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1、1. 写信的格式,Dear Sir or Madam, _. _. Sincerely, Simon Johnson,2. 看图作文,1.描述图画: Asisvividlydepictedinthecartoongivenabove,wecanobservethat Asisvividlyshowninthepicture,wecanseethat Aswecanseefromthepicture, 2.描述漫画本质/内涵: Apparently,thepicturereflects/revealsthat Thecartooninformsusofthephenomenonthat,3.出现

2、的问题或现象的原因: Webelievethatthreereasonscanaccountforthisphenomenon.First,_.Second,_.Third,_. Whatcontributedtothesechanges?Ithinkthereasonsareasfollows.Tostartwith,Secondly, Whatsmore,Lastbutnotleast, Reasonsforareinabundance. Thereasonsforthisphenomenonareasfollows. Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Thirdly,_. The

3、re are at least two good reasonsaccountingfor_.On the one hand,_.On the other hand, _is due to the fact that_.,4.提出措施 / 建议: Therefore, immediatemeasuresshouldbetakento.Tobeginwith,Whatsmore,Lastbutnot least, Itishightimethatstrictmeasuresweretakento stop. Itisnecessarythatstepsshouldbetakento. Tosol

4、vetheabove-mentionedproblem,wemust.,5.收尾段: Fromwhathasbeendiscussedabove,wecandraw theconclusionthat. Inconclusion,itisimperativethat. Insummary,ifwecontinuetoignoretheabove-mentionedissue,moreproblemswillcropup. Withtheeffortsofallpartsconcerned,theproblemwillbesolvedthoroughly. Wemightdomorethanid

5、entifythecauseitisimportanttotakeactionsto. Whetheritisgoodornot/positiveornegative,one thingiscertain/clear. Takingintoaccountalltheabovefactors,itisreasonabletoreachtheconclusionthat,下图呈现在地铁车厢里常见的一幕。请描述此图片,并简要谈谈你对这一现象的看法。,The photo shows a scene commonly seen on the subway train: nearly all the pa

6、ssengers are playing with their smartphones or tablets. As soon as they get on the train, they will take out their tablets, with their eyes fixed on screens, surfing for news, reading blogs, watching movies, or contacting their friends online. They can hardly tear themselves away from their tablets

7、even on the escalators while they are going in and out of the stations. Now people tend to communicate with one another through the Internet and online contacts are increasingly replacing face-to-face verbal contacts. I am wondering why smartphones, which bring us convenience, should separate people

8、 from one another, why we prefer to shut ourselves in the virtual world and why real life should become just video clips on screens. We may as well put away those tablets and return to the real world where we can smile at one another, chat happily on a wide range of topics and find pleasure in compa

9、ny with families and friends. (171 words),3. 图表作文,图表作文相关常用词组 图表类型:table(表格), chart(饼图), graph(曲线图), bar chart(柱状图) 描 述:show, describe, illustrate, represent, see 内 容:figure(数字), statistics(统计量), number(数量), percentage(百分比), proportion(比例),常用的描述用法 The table / chart shows (that) the changes in the num

10、ber of. over the period from . to . As is shown in the table / chart, We can see from the table / chart that According to the table / chart, Compared with., the number of the of Its clear from the chart that .,From the table, we can see that film is giving way to TV in our city. For example, in 2001

11、, there were only less than 10 thousand TV viewers, and the number of film goers was nearly 90,000. However, as time went on, the trend has changed dramatically the number of movie goers has dropped significantly, while that of the TV watchers has greatly risen. In 2012, we had nearly 80 thousand TV

12、 viewers but only about 40 thousand film goers.,Possible reasons behind such a considerable change can be summarized as follows. In the first place, televisions are so common nowadays that more and more people turn to this comfortable way of entertainment without steeping out of homes. Besides, it i

13、s convenient and cheap, providing viewers with a wide range of programs for them to choose from. At the same time, there are still some people who prefer films in the cinemas because they like the atmosphere there as well as the sound and vision effects of the blockbusters, which TV viewers can neve

14、r experience.,Whichever way is chosen, the change is a mirror of peoples highermaterialaspirations and life satisfaction.,As a survey says, 62% of the people regard developing a new environment-friendly and cheap substitute as the best way. Still a third of the people think moral discipline is a goo

15、d choice. However, 12 % of the people think a law should be made to ban the use of plastic bags. And a quarter of the people hold the opinion that the government should make use of its authority to make everyone go green. Meanwhile only one fifth of the people think the present measure charging for the plastic bag use is most effective.,4.



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