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1、第三人称单数,人称:语法专用词。通过一定的语法形式表示行为、动作是属于谁的。 第一人称 (我) 属于说话人, 第二人称 (你) 属于听话人, 第三人称 (他) 属于说话人、听话以外的人,第一人称:我、我们 第二人称:你、你们 第三人称:除“我,我们,你,你们”的其他主语,找出系列词中的第三人称,her mother you I we they our coats he this cat that dog she it,可数名词的单复数,表示一个人或事物的单词,是单数名词 表示两个或两个以上事物的名词,是复数名词,找出系列词中的第三人称单数,her mother you I we they ou

2、r coats he these cats that dog she it,人称代词,I,you,you,he,she,it,they,me,us,you,you,him,her,it,them,We,第三人称的单数,I like English.,He/ She likes English.,Tom likes English.,含义: 在一般现在时或进行时的情况下,当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词要有所改变,一般是加-s,也有特殊情况。,1 一般直接加s.发音为/s/ 如work-works make-makes,My mother _ (cook)the dinner for me.

3、 Pet _(run) in the corridors. She _(walk) in the corridors.,cooks,runs,walks,2 发音以sh ,ch t ,s s, x eks等音结尾的 要加es.发音为/iz/ 如 washwashes watch -watches miss(思念)misses fix(修理)-fixes,Miss Guo _(teach) me English. Lily _(brush) the teech. Tim _(pass) me. We _ (miss) Miss Guo.,teaches,brushes,passes,miss,3

4、 以辅音字母加o结尾的在词尾加es.读/z/ 如 gogoes do-does,26个字母分为两类:(一)元音字母 :a e i o u (二)辅音字母:剩下的21个字母,She _(go) to school at 7:20. Nick _(do) the homework.,goes,does,4以辅音字母y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es。读/z/,studystudies,carrycarries,flyflies, worryworries,Stay- staies,Stay-stays,We_ (study) English well. Mike _(fly). The girl

5、 _(carry) the box.,studies,flies,carries,以元音字母y结尾的动词,直接加s,play - plays,say says /sez/,buy - buys,Stay - stays,pay - pays,enjoy - enjoys,lay - lays,5 特殊变形的 havehas.,Mary _(have) many books. I _(have) no money.,has,have,第三人称单数动词变化的运用条件:,1. 一般现在时或是现在进行时 eg. I am busy. 2. 主语为第三人称单数,单数名词当主语时 eg. She, he,

6、 it, Lucy, Kate, Li Ming. 3. 主语是不可数名词时 eg. Meat is in that plate. 肉在那个盘子里面。 4. 不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something及this, that作主语时 eg. Everyone is here. That is mine.,一、he, she, it是第三人称单数。,He watching TV.,like,likes,likes,He TV everyday.,watches,She exercise every morning.,do exercis

7、e,does,My cat fish everyday.,eats,eat fish,play basketball,He the basketball everyday.,palys,surf the internet,My father the internet everyday.,surfs,do exercise,The rat exercise everyday.,does,She after school.,swim,swims,swims,He books everyday.,read,reads,reads,He football very well.,play footbal

8、l,plays football,plays,Lucy shopping.,二. 单个人名、地名或称呼单数作主语;是第三人称单数。,人名,likes,like,likes,.,Beijing in China.,is,地名,(be),My brother the guitar after school.,plays,play the guitar,plays the guitar,称呼单数,三. 单数可数名词 作主语时,是第三人称单数。,A pig four legs.,has,have,has,A tree many leaves.,has,have,has,The rabbit fast.

9、,runs,run,runs,四. this / that 或者this/that+可数名词单数作主语时, 用第三人称单数。,This a pen.,is,be,is,That an eraser.,is,be,is,This girl beautiful.,looks,look,looks,五. someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something 等作主语时,是第三人称单数。,Nobody in the classroom.,is,be,is,There something wrong with the watch.,这块手表有毛病。,is,六.

10、 不可数名词作主语时为第三人称单数。,The milk in the glass.,is,The bread big.,is,七. 当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。,6 a lucky number.,6是个吉利数字。,is,I a letter. I是个字母.,is,练习,I. 写出第三人称单数: wash washes match matches guess guesses Study studies Finish finishes Go goes Carry carries,fly,watches TV,goes to bed,does my homework,flies,stu

11、dies,study,watch TV,go to bed,do my homework,has lunch,have lunch,gets up,drinks coffee,comes back home,buys food,get up,drink coffee,come back home,buy food,Exercise,Exercise,1.Ben_a new bicycle. A.have B.has C.are D.were 2.Kitty_her bicycle to the park. A.ride B.riding C.rides D.ridden 3.A man _in

12、 front of his car. A.walk B.walks C.walking D.work 4.Sams bicycle _a bell. A.have B has C.having D.is having 5.The girl _ “Excuse me” A.say B.saying C.says D.sayes,6.Mike_not like his bike. A.do B.is C.does D.are 7.He _apples. A.likes B.like C.does D.are 8.He_with his nose. A.smelling B.smells C.sme

13、ll D.is smell 9.Lucy_with her hands. A.touch B.touching C.touches D.touchs,将以下句子的主语改成“He” 1. I am busy. He is busy. 2. I have a new book. He has a new book. 3. I always enjoy a good film. He always enjoys a good film.,am,have,enjoy,一.用所给单词的适当形式填空 I usually _ (go) running for half an hour at the week

14、end. 2. My mom _ (like) watching TV. 3. This _(be) my cat. It _(love) me. 4. She often _ (finish) her homework at 9:00.,go,likes,is,loves,finishes,1.She _(do) homework by herself. 2.Jack _(go) home by bike everyday. 3.The man often_ (climb) up the hill. 4.Her mum _(run) in the morning.,Exercise 2,does,goes,climbs,runs,5,Sam_(put) it under his arm. 6.The boy_(chase) it. 7.Kitty _ (watch)TV everyday. 8.He_(feed)them at 8:00 in the morning. 9.When _(do) he get up?,puts,chases,watches,feeds,does,byebye!,



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