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1、成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,人教版 必修3,Healthy eating,Unit 2,第三课时Using Language,Unit 2,.单词速记 1选词填空(digest/glare/debt/consult)。 (1)He came across a new word and had to_his pocket dictionary. (2) She couldnt _ food properly because of an unknown illness. (3) The old woman_ at the ill man who had just cheated

2、 her out of all her money. (4)How can I earn enough money to get out of_?,consult,digest,glared,debt,2用所给词的适当形式填空。 (5) Tom was _ on the _ who was trying to steal a piece of important information. (spy) (6)We had to _ our spending, and the _ cost helped us go through the hard times. (limit) (7)Many s

3、tudents_ from the new teaching method, which would be also _ to the students for years to come. (benefit) (8) We cant always _ work with pleasure, and the_ sometimes is hard to get. (combine),spying,spy,limit,limited,benefited,beneficial,combine,combination,.短语互译 1earn ones living_ 2in debt _ 3spy o

4、n _ 4削减,删节 _ 5不久以后 _ 6增加体重 _,谋生,欠债,暗中监视;侦查,cut down,before long,put on weight,.完成句子 1我不想让你难受,可我发现你的菜谱上就那么点东西,我也就不担心了,并且开始宣传我的饭菜的好处。 I dont want to upset you,but I found your menu_I stopped worrying and started advertising the benefits of my food.(so.that.如此以至于) 2你为什么不坐下来吃顿饭呢? _and try a meal?(Why do

5、nt you do.你为什么不?),3根据我的研究,你我两家所提供的都不是均衡膳食。 According to my research,_.(neither.nor.既不也不) 4他们的均衡膳食非常有效,不久王鹏变瘦了,雍慧变胖了。 Their balanced diets became _.(such.that.如此以至于;before long不久) 答案:1.so limited that2.Why dont you sit down3.neither your restaurant nor mine offers a balanced diet4.such a success that

6、 before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight,.课文理解 Step 1Fast Reading Scan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage. 1Wang Peng was worried when he thought his restaurant would no longer be popular because_. Ahe would no longer earn his living Bh

7、e would be in debt Che would lose his job Dhis friends would not visit his restaurant,2What is the final result of the competition of the two restaurants? AYong Huis restaurant wins. BWang Pengs restaurant wins. CThey combine their menus and create a new one. DThey are looking for more delicious foo

8、ds separately.,3Why was Yong Hui so angry when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant? A. Because she thought Wang Peng had spied on her menu. BWang Peng offered the same food in his restaurant as hers. CShe disliked the food offered in Wang Pengs restaurant. DThe customers all went to Wang Pengs restaur

9、ant.,4What does the phrase “cut down” mean in the last paragraph? AProduce. BReduce. CIncrease. DAdd. 5Why was their cooperation a successful one? ABecause of their happy marriage. BBecause of good management skills. CBecause of their balanced diet. DBecause their restaurant is beautiful.,Step 2Care

10、ful Reading Read the passage and then fill in the blanks. 1The competition between the two restaurants was on.A week later, Wang Pengs restaurant was (1)_. He felt happy because he was able to (2)_ and did not look forward to (3)_. He smiled as he (4)_ some customers warmly at the door. 2Yong Hui wa

11、s very angry and glared at him when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant because she thought (5)_,3Wang Peng explained that he found her menu (6)_ that he stopped worrying and started (7)_ 4They sat down and tried a meal. After their chat they found (8)_ 5Perhaps they ought to (9)_ and provide a balanc

12、ed menu with food (10)_,答案:Step 115ACABC Step 2(1)nearly full(2)earn his living(3)being in debt(4)welcomed(5) he had spied on her restaurant(6) so limited( 7 ) advertising the benefits of his food (8) neither of them offered balanced diets(9) combine their ideas(10) full of energy and fibre,1.consul

13、t v. (1)咨询;请教;查阅 Have you consulted a doctor about your illness? 你找医生看过你的病吗? Have you consulted your lawyer about this? 你就此事咨询过你的律师吗? (2)商量,交换意见 I will consult_with my lawyer. 我要同我的法律顾问商议一下。 I cant believe you sold the car without consulting me! 我真不相信你不经我允许就把车卖了!,归纳拓展 consult sb. about sth.向某人咨询某事 c

14、onsult with sb.(about/on sth.)(就某事)与某人商量 巧学助记 巧记consult的多层含义,活学活用 用动词consult恰当的搭配完成句子。 You should _ your doctor _ your cough. 你咳嗽了,应当去找医生看看。 I _ a friend of mine _ it. 我为此事跟我的一个朋友商量过。,翻译句子。 她正在查阅地图。 _ 答案:consult;aboutconsulted with; aboutShe was consulting the map.,2debt n债务;欠款 He did not look forwa

15、rd to being in_debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. 他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。 The couple worked hard day and night in order to pay off all their debts. 为了还清所有的债务,这对夫妇夜以继日地拼命干活。,归纳拓展 be in debt to sb.be in sb.s debt欠某人的钱;欠某人的情 out of debt不欠债 get/run/fall into debt负债 pay off ones debts偿清某人债务 She is a person who doesnt like to be in debt to anyone. 她是这



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