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1、1,Basic knowledge of Chinese materia medica (pharmacy) (中药学基本知识),2,International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine -World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies -Peoples Medical Publishing House,3,9 textbooks for international TCM education,4,中药学:Chinese materia media

2、 中药: Chinese medicinal 地道药材:genuine regional materia media 中药性能:property and action of Chinese medicinal,Terminology of CMM,5,四气(四性):four properties 五味:five flavors 升:ascending 降:descending 浮:floating 沉:sinking 归经:meridian/channel tropism,6,炮制:processing 炒:stir-frying 炙:stir-frying with liquid adjuv

3、ant 煅:calcining 煮:decocting 蒸: steaming,7,副作用:side effect 毒性:toxicity 配伍: combination or compatibility 配伍禁忌:prohibited combination,8,相须:mutual reinforcement 相使:mutual assistance 相畏: mutual restraint 相杀:mutual suppression 相恶:mutual inhibition 相反: mutual antagonism,9,水煎:decocted with water 先煎:to be de

4、cocted first 后下:to be decocted later 包煎:wrap-boiling 另煎:decocted separately 单煎:decocted alone 酒煎:decocted with wine,10,冲服:take infused 顿服:administered at draught 烊化:melting 代茶饮:taking as tea 噙化:melting in mouth,11,剂量:dose(dosage) 临睡服:administrated before sleep 平旦服:administrated before breakfast 火候:c

5、ontrol of time and temperature 文火(慢火):mild fire (slow fire) 武火(急火):strong fire,12,解表药:exterior-releasing medicinal 清热药:heat-clearing medicinal 泻下药:purgative medicinal 祛风湿药:wind-damp-dispelling medicinal 化湿药:damp-resolving medicinal 利水渗湿药:damp-draining diuretic 温里药:warming interior medicinal,13,理气药:Q

6、i-regulating medicinal 消食药: digestant medicinal 止血药: hemostatic medicinal 活血化瘀药:blood-activating and stasis-resolving medicinal 化痰药:phlegm-resolving medicinal 止咳平喘药: antitussive and antiasthmatic medicinal,14,安神药:tranquillizing medicinal 平肝熄风药:liver-pacifying wind-extinguishing medicinal 开窍药:resusci

7、tative medicinal 补虚药:tonifying medicinal 收涩药:astringent medicinal 涌吐药: emetic medicinal 外用药及其他:externally applied and other medicinals,15,CMM(中药学) is a subject focusing on the knowledge of the basic theories of the CMM and its sources, production areas, collection, processing, properties, efficacies

8、, and clinical applications.,1 Introduction,16,2 Property and action of CMM,The four natures The five flavors The four directions Meridian Tropism Toxicity,17,cold, hot, warm, cool,Four natures,The four natures correspond to cold or heat natures of syndrome differentiation. They are summarized from

9、the bodys responses to the treatment of different medicinals.,18,Chinese medicinals with cold-cool nature can clear away heat, purge fire and eliminate toxic materials, which are mainly used for heat-syndrome. Chinese medicinals with warm-hot nature have the actions of expelling cold and restoring y

10、ang, which are mainly used for cold-syndrome.,Four natures,high fever thirst distending pain of the abdomen constipation red tongue with thick yellow and dry coating,aversion to cold cold limbs pain and coldness in the abdomen pale tongue with white coating,19,Five Flavors,The five flavors refer to

11、the five different tastes: sour bitter sweet pungent salty,20,Five Flavors,In ancient times it was realized that the flavors of Chinese medicinals had a definite relationship with their efficacies, This helped to explicate and develop five-flavor theory. The five flavors refer to both the savors of

12、medicinals and the flavors medicinal efficacies reflected in their clinical application.,21,Sour It has the function of absorbing, and consolidating and astringing. It can treat loss of essence due to weakness of healthy qi. Sour medicinals are often utilized for the following: perspiration, chronic

13、 diarrhea, chronic cough, seminal emission and so on.,五味子 wuweizi Chinese Magnoliavine fruit Fructus schisandrae chinensis,22,Bitter purging and drying Purgation includes discharging, lowering and clearing.,大黄Dahuang Rhubarb Radix et Rhizoma Rhei,23,Drying means drying dampness and is utilized for d

14、amp syndromes.,24,Sweet Tonifying and replenishing, moistening and nourishing. Used in the treatment of deficiency syndromes.,人参Renshen Ginseng Radix Ginshen,25,Pungent Dispersing and promoting the circulation of qi and blood. Exterior syndromes, as well as, syndromes of qi stagnation and blood-stas

15、is.,26,Pungent Chinese medicinals with an aromatic flavor, are also labeled as pungent, which also have the functions of removing tubidity, resolving dampness, regaining consciousness.,麝香Shengxiang Musk Moschus,冰片 Bingpian Bomeol Bomeolum synthrticum,27,Salty Softening and purging Softening means th

16、at it is able to soften hardness and dissipate nodule ndul结 , while purging means it can relieve constipation. Used for syndromes, such as scrofula skrfjl瘰疬 , goitergt 瘿瘤, phlegm nodule, abdominal mass and constipation.,鳖甲Biejia Turtle carapace Carapax trionycis,28,Four Direction Theory,ascending descending floating sinking,29,It refers to the directional effect of Chinese materia medica on the human body and corresponded to different tendencies manifested by d


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