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1、广告翻译的策略Prescriptive vs. descriptiveBirds of a feather flock together. 同毛鸟,飞一道; /物以类聚,鸟以群分 /Laugh off ones head.笑掉脑袋; / 笑掉大牙/捧腹大笑 /To kill two birds with one stone.一石二鸟; / 一箭双雕 /1)Featherwater: Light as a feather. 法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如鸿毛。 /Adidas:Impossible is nothing!阿迪达斯:没有什么是不可能的。 /Ricoh: We lead Others copy!

2、理光复印机:我们领先,他人仿效。 /为你未来,做好现在Striving today for all your tomorrow. /培育新一代,携手创未来Nurture the Young. Create the future. /2)IBM: No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。 /Sony: Hifi, Hifun, Hifashion, only from Sony.高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索尼。(索尼音响) /Life is a journey. Travel it well.人生如旅程,应尽

3、情游历。 /来是他乡客,去时故人心。When you come, you are a guest of ours. When you leave, we are the friends of yours. /原意较为明确、句法结构简单、完整,按字面意思便可直接表达原文的表层意思和深层意思。一、 直译(literal translation),或语义翻译(semantic translation)、异化翻译 (foreignisation translation)Ask for more! 渴望无限(百事可乐) /Rossini watch: Time always follows me.罗西尼

4、表:时间因我存在。 /雷达牌驱虫剂:蚊子杀、杀、杀。RADAR: Mosquito bye bye bye. /UPS: On time, every time.准时的典范。 /Every time a good time.秒秒钟欢聚欢笑。(麦当劳) /We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty.殷勤有加 风雨不改 (UPS) /翻译手法较为自由、灵活,翻译过程中通常考虑到了译文目标读者因文化差异而产生的阅读和理解上的差异,产出的译文从读者角度看比较道地,可读性强,但对原文的忠实程度比“直译”稍差。现存广告翻译中,此

5、类量最大。二、 意译(free translation),或“灵活对等”、“动态对等”、“功能对等”(flexible, dynamic, functional equivalence),或“交际/传意翻译”(communicative translation)、“归化翻译”(domestication translation)We are at the heart of Asia.亚洲脉搏亚洲心 (国泰航空) /Now you are really flying.飞跃人生,非凡感受 (国泰航空) /Connecting People 科技以人为本 (Nokia)/Apple:Think Di

6、fferent苹果:不同凡想 (苹果电脑)/Music makes us.生有趣乐无穷 (2000/01乐季康乐及文化事务署) /Lenovo: Without Lenovo, Without life失去联想,人类将会怎样?(联想电脑) /It happens at the Hilton.希尔顿酒店有求必应。(希尔顿酒店) /三、 创译(creative translation)翻译vs.创作?四、扩译或增补型翻译(supplementary translation / over translation)一)URGENT!(DHL快递)无论几急,DHL准时送及! /Be good to yo

7、urself. Fly emirates. (Emirates 阿联酋航空)纵爱自己 纵横万里 /Elegance is an attitude. (Longqines 浪琴手表)优雅态度 真我性格 /Nobody is perfect. (健身器材)没有一个人的身材是十全十美的。 /Intel Pentium: Intel Inside. 英特尔奔腾:给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。 /The Power of Partnership. (瑞士银行集团)力量凝聚,实力尽显。 /结语:对原文某关键词的词义进行挖掘、引申或扩充,将原文的深层意思进行发挥,使其隐含意思凸显。 /二)Begin your o

8、wn tradition. (Patek Philippe Geneve 百达翡丽watch)不但长伴身旁,还是传家风范。 /Trust us for life. (American International Assurance)财务稳健 信守一生 /We race, you win. (Ford汽车)以实战经验,令你一路领前。 /Live with focus. (Ford Focus)生活有 “焦点”,才是真享受! /Continuing study is the key to reaching new heights. (The Open University of Hong Kong

9、)上进源于不断进修,进修完全握在你手。 /结语:主要出于中文表达习惯上的考虑。四字句,对偶、押韵等修辞特点 /五、缩译(condensed translation)Overseas. Time set free Overseas. (Vacheron Constantin 江诗丹顿男表 纵横四海)自由真义 /Wherever you are. Whatever you do. The Allianz Group is always on your side. (Allianz Group 安联集团)安联集团,永远站在你身边。 /Buickyour key to a better life an

10、d a better world. (别克汽车)别克通往美好生活的秘诀。 /当今社会人才济济,不是一马当先独领风骚,就是人仰马翻莫名一文。(人才市场广告)In todays rat race, either you stay ahead or bail out. /结语:在广告翻译中占比很小,但仍不失为一种必选策略。再就是语言的独特风格,如有的需要重复,或修饰语累赘。 /六、不译一)新企业、新品牌、新产品系列的名称以及/或老企业之新产品系列的名称往往不需要翻译,只需照搬外文名称即可。二)广告中的某些句子Volvo have always forced others to be safer. T

11、his one will force them to be better. (S) for life.Volvo安全可靠,早已闻名天下。崭新S80一登场,再度成为典范!(口号:)for life. /Because ENERGY is essential and LIFE is precious. (S) Doing what other dare not. (Environmental Protection)能源虽是必须的,但我们更需要尊重大自然的生命。(口号:)Doing what others dare not. /Use the American Express Card to ref

12、lect your classic style. (S) do more. (American Express美国运通)使用美国运通卡,配衬型格 (口号:)do more. /How would you know which one handles better? (S) The Ultimate Driving Machine. (BMW)好与不好?自己掌握 (口号:)登峰造极 /缩译:Inspiration is the number one cause of greatness. (Heading)If information is power, then inspiration mus

13、t be the power of our potential. The power that moves us from the systematic to the spontaneous. From ideas to results. At Compaq we believe technology is no longer simply a tool for information. Its a tool for inspiration. Redefining access. From set time to any time. From one place to millions of

14、places. With the touch of a button, we no longer fire-up just our computers, but our imaginations. Were moving beyond the limitations of Information Technology to a new technology. Welcome to the new IT. Inspiration Technology from Compaq.灵感伟大成就之源如果资讯是力量,灵感便是一股使我们从按部就班到挥洒自如、从平淡无奇但不可思议、从构思意念到取得成果的潜能。

15、康柏相信,科技不再只是简单的资讯工具,而是启发灵感的魔力。科技把“联系”一词重新定义:不再有时空的界限。科技提供了新的工作方法,新的合作模式。触动按钮,我们启动的不再是电脑,还有无穷的想象力。现在,我们终于超越了资讯科技的限制,迈入全新科技境界。激发灵感的科技康柏Inspiration Technology, 欢迎进入新的IT世界。Whats in a name?It sounds ordinary on paper. A white shirt with a blue check. In fact, if you asked most men if they had a white shirt with a blue check, theyd say yes.But th



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