2012版高考英语一轮 Unit 3 Back to the past精品复习学案 牛津译林版必修3

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1、2012版英语一轮精品复习学案:Unit 3 Back to the past(译林牛津版必修3)复习目标要点一、重点单词1. _ n. 文明2. _ n. 机构3. _ adj. 文化的4. _ n. 主管,负责人;5. _vt.毁坏,摧毁 6. _ n 遗迹,;残留物 7. _adv.同样地 8. _ vt. 推翻,颠覆9. _ n.共和国;共和政体 10. _ vt./ n.影响11. _ vt.迫使(某人生气、发疯等) 12. _ n.市民 13. _ adj.木制的14. _ vt.为提供食物15. _ n.相似点;相似,类似16. _ vt.发现;揭开17. _ n.解决办法 18

2、. _ vi.爆炸 19. _ adj.巨大的,庞大的 20. _ n.文献;文件答案:(略)二、重点短语1.纪念_ 2. 在船上_3.实施,执行,进行_ 4. 处于良好的状态_5.夺取;接管_6. 使用中_7.作为回报 _ 8. 不复存在;不再_9.失落的文明_ 10. 向宣战_11.参与,与有联系_12. 被活埋_13.阻止某人做某事_ 14. 涌出,倾泻_15.去听演讲_16. 在底部_17.安排_18. 弥补_ 19. 既不也不_ 20. 不但而且_答案:(略)三、词汇联想1.major adj. _(n.) 2. wealthy adj._(n.)mercial adj._(n.)

3、4. heat n._(v.) _(adj.) 5.unite v. _(adj.) 6. concerned adj._(n./v._ (prep.)7.faithfully adv. _(adj.) _(n.) 8. condition n._(adj.)9.cultural adj. _(n.) 10. explode vi. _(n.) _(adj.)答案:1.majority 2. wealth 3. commerce 4. heat, heated 5. united 6.concern, concerning 7. faithful, faith 8. 9.culture 10.

4、 explosion, explosive四、重点句型1. Ill _(接管父亲的公司。)2. My father will_(我父亲要将公司移交给我。)3. Several problems_(有好几个问题尚待解决。)4. He _(非常担心)the future of his country.5. They gave me a present_(作为我对他们帮助的报答。)答案:1. take over my fathers firm 2. hand over his firm to me 3.remain to be settled 4. is very concerned about 5

5、. in return for my help要点名师透析重点单词【1】辨析remain, stay(1) remain与stay表示“留下,继续保持某一状态”时,常作连系动词,可以互换,其后接名词、形容词、介词短语等作表语。He stayed/remained outside while we entered the room.他留在外面,我们进了屋子。(2) 当表示“剩下”(即其余的一切都被拿走、除去、破坏等),通常只用remain而不用stay。What remains of the original art collection is now in the city museum.原来

6、的艺术收藏品剩下来的现在都在市博物馆里。(3) 当表示“在某处或在某处住下”时,常用stay而不用remain。He wants to stay with a friend in the country for a week.他想和一个朋友在乡下待一个星期。remaining adj. 剩下的Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _ until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. seated B. seatingC. to seat D. seatA句意:女士们,先生们,请在飞机完全停下来之后再离开座位。考查非谓

7、语动词作表语。remain“仍然是,保持不变”,是连系动词,后接不定式表示将要发生的动作;seat是及物动词,“使某人就座”为seat oneself,故用过去分词作表语。【2】 protect vt. 保护,from后接能带来伤害或损害之物。其常用句型为:protectfrom/againstHe wore a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes from/against strong light.他戴上太阳镜以保护他的眼睛不受强光影响。protection n. 保护Remember to bring clothes that provide ad

8、equate protection against the wind and rain.记住要带上足以防风雨的衣服。Each company is fighting _.每家公司都在奋力保护自己的商业利益。Troops have been sent to _.已经派出部队保护救援人员免遭袭击。to protect its own commercial interestsprotect aid workers against attack 【3】 influence v&n. 影响,感化Dont let me influence your decision.不要让我影响你的决定。Listenin

9、g to the music has a calming influence on her.听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。The team consists of four Europeans and two Americans.这支队伍由4名欧洲人和2名美国人组成。For her, happiness consists in watching television and reading magazines.对她而言,幸福在于看看电视和读读杂志。Theory should consist with practice.理论应当与实践相一致。have a good/badinfluence on

10、/upon/over 对有好的/坏的影响under the influence of 受的影响influence sb. (to do sth.) 支配/左右某人做某事表示“对有影响”还可以用:affect; haveeffect on/upon但要注意,强调“因果关系”时,用cause and effect。What exactly is _?电视对儿童究竟有什么影响?Those friends _.那些朋友对她有负面的影响。His writings _.他的作品影响了千百万人的一生。the influence of television on childrenhave a bad infl

11、uence on herhave influenced the lives of millions重点短语【1】 be in use (机器、场所等)在使用中Seriously damaged, the bridge is no longer in use.因受到严重损坏,这座桥不再使用了。The new version of this dictionary is not in use yet.这本字典的新版本还未通行。come into use 开始存在;开始被使用be no use (to sb.)/be of no use无用put sth. to good use 有效使用/利用mak

12、e use of 利用be out of use 不再使用,废弃不用in turn 轮流地,反过来in vain 徒劳无功地in addition 除此之外in return 作为回报The library of our school, which contains books of all kinds from home and abroad, _ for almost 100 years.A. is in use B. has been in useC. in for use D. has been for useB表示“在使用中”用be in use, 根据句中的时间状语for almost 100 years, 可知需要用现在完成时态。【2】 take over 接管,接替,接任Mr. Collins will take over my duties for a week after I leave.在我离开后柯林斯先生将接


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