九年级英语Unit 5 Topic 2湘教版知识精讲

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1、用心 爱心 专心 九年级英语九年级英语 Unit 5 Topic 2 湘教版湘教版 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 5 Topic 2 The man who is going a class is Confucius. Section A 1. He is a man who had many wise ideas and thoughts about nature, the world and human behavior. 他是一个睿智、有思想的人,对自然、对世界和人类的行为都有着独特的见解。 who 关系代词引导一个定语从句,在从句中作主语。 定语从句修饰人时

2、,一般用关系代词 who 或 whom,有时也用 that,但作主语时多用 who,作宾语时,常用宾格 whom 或 that,在多数情况下可以省略。 如:你认识刚刚和他谈话的那个女孩吗? Do you know the girl who talked to him just now?(作主语) 你认识我刚刚和她谈话的那个女孩吗? Do you know the girl (whom/that)I talked to?(作宾语,可省略) 2. Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? p

3、leasure 作“高兴,快乐,愉快,欣慰”或“玩乐,休闲”时为不可数名词,作“快 乐的事”时为可数名词。 你来北京游玩还是出差? Are you in Beijing on business or for pleasure? 不用谢 Its a pleasure. 比较 pleased,pleasing,pleasant pleased 表示“高兴的,满意的,感到高兴的”指从外部因素引发人们内心的喜悦, 主语只能是人。 我很高兴见到你。 Im pleased to see you. 我对我的英语考试很满意。 Im pleased with my English exam. pleasant

4、通常指天气、旅行、消息、时间等令人感到高兴、愉快、舒适。 如:他们的旅行非常愉快。 They had a pleasant journey. 在这儿散步很愉快。 Its a pleasant to have a walk here. pleasing 表示令人高兴的、使人愉快的,主语通常是物。 那个令人喜悦的消息令我很高兴。 Im pleased at the pleasing news. 3. Confucius received a good education. 孔夫子受到良好的教育。 receive and accept receive 为及物动词,意为“收到,接到” 我上个星期收到了

5、莉莉的来信。 I received Lilys letter last week. 在我们国家儿童受到良好的教育。 Children in our country receive good education. 用心 爱心 专心 accept 是及物动词,意为“接受,承认” accept sth accept sb sth as . ./. 接受某物 承认是 accept that 从句 如:他接受了我的建议。 He accepted my advice. 我们承认她是班上最好的学生。 We accepted her as the best student in the class. 她承认自

6、己错了。 She accepted that she was wrong. accept 与 receive 含义不同,accept 指经过考虑,主观上愿意接受某物;receive 表 示收到,指客观收到某物这一事实,并不表示是否愿意接受。 如:她接受了他的礼物。She accepted his present.(考虑后同意收下) 她收到了他的礼物。She received his present. (仅指收到了) 4. He tried to search for good rules of behavior. 他努力地寻找一种完美的治国之道。 search for 意为“寻找”表示搜查某一

7、对象的目的是要找到什么,强调搜查某个特定的 目标,而 search sth. 在中搜查,search for 寻找(有特定的目标) 如:他正在寻找丢失的孩子。 He is searching for the lost child. 他在因特网上查寻海南岛的资料。 He is searching the Internet for the information about Hainan Island. Section B 1. You know, Im becoming more and more interested in Chinas history these days. 你知道, 这些天

8、来我对中国的历史越来越感兴趣了。 become more and more interested in sth. /in doing sth. 对某事/做某事越来越感兴趣,强调 变化的过程。 如:我对学习英语越来越感兴趣了。 I become more and more interested in learning English. 在上次游泳后,我对它越来越感兴趣了。 I become more and more interested in it after I went swimming last time. 2. He is quite great. 他太伟大了。 quite great

9、 很伟大,quite形/副 相当地很 这些食物好吃极了。The food is quite delicious. 前不久我收到了吉姆的来信。 I heard from Jim quite recently. 3. His last ocean journey was about a century earlier than Columbus journey to America. 他最后一次的航海旅行比哥伦布发现美洲大陆还要早大约半个世纪。 half a century earlier than 比早半个世纪 数字形容词比较级 than 比(强、大、多)多少 如:我比你早二十分钟到达学校。 I

10、 got to school twenty minutes earlier than you. 用心 爱心 专心 我比你大 10 岁。Im ten years older than you. 4. It is a pity that he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433. 遗憾的是 1433 年从非洲回国的路上他死于疾病。 die of 指“患而死”而 die from 则指“由于而死,由致死” 如:这位老人死于癌症。The old man died of cancer. 他因脑部受到重击而死。He died from b

11、rain injures by blows to the head. 5. In the autumn of 1933, the Red Army faced the danger of being wiped out by the KMT. 1933 年秋天,红军面临着被国民党剿灭的危险。 face the danger of 面临的危险 动物们面临着被人类杀死的危险。 The animals face the danger of being killed by human beings. wipe out 彻底消灭,全部摧毁 地震把这个村庄夷为平地。 The village were wi

12、ped out by the earthquake. 6. At last, after a long journey of about 25,000 Li, the Red Army succeeded in arriving in Gansu Province in 1936. 最后,红军经过二万五千里长征,于 1936 年胜利到达甘肃省。 succeed in sth. /doing sth. “在/做方面成功” 我希望他的工作会成功。I hope he will succeed in his work. 他成功地做出了这道难题。 He succeeded in working out

13、this difficult problem. 【模拟试题模拟试题】 (答题时间:40 分钟) 一. 词汇。 A. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. The Red Army faced hard (life)conditions. 2. At last, they (success). 3. Lucy is very glad to succeed in (cross) the river. 4. As we know, Confucius was a great (education). 5. The CPC decided to move the Red Army to a (safely

14、) place. B. 根据汉语提示填词。 6. The bridge is 100 (米)long. 7. Who is the (领导)of the long March. 8. Chinese people are (骄傲)of Zheng He. 9. Which (世纪)was Zheng He born? 10. All the enemies were out(歼灭). C. 根据首字母填词。 11. We will f the danger of being beaten. 12. The sharks often a people by the sea. 13. The Re

15、d Army l by chairman Mao achieved(胜利)at last. 14. He succeeded in s the problem. 用心 爱心 专心 15. Thank you l me some money. I can buy a bike. 二. 单项选择。 ( )1. After his mother , Confucius began to teach. A. deathB. deadC. diedD. dying ( )2. Qin Shihuang six states. A. beatB. beatsC. win D. won ( )3. He l

16、earned from the book. A. a lot of B. many C. a lot D. lots of ( )4. The number of students in our class 45 now. A. is B. are C. be D. was ( )5. The homework is too much. Yes, it me two hours my homework. A. cost; to finishB. took; to finishC. spent; finishing D. spent; on ( )6. He went on his ocean journey 200 ships and 27,000 people. A. haveB. has C. had D. wit



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