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1、阅读和听说的有效教学,西南大学外语学院 杨晓钰,义务教育阶段英语课程总目标,听力技能的教学,35级教学目的: 增强对不同话语情景的识别能力,获取信息主旨大意,了解简单的具体事实、理解一定的逻辑关系以及事物发展的时间和空间顺序等,理解说话人的意图和态度。,35级,听关键信息; 听懂并执行指示语; 听懂大意和主题; 确定事物的发展顺序或逻辑关系; 预测; 理解说话人的意图和态度; 评价所听内容。,听前活动,听前活动热身活动;熟悉话题;熟悉相关词语和句型;接受背景信息;提出需要解决的问题;明确具体任务。,听的活动,听信息,排顺序; 听信息,列项目; 听信息,补全文字; 听并画图; 听并制作; 听并填

2、空; 听写; 听并记笔记; 听指令,完成系列动作; 听并选择; 听并匹配。,听后活动,口头回答问题; 小组讨论; 模拟对话; 复述或转述所听内容; 作出书面回应; 总结要点; 改编所听内容; 表达个人感受和观点。,口语技能的教学,35 级教学目的: 就简单的话题提供和交流信息,乐于表达个人观点和态度,逐步掌握倾听和呼应的技能,把握谈话线索和轮次,有效询问信息和澄清意思,获取帮助,解决力所能及的实际生活问题。,35级,引出话题; 维持交谈; 插话; 转移话题; 话轮转换; 引起注意; 澄清意思; 请求澄清; 表示倾听和理解; 预示和结束谈话; 利用语音、语调表达意思。,说前活动,阅读背景信息;

3、激活表达动机; 呈现情景与环境; 熟悉话题和语境; 语言准备; 明确对话任务。,说的活动,表演情景对话; 模拟情景对话; 短剧表演; 小组讨论; 全班讨论; 演讲; 简短报告; 讲故事; 接续故事; 复述故事; 相互补充信息。,说后活动,列出要点和细节; 写出要点; 转述信息。,35级教学目的 乐于阅读,基本养成阅读兴趣和良好的阅读习惯,掌握概括大意、理解词义、预测故事情节等基本阅读方法,基本掌握常用阅读策略, 初步形成语感。,阅读技能的教学,35级,略读; 扫读、找读、跳读; 预测; 理解大意; 猜测词义; 推断; 理解细节; 理解文章结构; 理解图表信息; 理解指代; 理解逻辑关系。,读前

4、活动,明确目的; 熟悉话题; 预测内容,激发兴趣和欲望; 激活相关语言; 布置任务。,读中活动,认读; 略读; 跳读; 根据所读内容画图、标图、连线、填表、排序、补全信息; 为课文选择或添加标题; 根据所读内容制作图表; 边读边操作; 判断信息的真实性。,读后活动,进一步理解与巩固所学语言; 转述所读内容; 根据所读内容进行角色扮演; 讨论。,写的技能的教学,35级教学目的: 乐于用书面语言表达意思,基本连贯地表述与表达事实、观点、情感,形成基本的写作能力。,35级,激活相关信息; 整理思路; 组织素材; 列出提纲; 起草短文; 组织语言; 修改短文; 正确使用标点符号和字母大小写。,写前活动

5、,激发兴趣; 激活相关信息; 明确目的和读者对象; 讨论主题; 搜集素材; 阅读范文; 语言准备。,写中活动,填空; 看图写话; 连句成文; 口头作文; 仿写、改写; 写提纲; 写初稿; 提示作文; 把图表转换成文字; 修改; 听写。,写后活动,展示作品; 小组交流; 制作板报、墙报; 同伴互评。,PPPThree-stage model,PPP Presentation Practice Production 词汇 语法 Presentation:Meaning sound form Practice: Learn to use Production: Use freely,Three-st

6、age model 听 说 读 写 Pre-listening/reading/writing While-listning/reading/writing Post-listening/reading/writing,Procedures and Time Allotment 1. Getting students ready for learning ( mins) 1) Greetings 2) Routine task 2. Revision ( mins) 3. Pre-listening ( mins) 词汇、重要句型教学(PPP) 、预测能力 4. While-listening

7、 对话教学(听力技能的训练),5. Post-listening (speaking, reading and writing) ( mins) 1) Oral work 2) Written work 6. Assigning homework 1) Conclusion 2) Homework Self- evaluation,Whats a teachers job? A teachers job is to help students learn.,The teachers duty is to let the student reach his or her best.,Do you

8、 know?,Objectives are what the students will be able to do at the end that they are not be able to do at the beginning. They can be acquired in a day, a week or so.,SMART Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-based,What? How? Why? Whether? Attainment of objectives?,备课的定义,备课是教师根据学科课

9、程标准的要求和本门课程的特点(英语教育最新研究成果),结合学生的具体情况,选择最合适的表达方法和顺序,以保证学生有效地学习。,有效教学就应该以学生能力的实际变化为目标,是指学生学会了多少,而不是教师教了多少 具体层面的目标就是学生通过教师的教学能够做些什么,教案设计须考虑的因素,让学生学会什么?,给学生做什么事?,学生从活动中获得了什么?,教学目标,教学活动,活动的有效性,Planning a reading class 1. Intensive reading 2. Extensive reading 3. Vocabulary teaching 4. Grammar teaching 5.

10、 Reading for writing,People construct meaning based on their own experience and knowledge. Therefore, we may get very different impression about the same picture we are looking at.,The three stages of teaching reading One way is to teach reading in three stages: pre-reading stage, while-reading stag

11、e, and post-reading stage. Each stage has a different goal and deals with different reading strategies.,Stage 1 Getting ready for learning,Step 1 Greetings T: Morning, boys and girls. Step 2 Informal chatting T: Hows the weather? Ss: T: Is it sunny? Ss: No, its rainy.,Stage 2 Pre-reading,1. The aims

12、 of the pre-reading stage Pre-reading means before the text is read. The aims of it are: A. Arousing the students interest in the topic or type of text; B. Motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; C. Preparing the students for the content of the text.,做好情感上的准备:激发学生的学习

13、兴趣 做好话题上的准备:激活学生已有的背景知识,导入与课文相关的背景知识 做好语言上的准备:呈现必要单词和重要句型等 2. The skill practised in the stage The skill practised in this stage is prediction.,Step 1 Present some new vocabulary based on the pictures. T: Look at Picture 1. What are they doing? Ss: They are having a birthday party. T: How do you kno

14、w? Ss: We can see a birthday cake lots of food and drinks birthday gifts birthday cards Everyone is wearing a party hat. Who bought ? Who brought(bring),T: What is Kangkang doing? Ss: He is making a wish. T: What do we usually do after that? Ss: 吹蜡烛。 T: Right. Blow out the candles. How many candles?

15、 Ss: Thirteen candles. T: That means Kangkang is ,make a wish /w/,Step 2 Look at the second picture. T: What are the children doing?,T: Are they happy? Ss: Yes. T: Everyone is happy.,Task 1 Look at the pictures and guess what the passage is about. Write a title(题目) on the line.,Whats the title for t

16、he text? A Birthday Party A Happy Birthday Party Kangkangs Birthday Party Kangkangs Happy Birthday Party,predicting the main idea picture,Task 2 Read the first sentence to check your prediction.(主题句),Stage 3 While-reading,1. The aims of the while-reading stage This stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims A. To help the reader understand the content and str


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