七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Lesson41教案 冀教版

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1、冀教版英语七年级下Unit6Lesson41教案Snow! Its Winter!教学设计一、教材依据冀教版,义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语七年级(下),Unit 6 Lesson41。二、设计思想本课以新课程理念为指导,主要采用探究式教学法,培养学生自主、合作、探究、互动的意识和能力。本课从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,围绕“snow、winter”这个学生感兴趣的话题,利用多媒体创设教学情境,将学生置身于美丽的大自然之中,激发学生热爱大自然的美好情怀和学习热情。在探究学习活动的开展中,指导学生学会归纳整理并培养学生自主学习的能力和合作精神。课堂教学力求体现有效性原则,以学生为中心原则,探究性原

2、则,交际性原则和情感性原则。三、教学目标:(一)知识与能力1、学习并掌握winter,spring,bring,night,scarf等生词。2、掌握what引导的感叹句。3、会用“-What do you like to do?”“-I like to”组编对话。4、进一步提高学生的听、说、读、写能力。(二)过程与方法1、设计探究式的学习活动,促进学生实践能力和创新能力的发展。2、利用多媒体创设教学情境,提高课堂效率和效果。(三)情感态度与价值观1、让学生在英语学习和过程中,体验进步和成功。2、通过对话交流,学会与小组成员或伙伴合作。3、通过对“snow,winter”学习,增进其对大自然,

3、对生活的热爱之情。四、教学重点:1、运用what引导的感叹句表达心里体验。2、运用“-What do you like to do?”“-I like to”来谈论喜欢做的事情。五、教学难点1、培养学生观察、推理、总结和归纳的能力。2、如何有效引导小组合作学习,开展积极的小组竞赛。六、教学准备1、多媒体课件2、录音机3、花、围巾等具体实物七、教学过程:Step:Greetings and warming up.Ss:Good morning ,Ms Wang.T: Good morning boys and girls. First, lets sing“The snow is falling

4、 from the sky”.通过共唱有关“雪”的这首歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,同时为本课的学习创设了良好的教学情景。Step Leading in and presentation.T:What a beautiful song it is! Are you interested in snow and winter?Ss:Yes. We like snow and winter very much.We aways have fun in winter.T:Please look at the beautiful pictures on the screen. You can guess the

5、ir English meaning.(When the beautiful pictures about winter ,spring and night are shown,the students are interested in them.They give out the right meanings, I praise them immediately)When I teach some verbs,I get students to act.In this way ,they can guess their English meanings easily.I show a sc

6、arf to them,they can say out “scarf”quickly.(The students are excited,I give them some encouragement)利用多媒体创设的教学图片,肢体语言及实物来呈现本课要学的单词,生动活泼,学生能轻松地掌握单词,同时有利于学生英语兴趣的培养。Step ListeningGet the students to listen to the tape and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.1)Hows the weather today?2)D

7、oes it snow in April in Shijiazhuang?3)What does Li Ming like to do in winter?Check the answers.引导学生有目的地听,在听的过程中抓住关键信息,指导学生掌握一定的听力技能。Step Reading1、Ask students to read the text by themselves quickly and silently.When they find something important and difficult, they should point it out.2、Divide the

8、students into groups of six.Give them several minutes to learn from each other and help each other.And they can also ask me for help .In this way,they can solve the problems they meet.3.This time, the students read aloud the text.本环节既有默读,也有朗读,既有学生自主学习,也有学生互学;既有学生的主体活动,又有老师的指导点拨。这样就留给了学生自由的空间,有利于挖掘其潜

9、能;同时又在学习中培养了互助合作与探究能力。Step CompetitionDivide the students into six groups and ask them some questions.They should close their books.When they have the answers, they must stand up and say them out as quickly as possible. The group who get highest marks is the winning one.Questions,(Questions are show

10、n on the screen)1)Where are Li Ming, Jenny and their classmates sitting?2)Whats the weather like?3)Who looks out of the window?4)Does spring come later in Canada?5)Does it always snow in winter?6)How is the sky in Canada?7)What does Li Ming like to put on?8)What does Li Ming like to do?9)What does h

11、e want to learn?10)Who will teach Li Ming to skate and ski?通过比赛,不但能检查学生对课文内容的掌握程度,还能活跃课堂气氛,培养学生的合作意识、参与意识与竞争意识Step Presentation(Get the students to look at beautiful scenery of snow on the screen)T:Whats the weather like on the screen?Ss:Its cold and snowy.T:Yes,its snowing.Its winter. Im cold. I wa

12、nt my mittens and my scarf. What a cold,snowy day! (pretend to be very cold)Ss:Yes. What a cold、snowy day!T:What do you like to do in winter?Ss:I like to skate on the ice?/I like to skion the snow.通过此环节展示本课的重点语法What引导的感叹句及“What do you like to do?”句型。Step:Practice and sum it up.T:Please look at this

13、scarf.Is it nice?(I show a real scarf to them .)S:Yes,very nice,T:Do you like it?S:Yes, I do.T:Please describe it using an exclamatory sentence.Ss:What a nice scarf it is !T:Are these flowers beautiful?(I show some real,nice flowers to them.)S1:Yes,very beautiful.S2:What beautiful flowers they are!S

14、3:What beautiful flowers!At last ,I get students to sum up the structure of exclamatory sentence. They can write out the following structures:1)What+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!2)What+形容司+复数名词或不可数名词+主语+谓语!此环节用了实物教学,可激发学生的学习热情,在探究式学习活动的开展中,指导学生学会归纳整理,培养了学生自主学习的能力。Step PairworkGet the students to make up ne

15、w dialogues Use the key words and target languages in the box.look out of,skate,skiWhat a cold,snowy day!-What do you like to do?-I like toExample dialogues:Pair 1:S1:Look out of the window.What beautiful snow!S2:Yes,it is very beautiful. What do you like to do on snowy days?S1:I like to skate on the ice. What about you?S2:The same to m



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