【学海导航】2014版高考英语一轮总复习 Module2 Unit1 Tales of the unexplained同步训练 新人教版

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《【学海导航】2014版高考英语一轮总复习 Module2 Unit1 Tales of the unexplained同步训练 新人教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【学海导航】2014版高考英语一轮总复习 Module2 Unit1 Tales of the unexplained同步训练 新人教版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2.完形填空(18 min.)AMr. and Mrs. Brown were going abroad for their holiday. They had a dog called Blackie which they were very fond of, but they could not _1_ him abroad with them, so they looked for a good place to _2_ him while they were away, and at last found a place which _3_ dogs very well

2、while their owners were away. They took Blackie there just before they left for their holiday, and _4_ said goodbye to him.At the end of their holiday, they got back to England very late at night, and as they thought that the place where Blackie was staying might be closed at that _5_ hour, they dec

3、ided to wait until the next morning before going to get him.So the next morning Mr. Brown got into his car and drove off happily to _6_ Blackie.When he reached home with the dog, he said to his _7_, “Do you know, dear, I dont think Blackie can have enjoyed his _8_ at that place very much. He _9_ all

4、 the way home in the car as if he wanted to tell me something.”Mrs. Brown looked at the dog _10_ and then answered, “You are quite _11_, dear. He was certainly trying to tell you _12_. But he wasnt trying to tell you that he hadnt enjoyed his stay at that place. He was only trying to tell you that y

5、ou were bringing the wrong dog home. This isnt Blackie!” 1. A. bring B. takeC. send D. carry2. A. leave B. forgetC. drop D. deliver3. A. searches for B. looks forC. runs after D. looks after4. A. happily B. desperatelyC. sadly D. angrily5. A. early B. lateC. proper D. delightful6. A. collect B. clai

6、mC. lay D. return7. A. dog B. customerC. boss D. wife8. A. holiday B. trip C. stay D. meal9. A. talked B. cried C. barked D. jumped 10. A. occasionally B. carefullyC. casually D. constantly11. A. serious B. nervous C. excited D. right12. A. everything B. anythingC. something D. nothingBIn a small to

7、wn lives an old man. He has a nice house with 1._ large garden. The old man takes care of his flowers every day. The garden is 2._ beautiful that every passerby will stop to have a good look.One day a young painter went 3._ the old mans garden. He looked at the garden, thinking how happy he would be

8、 4._ he lived in such a beautiful place. 5._ suddenly he found the old gardener was blind. The painter was surprised and went to the old man. He asked, “ You cant see the flowers.Why are you making them so beautiful?”The blind gardener smiled, “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was a gardener wh

9、en I was young, and I really like the job.Second, 6._ I cant see these flowers, I can touch them. Thirdly, I can smell the sweetness of them. At last, thats you. Its true that I dont know you. But I know many people will stop by the garden and the beauty of my garden will make them happy. It also gi

10、ves me a chance to talk 7._ you here and enjoy these flowers together.”I believe every flower has eyes. With the eyes they can see the kindness of the old man. The blind man also grows flowers in his yard. Failing to see the beautiful flowers come out, he surely can hear the sound of 8._.阅读理解(8 min.

11、) How old are the objects you can see in the sky? The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, is believed to be about 200300 million years old. The sun and the moon are much older about 4.5 billion years old.New pictures taken by a telescope in space show ancient galaxies (星系) that blow those numbe

12、rs away. Some of these images show galaxies that are about 13 billion years old. The universe itself is only about 13.7 billion years old, so these galaxies formed when the universe was very young.“We are looking back 13 billion years and seeing galaxies just 600 to 700 million years after the Big B

13、ang,” says Richard Ellis who studied the pictures. The pictures came from the Hubble Space Telescope, which floats through space around the Earth, 353 miles up.Scientists found that the most distant reaches of space have fewer bright galaxies than closer regions. The decrease in the number of galaxi

14、es was not surprising, based on what astronomers have already learned about the universe. To look deep into space is the same as looking back in time, because light from faraway galaxies takes a long time to reach the Earth. When astronomers look at a picture of a distant star of galaxy, they are se

15、eing light that took billions of years to travel to the Earth. So when scientists look at these new pictures of distant galaxies, they see the star or galaxy as it looked millions or billions of years ago, at a time when the first galaxies were just forming.To take these pictures, the telescope used a new tool called the Wide Field Camera 3, or WFC3. Like an ordinary camera, this one takes pictures using visible light. But in addition, it also records pictures at wavelengths the eye can not see, including ultraviolet(紫外线的) light and infrared(红外线的) light.All of the


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