高一英语Tales of the unexplained教案_高一英语教案

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1、 精品范文高一英语Tales of the unexplained教案_高一英语教案高一英语tales of the unexplained教案m2u1 tales of the unexplained1. run into .偶然遇见 .撞 跑进 流入guess whom i ran into in town today! ( 偶然遇见 )he ran into the back of another car the other day. ( 撞 )we saw the boy run into the house. ( 跑进 )the river runs into a lake. ( 流

2、入 )短语:run away 逃跑 run out (of) 耗尽,结束“遇见”的说法:run into, run across, come across, happen to meet sb,meet sb. by chance2. boy missing, police puzzled.男孩失踪, 警察迷惑。= a boy is/goes missing, and the police are puzzled.go missing=go lost : go 连系动词, 意思为“变成某种状态(通常指不好的状态)”如: go mad (发疯), go wrong (出故障), go bad (

3、变质)puzzle vt. 使迷惑,使为难 n. 谜,谜语;难题,困惑(只用单数)puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的 puzzling adj.令人困惑的be/ feel puzzled about sth. 对感到困惑lucy looks a little _puzzled_. he felt puzzled about the question.the question puzzled me. = i was puzzled by the question.( b )the _ look in his face suggested that he_ that. a. puzzling

4、; hasnt expected b. puzzled; hadnt expected c. puzzling; doesnt expect d. puzzled; didnt expect puzzle, interest, surprise, astonish, shock, upset, excite, disappoint, please, satisfy, frighten, amaze, convince 等意思为“使 ”的动词都属于同一类,现在分词表主动,可译为“令人 的”, 过去分词表被动,表示“(本身)感到 的”1) _b_ and happy, tony stood up

5、and accepted the prize. (XX 全国卷)a. surprising b. surprised c. being surprised d. to be surprising2) tom sounds _a_ very much in the job, but im not sure whether he can manage it. a. interested b. interesting c. interestingly d. interestedly 3) 这个消息很激动人心,所以听到这个消息学生们都很激动。the news was exciting and the

6、students were all excited at it.4) 他大吼一声把那些男孩都吓住了。his shouting was frightening and the boys felt frightened.3. step up : increase, speed up 增加;加速(stepped, stepped)when john realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.we decided to step up production to try to meet the increased demand.w

7、ell do all we can to step up our aid to those countries.短语: step into走进 step by step 逐步4. search vt. 寻找 宾语一般为地点 search for : look for宾语是要寻找的东西search sb. / sp 搜某人的身或搜查某处 search for sb. / sth. 搜寻某人或某事物search sb/sp for sth在某人身上/某处搜查某物 search out 搜出、 探出比较:they searched him.他们搜他身; they searched for him.他

8、们在找他search n. in search of / in ones search forthey went out in search of water.= they went out, searching for water.it was lucky for them in their search for gold.( d )- the police have been _ the area for quite a long time? - ive also noticed that. what have they been _ ? a. searching; searching b

9、. searching for; searching c. searching for; searching for d. searching; searching for 5. due to : because of, caused by 做表语,状语他没被大学录取是因为他的英语太差。he wasnt admitted to college due to his poor english.我们的一切进步归功于老师的帮助。all the progress we have made is due to our teachers help.由于糟糕的天气,运动会不得不被推迟了。due to/ as

10、 a result of/ owing to /because of/on account of the bad weather, the sport meeting has to be put off. be due to do 定于(某时)做某事他儿子定于三点到。his son is due to arrive at 3pm.6. witness n. 目击者; 见证人 v. 目睹; 目击; 见证1) i was a witness to their quarrel.2) 谁目击了这场车祸? who witnessed the accident?3) the successful laun

11、ch of shenzhou viii is a powerful witness to our countrys increasing prosperity. 神舟八号的成功发射是我们伟大祖国日益强盛的有力见证。7. see +sb./sth+ do/ doing/done: watch, look at, hear, listen to , notice, feel , observe, have(使,让)等动词与see有这种相同用法。1) i pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside .我拉开窗帘看

12、见一个巨大的宇宙飞船正在外面飞行。2) 我看见他进了那家饭店。 i saw him go into the restaurant.3)有人看见他一小时前离开了。he was seen to leave an hour ago.4)看到儿子在托儿所受到很好的照顾, 我很高兴。im very glad to see my son taken good care of in the nursery.8. standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.倒装句,句子主语太长,为保持句

13、子平衡该句采用了倒装语序。结构是:doing+ be+主语 引导的完全倒装= lots of creatures with white skin and large black eyes were standing inside.standing over there was a girl. seated at the table was tom.gone are the days when we used foreign oil.sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes.9. fright n. 恐惧,

14、frighten vt.使害怕,frightened adj. 害怕的, frightening adj. 令人害怕的frighten sb. into (doing) sth. 把某人吓得做某事frighten sb. out of (doing) sth. 把某人吓得不敢做某事那小偷吓得不敢说话。the thief is frightened out of speaking.be frightened of sth. 害怕 你怕狗吗?are you frightened of a dog?be frightened to do sth. 害怕做某事 我怕的不敢问他。im frightene

15、d to ask him.the story, which was frightening frightened us.i even get frightened when i hear a plane fly over.the dog frightened away the little girl. = the little girl was frightened by the dog.10. show up 出现, 显露,到场we have been waiting for you to show up. 我们一直都在等你出现。你邀请的人都到场了吗?did everyone you invited show up?show off卖弄,炫耀


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