高中英语:Unit4 Job hunter-listeningspeaking&ampamp;writing教案(牛津上海版S1B)

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《高中英语:Unit4 Job hunter-listeningspeaking&ampamp;writing教案(牛津上海版S1B)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语:Unit4 Job hunter-listeningspeaking&ampamp;writing教案(牛津上海版S1B)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter4Job Hunter-Listening, Speaking, Writing一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达思想感情的能力。(二)目标Listening 帮助学生练习听力中改错的能力。听说结合,提高听力教学效果。Speaking 帮助学生运用所学的知识去回答面试中可能会要碰到的问题。鼓励学生在此过程中动脑动口,学会如何在面试中推荐自己。Writing 了解求职信的写作思路。掌握求职信的写作方法。根据简要提示写出符合要求的求职信。(三)重点和难点Li

2、stening 鼓励学生勇于找出文章中的错误Speaking 通过表演掌握如何推荐自己以及如何在面试中给面试官留下好的印象。Writing 根据提示写出符合要求的application letter并能采用生生互评。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Listening Pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(correct the mistakes),扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇(cashier, assistant),提高听的效果。 While-listening诱发兴趣,增强听的动力。Post-listening

3、 校对答案牛津英语教学参考Page 61Speaking 设计情景:面试使用should 和shouldnt 句型表达在面试中面试人应该有的和不因该有的肢体动作.参加一个应聘暑期麦当劳兼职工作的面试,要求学生在面试中注意仪表问题以及回答问题的技巧。并请其他学生对他们的表现发表自己的评价。牛津英语教学参考Page66Writing 这是典型的控制写作。首先教师应该帮助学生了解求职信的写作思路;要求学生掌握该文体的写作方法;并能够根据简要的提示写出符合要求的求职信。在这部分建议教师采用生生互评的反馈方式,让每一个学生都成为批改者,评价的参与者,这样不仅可以提高学生的学习积极性,在改正同学的错误的同

4、时,自身水平得到的提高。牛津英语教学参考Page69链接1Listening and writing说明:建议听写结合:在听的基础上,引入写的内容,在听的同时,要求学生掌握表达写求职信的基本句型。因为两部分内容都是关于求职信的。Step One SpeakingTalk time1) Ask two able students to read the dialogue in Exercise A1 to the class, and then tell the rest of the class to answer the questions below it.2) For Exercise

5、A2 the students should practice the dialogue in Exercise A1. Before they begin, remind them to think about appropriate stress.3) Tell the students to work in pairs to complete Exercise A3 following the instructions given in the Students Book.Speak- up: This section offers the students practice in ro

6、le-playing an interview. Read the instructions on page 67 to the class. Tell the interviewers not only to use the interview form and the words and phrases given on page 68, but also to think of some questions of their own. Additional advertisements can easily be found in the classified section of a

7、local newspaper.Possible questions for the students to ask include:Do you have any work experience?What do you know about the work of a sales assistant?Why have you applied for this job?Do you want to work full-time or part-time?Do you have your school reports or any references with you?When can you

8、 start work?How would you describe yourself?What qualities do you think a sales assistant should have? The interviewers can take it in turns to ask questions or can interview one applicant each. After the interview, the interviewers should decide which applicant is the best and announce their choice

9、, giving some reasons for their decision.Make some comments on their performance. Step Two Listening Listening on page 61. Tell students to read the letter first, but not to make any changes. Deal with any vocabulary problems. Then play the recording and tell students to make the corrections as they

10、 listen to it.The listening task in this part is very easy. Teachers may put the emphasis on how to write a letter of application.链接2说明: 这是典型的控制写作。建议教师可以通过听力材料的内容(一份求职信)引入写作的主题。首先帮助学生了解写作思路,掌握该文体的写作方法;然后能够根据简要的段落提示写出符合要求的求职信。建议教师采用生生互评的反馈方式,来提高学生的学习积极性。如下,提供了一份本课时的完整教案。WritingStep One Pre-writing -

11、to introduce the rules of writing short messages.Students are required to read the letter of application on page 61 (listening material after checking the answers) and answer the following questions .Who wrote this letter ? Why does she write the letter ? In what way does she start the letter? In wh

12、at way does she end the letter ? Does she sign her name as well as the date at the end of the letter ? In what style are the letter written ? Students are required to know the notes on page 70Notes:how to apply (e.g., handwritten or typed letter);what to send (e.g., letter, resume, etc.);who and whe

13、re to send it to;when to send it.Students are required to know the analysis by paragraph that is given on page 70. (见课本) Students are required to summarize the rules of writing the letter of application.Step Two While-writing Students are required to read the article on page 70.Students are required

14、 to finish writing the passage.Step Three Post-writing Two students are required to project their writings to the screen .(使用实物投影仪)Other students are required to make some comments on these articles and then teacher may make some comments on their writing .Step Four Production Suppose you want to apply for a part-time job in McDonalds. Please write a letter of application. (先由每个学生独立写,教师巡回给予必要的帮助。完成之后先进行四人小组交流,在选择一个小组的作业进行集体点评。)用心 爱心 专心



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