与 Profinet性能指标以及实现原理比较课件

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《与 Profinet性能指标以及实现原理比较课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《与 Profinet性能指标以及实现原理比较课件(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,1.Overview,2. Functional Pinciple,3. Topology,4.Peformance 5. Ease of Use 6.Safety 7.lmplementat1on 8. Confonance,9.Stability,10. Adoption,11. Summary,。d。ber 2014,Industrial Ethernet Technol。gies,EtherCAT vs. Profinet 10 - a Technology Comparison,li/Jil.CDtlD,EtherCA1:,=,忻州 副脑 llrademark ofPro仙”阳幽

2、I k却怕”o G伽 机 E曾le!CAT 阳阳natkof Bec:khctl V阳1.Gemlaf v,C Ete.CAT Technol。gy Grp,El阳市AT vs Profinet l。,Profinet 10: Overview,器墨誓,州 me,Mm 一,旧 时Mf,i t,rcc,w 一 川 m,oR nR,4, n4,3. Topology,4.Peformance,5.Ease of Use,6.Safety,7.Implementation,8.Conformance 9.Stability 10. Adoption 11. Summary,October 2014,

3、PROFINET - Pl I Siemens Industrial Ethernet Solution,Three different main Versions :,Pr。finet 1/0,Version 1 (2001) CbA: ”Component based Automation“,: Version 2 (2004),I,RT:,1Soft Real Time I (Software Based),Factory automation,Vesion 3 (2005) IRT: lsochonous Real Time (Hardware Based),(hJlillliliSr

4、.lil1TtI-,Pictures sourced fr。m PTO/PNO webs te,。EtherCAT Techn。logy Group,Ethe币AT vs.Profinet 10,Profinet RT:Overview,器墨誓,l0刚ally named ,Soft R时1me (SRT),Software Solution with Standard Controller + Network Components Real-Time Behavior as good as provided by Switching Technology VLAN-Taggi ng Prio

5、ritization, IEEE802.1q,. Stack bypasses TCP and IP for Process data ,Best E仔ort“ Protocol with 5 . 10 ms typical cycle time Aimed at and suited for PLC type applications (including drive control, but not motion contol) Requires substantial amount of software (Field device: 1MByte),州 me,Mm 一,旧 时Mf,i

6、t,rcc,w 一 川 m,oR nR,4, n4,3. Topology,4.Peformance,5.Ease of Use,6.Safety,7.Implementation,8.Conformance,9.Stability,Ordinary Ethernet Controller,10.Adoption,11. Summary,October 2014,。EtherCAT Techn。logy Group,Ethe币AT vs.Profinet 10,Profinet IRT:Overview,器墨誓,州 me,Mm 一,旧 时Mf,i t,rcc,w 一 川 m,oR nR,4,

7、n4,3.Topology, Hard Real Time by Time Sli Requires Special Switch Chips - within ALL device (Master, Slave + all Infrastructure Devices) Aimed at Motion Control Applications Reservation of Time Slices for Non Real Time (NRT) + TCP/IP Traffic In spite of using special hardware, still requires substan

8、tial amount of software (Field device : 2MByte) .-. ll!1!Z血旦皿血llll且噩,4.Peformance,5.Ease of Use,6.Safety,8.Conformance 9.Stability 10. Adoption 11. Summary,7.Implementation,Pictures sourced fr。m PTO/PNO webs te,October 2014,。EtherCAT Techn。logy Group,Ethe币AT vs.Profinet 10,EtherCAT Overview,.,EtherC

9、AT.,wme,Mm 04,w一d叫,四 mm川,oRR,41 q,,3.Topology, EtherCAT: Industrial Ethernet Technology developed by B础时, introduced in 2003, promoted by EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) EtherCAT Device Protocol: 1/0 + Motion Control, Measurement ECAT Automation Protocol: Controller + Information System Level,ERP, ,

10、EtherCAT Aut。mation Pro!。col Coofi2 ratiori,4.Performance,5. Ease of Use,曰 I I Master,m,o,”,Am,,10.Adoption,山 飞 r (r动 (i:、,6. Safety,?. Implementation,I I Master,I I Master,M翩翩 。 I I Slave dlce,Slave device,Slave device,8. Confonance,9.Stability,”画”,11.Summary,.,哩dVi,EtherCAT Device Protocol process

11、ed 。n the fly,。ctober 2014,。EtherCAT Techn。gyGrop,EtherCAvs Profinet l。,州 me,Mm 一,旧 时Mf,i t,rcc,w 一 川 m,oR nR,4, n4,3.Topology,4.Peformance,5. Ease of Use,6.Safety,7.Implementation,8.Conformance,9.Stability,10. Adoption,11. Summary,October 2014,EtherCAT Profinet,Devel。pment Hist。ry,.,EtherCAI: Origi

12、nally developed for Machine Control / Fact 叩Automation: the Ethernet Fieldbus,IJfi!回画 mtJo 1st Versi on developed for Controller/Controller Communication: Profinet CBA,Later expanded for,Controller/Contr。ller,c。mmunication:,EtherCAT Automation,Later expanded for Machine Control /,Factory Aut nation:

13、,Pr。finet RT / IRT,Prot。col,6,t斗 i,跚,。EtherCAT Technology Group,EtherCAT vs.Profinet 10,1.Overview,2.Functional Principle,3.Topology,4.Peformance 5.Ease of Use 6.Safety 7.Implementation 8.Conformance 9.Stability 10. Adoption 11. Summary,October 2014,Pr。finet RT: Functional Principle,器墨誓,Each node se

14、nds its data cyclically , triggered by a local timer,These timers are NOT synchronized ( frequency fluctuations),。ms4,。EtherCAT Techn。logy Group,Ethe币AT vs.Profinet 10,1.Overview,2.Functional Principle,3. Topology,4.Peformance,5. Ease of Use,6.Safety,7.Implementation,8.Conformance,9.Stability,10. Ad

15、option,11. Summary,October 2014,Pr。finet IRT:Functi。nal Principle,器墨誓,Timeslicing Approach by special Switch Chips (e.g. ASICs) Switches can be integrated into devices Topologies: Line (up to 25 nodes), Branch, Tree suppo时ed Cycle Time 250 s to 4 ms, 1 s jitter. V 2.3 (Ed.1): Cycle time starting fro

16、m 31.25 s (claimed),I IRT,IRT ,in阳al ,,IRT 阳v,TCP/IP,TCP/IP,TCP/IP,int叫I,-,-,I,一一Cycle 1 一一,Cycle 2 一一l一,Cycle n 一一,= time window,RTStandard c ”、”、unlcatl nc 町、町、unlcatl n R9a雨国,Is chr n us,c 町、町、unlcatl n,IRT data,Pictures sourced fr。m PTO/PNO website,。EtherCAT Techn。logy Group,Ethe币AT vs.Profinet 10,1.0veview,2.Functional Principle,3.Topology,4.Performance,5. Ease of Use,6.Safety,7



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