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1、1,Text Little House in the Big Woods,Unit 1,2,I. Title,Little House in the Big Woods is the first of the eight volume series and Laura Ingalls Wilders first childrens book. Its the story of Laura and her family and how life was for them in their log cabin deep in the woods.,3,Picture of a Little Hou

2、se in the Big woods,4,II. Author,Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in Pepin, Wisconsin, in Feb. 7,1867. Her early life was spent constantly moving from place to place. They traveled through thick woods, over barren prairies, through the swollen Mississippi, and over icy waters all in their covered wagon

3、. They moved from Missouri, to Kansas, to Wisconsin, to Minnesota, to Iowa and finally settled in De Smet, South Dakota, where her father claimed a homestead(家宅). When Laura started writing her classic “Little House” book series in 1932,5,she had no idea of creating fame for herself or the places wh

4、ere she had lived. She wrote simply to preserve tales of a lost era in American history, the pioneer period she vividly recalled from her growing-up years on the Midwestern frontier in the 1870s and 1880s. When Laura completed her eight-volume series in 1943, she had achieved a lasting and substanti

5、al literary picture of pioneer life as she had experienced it in Wisconsin, Kansas, Minnesota, and South Dakota.,6,In 1954 the American Library Association established the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award in her honor and Wilder was the first recipient. The award is now given every five years to the autho

6、r who has made a substantial contribution to childrens literature. Most recently it was presented to Virginia Hamilton, who was also the first black author to win the Newbery Medal. Wilder died in Feb.1957 in Mansfield of a stroke. After her death, children all over the world continue to read and en

7、joy her books.,7,Lauras eight-volume series: Little House in the Big Woods (1932)Farmer Boy (1933)Little House on the Prairie (1935)On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937)By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939)The Long Winter (1940)Little Town on the Prairie (1941)Those Happy Golden Years (1943) A weekly tele

8、vision series, Little House on the Prairie, which was based loosely on Wilders books, began in 1974 and ran for many seasons.,8,III. Background Information,Westward Movement in America (西进运动) Westward movement in America carried settlers across America, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

9、The westward movement began in the early 1600s with European settlements along the Atlantic Coast of North America. It continued until the late 1800s. By that time, the western frontiers of the United States had been conquered.,9,An abundance of land and other natural resources lured Americas pionee

10、rs westward. The pioneers struggled westward across hills, mountains, and prairies on foot, on horseback and in covered wagons. Some of them looked to the west for wealth or adventure. Others sought to improve their social position or increase their political power.Wilders father was one of those pi

11、oneers.,10,For almost 300 years, the westward movement influenced American history. The frontier was more than a place on a map. It was an experience that shaped many American institutions and ideas. The frontier environment presented challenges that produced creative solutions. The frontier experie

12、nce promoted democracy and also encouraged the development of certain American characteristics. As jacks of all trades, pioneers became inventive and self-reliant. In addition, frontiers offered opportunities for success to those who worked hard.,11,As a result, pioneers tended to be optimistic abou

13、t the future and concerned with material wealth. Boastfulness and self-confidence emerged as frontier traits as well. Unfortunately, the pioneers also became extremely wasteful because they lived among such plentiful natural resources. Pioneers cut down vast areas of forests, lost large amounts of g

14、old and other minerals in careless mining operations, and exhausted the soil. The continual pursuit of a better life made Americans more restless than their European ancestors.,12,IV. Structure,Part 1 (para.1-5) Pa was away from home, trading his furs for necessities. Part 2 (para. 6-32) Ma & her da

15、ughters encountered a big bear but got home safely. Part 3 (para 33-35) Pa was back home safe & sound,13,V. Text Analysis,wilderness an unsettled, uncultivated region left in its natural condition 荒野(地) What are the essential factors in telling a story? The five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why.

16、thaw melt eave projecting overhang at lower edge 屋檐 trade give in exchange for sth. else trap catch in or as if in a trap pack fold, roll or combine into a bundle strap fasten or secure with a strap,14,personification A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form. 拟人,人格化,给无生命的东西或者抽象的东西赋予人的个性或绘以人的形象. Hunger sat shivering on the road. 饥饿站在路上颤抖. Flowe


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