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1、1,Lesson 6,Seasons and Culture,2,What do I need ?,3,-I want to make an Easter egg . What do I need?,-I need.,an egg.,4,-You want to draw a line. . What do you need?-You need.,a ruler.,5,-We want to . What do we need?-We need.,a camera.,6,-They want to fly a . The kite is small.-What do they need?-Th

2、ey need.,a big kite.,7,-The car is bad. What does he need?-He needs.,a new car.,8,- The sun is shining. Its hot. What does she need? -She needs.,a red hat.,9,-I want to make an Easter egg . What do I need?,10,I need ,11,12,There are so many beautiful Easter eggs.,13,2013.03.31 Easter,14,Easter,15,复活

3、节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年春分月圆之后第一个星期日。基督徒认为,复活节象征着重生与希望,为纪念耶稣基督于公元30到33年之间被钉死在十字架之后第三天复活的日子。,Easter,16,Chinese culture,Mid-autumn festival,17,In Mid-autumn festival, we eat mooncakes.,18,The Dragon Boat Festival,19,dragon boat,20,Spring Festival,21,In Spring Festival, we eat dumplings.,22,Duanwu Festiva

4、l,23,In Duanwu Festival, we eat Zongzi.,24,Easter is a very old festival.,It used to celebrate the start of spring and new life.,Eggs and chicks are the symbols of Easter.,In Britain, children do not go to school at Easter.,Banks and shops are closed.,People give Easter eggs and cards to their frien

5、ds.,Today Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate.,25,Listen and answer .,1. What are the symbols of Easter?,Eggs and chicks.,2. What are Easter eggs usually made of?,Chocolate.,26,Easter is a very old festival.,It used to celebrate the start of spring and new life.,Eggs and chicks are the symbols

6、 of Easter.,27,Read and answer .,Is Easter a new or an old festival? 2. What did it used to do?,An old festival.,It used to celebrate the start of spring and new life.,28,In Britain, children do not go to school at Easter.,Banks and shops are closed.,People give Easter eggs and cards to their friend

7、s.,Today Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate.,29,Read and answer.,1. What didnt children do at Easter in Britain? 2. Where is closed? 3. What do people give to their friend?,People give Easter eggs and cards to their friends.,In Britain, children do not go to school at Easter.,Banks and shops are closed.,30,Thank you ! Bye !,


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