正:With the help of the teacher, I have made great progress in my English.二、防范出现错误的2个措施(一)确定主语英语句子无论多长都有自己的主语(祈使句省略了主语you)。动手写句子首先要确定主语,其次要特别注意汉语与英语的区别。例如:1北京八月多雨。误:Beijing rains much in August.正:It rains much in Beijing in August.2

11、写得很匆忙,我们发现书中满是错误。误:Written in a hurry, we found the book full of mistakes.正:Written in a hurry, the book was found full of mistakes (by us)(二)确定谓语动词英文中没有动词就构不成句子,但英语动词千变万化,稍不注意就会写错句子。在写句子时应特别注意以下几个方面:1注意及物与不及物动词的正确运用。误:The living standard of the people has raised in the past twenty years.正:The livin

12、g standard of the people has risen/has been raised in the past twenty years.2注意延续性与非延续性动词的正确运用。误:He has left his hometown for twenty years.正:He has been away from his hometown for twenty years.3注意一些不可用作被动语态的动词。误:Many stars are appeared in the sky at night.正:Many stars appear in the sky at night.下面的考

13、生作文中有8处错误,请改正。Dear Arthur,It is three weeks since you have come to hospital. How are you feeling now? Hope you will recover soon because all of our classmates very miss you.As you may know it, we have just finished our midterm exam. I am very happy to say that I made a great progress this time. I re

14、ally thank your encouragement. Besides, our schools sports meeting will be holded next Friday and Saturday. Our class did really good last year and I believe we would get more prizes this year if you were to join us.We are looking forward to your come back.Yours,Li Hua【答案】Dear Arthur,It is three wee

15、ks since you to hospital. How are you feeling now? Hope you will recover soon because all of our classmates .As you may know it, we have just finished our midterm exam. I am very happy to say that I made a great progress this time. I really your encouragement. Besides, our schools sports meeting will be next Friday and Saturday. Our class did really last year and I believe we would get more prizes this year if you were to join us.We are looking forward to your back.Yours,Li Hua5/5


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