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1、- 1 - 一、名一、名 词词 练一练: 1、写出下列各词的复数。 I_ him_ this_ her_ watch_ mango_child_photo_diar_ day_ foot_dress_tooth_sheep_ box_ strawberry_thief_engineer_peach_ sandwich_ man_ woman_ leaf_ people_ 2、用所给名词的正确形式填空。 (1)Are there two ( box ) on the table? (2)I can see some ( people ) in the cinema. (3)How many (

2、day ) are there in a week? (4)Herere five ( bottle ) of ( juice ) for you. (5)This ( violin ) is hers. Those ( grape ) are over there. 二、冠二、冠 词词 练一练: 1、用 a 或 an 填空。 _ “U” _ ice-cream _ goalkeeper _teapot _apple _office _Englishbook _umbrella _unit _hour 2、根据需要,填写冠词 a,an 或 the。 (1)Who is _girl behind

3、 _tree? (2) _old man has two children, _ son and _daughter. - 2 - (3)This is _ orange. _ orange is Lucys. (4)He likes playing _guitar. We have _same hobby. (5)We all had_good time last Sunday. (6)She wants to be_doctor. 三、数三、数 词词 练一练:1、请翻译下列短语。 (1)60 名学生 (2)15 本英语书 (3)九杯凉水 (4)4 个孩子 (5)12 月 31 (6)6 月

4、 2 日 (7)第九周 (8)40 年前 (9)11+7 (10)上学第一天 2、把下列基数词改成序数词。 one- two- three- nine- fourteen- twenty- thirty-five- eighty-one - 3 - 四、代四、代 词词 练一练: 1、按要求写出相应人称代词。 I(宾格)_ she(形容词性物主代词)_ we(名词性物主代词)_ he(复数)_ us(单数)_ theirs(主格)_ its(宾格)_ 2、想一想,把下表补充完整。 人称代词物主代词 单数复数单数复数 主格 宾 格 主格宾格 形容词 性 名词 性 形容词 性 名词 性 第一人 称

5、meusour 第二人 称 youyou hehis her 第三人 称 it them its their - 4 - 3、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1)That is not _ kite. That kite is very small, but _ is very big. ( I ) 2)The dress is _. Give it to _. ( she ) 3)Is this _ watch? ( you ) No, its not _ . ( I ) 4)_ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _. (

6、he ) 5)_ dresses are red. ( we ) What colour are _? ( you ) 6)Show _ your kite, OK? ( they ) 7)I have a beautiful cat. _name is Mimi. These cakes are _. ( it ) 8)Are these _ tickets? No, _ are not _. _ arent here. ( they ) 9)Shall _ have a look at that classroom? That is _ classroom. ( we ) 10)_ is

7、my aunt. Do you know _ job? _is a nurse. ( she ) 11)Where are _? I cant find _. Lets call _ parents. ( they ) 12)Dont touch _. _is not a cat, _ is a tiger! ( it ) 13)_ sister is ill. Please go and see _. ( she ) 14)The girl behind _ is our friend. ( she ) - 5 - 五、形容词、副词五、形容词、副词 1、写出下列形容词、副词的比较级。 big

8、 good long tall old short thin heavy young fat light strong high far low early late well fast slow 2、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1) I can swim as _ ( fast ) as the fish, I think. 2) Look! His hands are _ ( big ) than mine. 3) I think you do these things_ ( well ) than your classmates. 4) Whose bag is _ ( heavy

9、 ), yours or mine? 5) Does Jim run as _(slow ) as David? Yes, but Mike runs_ ( slow ) than them. 6) You have seven books, but I have _ ( many ) than you. I ha ve ten. 7) I jump _ ( far ) than some of the boys in my class. 8) Im very_ ( thin ), but shes _ ( thin ) than me. 9) It gets _and_ ( warm ) w

10、hen spring comes here. 六、介六、介 词词 - 6 - 1、选用括号内恰当的介词填空。 1) Whats this _ ( at, on, in ) English? 2) Christmas is _ ( at, on, in ) the 25th of December. 3) The man_ ( with, on, in ) black is Su Hais father. 4) He doesnt do well _ ( at, on, in ) PE. 5) Look at those birds _ ( on, in ) the tree. 6) We ar

11、e going to meet _ ( at, on, in ) the bus stop _ ( at, on, in ) half past ten. 7) Is there a cat _ ( under, behind, in ) the door? 8) Helens writing paper is _ ( in, in front of ) her computer. 9) We live _ ( at, on, in ) a new house now. 10) Does it often rain _ ( at, on, in ) spring there? 2、圈出下列句子

12、中运用不恰当的介词,并将正确的答案写在横线上。 1) Jim is good in English and Maths. 2) The films were in the ground just now. 3) They are talking to their plans. 4) How many students have their birthdays on May? 5) Womens Day is at the third of March. 6) I can jog to school on the morning. 7) Did you water trees at the farm? 8) Can you come and help me on my English? 9) I usually take photos in Sunday morning. 10) What did you do on the Spring Festival? 七、动七、动 词词 - 7 - 1、用 be 动词的适当形式填空。 1)I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _


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