江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(19)

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江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(19)_第1页
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江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(19)_第2页
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《江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(19)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(19)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 单项填空攻略训练(19)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. It is widely accepted that _ beautiful is always _ joy to everyone.A. a; aB. 不填; theC. the; 不填D. the; a22. Do you think the weather will be all right this summer? No, _ were lucky. The newspaper says itll be very hot an

2、yway. A. if B. though C. unless D. as23. I want someone to write the composition for me. No! As a student, you _ depend on yourself. A. shall B. will C. can D. may24. Ad-makers choose words and brand names very carefully in order to make a creative image of the product they are _.A. processing B. pr

3、oducing C. providing D. promoting25. Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are _ that cant be bought with money. A. these B. those C. ones D. some 26. The heavy snow swept across many parts of China, _ many peoples family reunion at the 2008 Spring Festival impossible. A. made B. m

4、aking C. to make D. having made27. The price of any product is linked to a complicated system of prices _ everything depends on everything else.A. that B. whichC. where D. when28. The students have been told that under no conditions _ the mobile phone in class. A. may they use B. they may use C. the

5、y could use D. would they use29. Dont _ important facts in your job application or youll lose a good chance. A. cut outB. leave outC. hand outD. point out30. Our monitor _ a qualification for an Olympic torch carrier when the reporters came to interview him. A. scarcely gained B. would scarcely gain

6、C. had scarcely gained D. was scarcely gaining31. The policy of the mainland is very clear and straightforward, and the key problem is _ the leaders of Taiwan will accept it.A. thatB. howC. whyD. whether32. Sorry for having kept you waiting. But for the traffic jam, I _20 minutes earlier. Never mind

7、. I havent been waiting that long. A. arrived B. would arrive C. would have arrived D. had arrived 33. Have you forgotten anything, sir? Oh, I forgot to pay. You see, Im terribly sick, but I _ to.A. didnt mean B. dont mean C. havent meant D. wasnt meaning34. In my opinion, keeping dogs should not be banned, but _ to certain areas. A. limited B. limiting C. to limit D. to be limited 35. What a mess! The guest will be here soon. _. I assure you the house will be spotless in a minute. A. Take your time B. Take it easy C. Never mind D. Not at all21-25 DCADB 26-30 BCABC31-35 DCAAB 2


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