牛津小学英语5A教案 UNIT4_小学五年级英语教案

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1、 精品范文牛津小学英语5A教案 UNIT4_小学五年级英语教案5a unit 4 教学方案(第一课时)第一部分简要提示一、年级:五年级二、单元:unit 4三、课题:halloween 四、课型:新授课五、教学内容:单元part a六、教学目标:1. 掌握单词halloween, need, tomorrow, vase, mask, pumpkin, lantern, horse, change2能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:what (else) do we need? we need .七、教学重难点:1. 单词halloween和词组pumpkin lantern的发音。2. 初步了

2、解掌握句型:what do you like? i like . do you like ? yes, i do. / no, i dont.3. 万圣节前夕的背景知识。第二部分教学过程第一步:重难点突破t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you. 同学们,大家好。很高兴和大家一起来学习第四单元。首先请同学们回答老师一个问题。t: what date is it today?今天是几月几日?t: yes, now is october. 对,现在是十月份。in october there are lots of festivals. (在十月里有许多的

3、节日,例如我们的国庆节,有时中秋节也在十月份。) today we are going to learn a new one. we call it “halloween”.(今天我们要来学习一个新的节日,我们称它为“万圣节前夕”。)t: now please read after me. (ppt点出单词,带读halloween, 教)现在,请同学们跟我读一读。t: 请同学们再跟老师来读一读,大家要注意老师的口型。(跟读单词)t: good. now do you know the origin about halloween?你知道万圣节前夕的来历吗?现在让我们一起来看一张知识卡片。)(p

4、pt 出示知识卡)t: 怎么样?你现在知道万圣节前夕的来历了吗?通过这个介绍我们知道halloween is on oct. 31st. people usually have halloween parties on that day.万圣节前夕在每年的十月三十一日,在那天人们经常穿着奇怪的衣服,带着面具聚会来庆祝。for the party, people need many things. what do they need? can you guess? (为了准备这个聚会,人们需要很多东西,你能猜出他们需要什么吗?假如你知道,你可以回答 they need , 在这里need的意思是

5、需要。请同学们跟着老师读。(ppt,学读) 他们需要一些什么?请同学们看一看我和这位同学的示范。t: at halloween, what do they need?s1: they need some flowers.s2: they need some sweets.t: 现在,请同学们也来回答一下这个问题吧。t: good. now we know they need some flowers and some sweets. what else do they need?here, “else” is a new word. it means “别的,其他的”. now, please

6、 read after me. 请同学们跟我来读一读这个单词。(ppt,学读)t: let me tell you. they need some pumpkin lanterns, and masks. (他们还需要一些南瓜灯,和面具) now, please read these two new words after me. (现在请同学们跟我读这两个新单词,读的时候请同学们注意老师的口型) (ppt,学读)(本步骤设计说明:本节课涉及的内容很多。除了生词和新句型外,还万圣节前夕的文化背景知识。所有这些都会在课文学习的过程中给学生带来很大的困难。教师通过这种对话式的教学方法,不仅为学生提

7、供了一种轻松,真实的英语学习环境,并且还可以渗透和帮助学生理解本课新知识,减轻后面课文学习的难度。)第二步:课文学习1. t: well done, boys and girls. now we know that at halloween people need pumpkin lanterns and masks for the halloween party too. today, our friend ben and his family are going to have a halloween party. lets go and have a look.今天我们的朋友ben和他的

8、家人也要进行万圣节前夕的聚会。我们一起去看看吧。(ppt出示课文图片和前言)t: 好,同学们,现在请你们看一看课文图片来回答老师几个问题。the first question, what is the date in the picture?t: yes, its october the 30th. tomorrow is october the 31st. its halloween. do you know what tomorrow means?你知道“tomorrow”是什么意思吗?t: yes, it means 明天。now please read after me. 读的时候请同

9、学们注意老师的口型(ppt,学读)2. t: good. tomorrow is halloween. what do ben and his family want to do?明天就是万圣节了,ben和他的家人想要做些什么呢?t: yes, they want to buy things for a halloween party. (对,他们要买一些东西来进行万圣节聚会。请同学们一起跟老师来读一读这个词组。t: good. then for the party, what do they need? 那么为了这个聚会,他们需要一些什么呢请听课文的短片,然后回答这个问题。)(ppt播放课文

10、短片)t: ok. now, what do they need, do you know?t: yes, they need some chocolate, some flowers and a vase.do you know vase. look, this is a vase. 现在请同学们跟我读这个单词。(ppt出示图片和单词,学读) t: good, they need some chocolate, some flowers and a vase. what else do they need? t: yes, they also need a pumkin lantern an

11、d some masks. 对,他们还需要一个南瓜灯和一些面具?那么,他们喜欢什么样的面具呢?3. what masks do they like?这里有老师列举了一些面具,请大家再看一遍短片,然后选择回答这个问题。(ppt播放课文短片)t: ok. now can you tell me what masks they like?t: yes, they like tigers, m (本步骤设计说明:本部分教师利用课文图片一,以及几个主要的问题来组织课文教学,线索非常清晰,对学生整体的理解课文有较大的帮助。由于在重难点突破部分已经对其中一些难点进行了分解,所以这里对学生来讲应该还是比较简单

12、的。)第三步:巩固操练t: ok! just now we went shopping with ben and his family and they bought things for halloween. 现在我们一起来回顾一下本节课的内容请你根据课文,将下面的短文填写完整(ppt出示填空短文)today is oct. 30th. ben and his family want to buy things for a _ party. they _ some chocolate, some flowers and a_. and they need _ and some _, too.

13、 bens brother, ron doesnt _ rabbit masks. he likes _, tigers and monkeys.t: now, please look at the answers? are yours the same as mine? 你们的答案和老师一样吗?(ppt点出答案)t: 本节课中我们一起了解了万圣节前夕这一节日的风俗习惯,还学会用英语说很多与万圣节相关的物品的名称,希望同学们下课后认真复习课文,并试着与你的同学一起表演课文。在表演的时候,请同学试着使用我们这节课学习的新句子。我们下节课见。goodbye!第三部分 说明在本节课的开始教师

14、结合课文内容向学生介绍了万圣节前夕的风俗,操练了课文中部分生词和重点句型,为课文学习作了铺垫。在课文学习部分,教师利用课文图片和几个重点的问题贯穿了整篇课文的教学,为学生整体理解课文内容提供了很大的帮助。在课文学习的基础上,通过填空等练习帮助学生巩固新知识。5a unit 4 教学方案(第二课时)第一部分简要提示一、年级:五年级二、单元:unit 4三、课题:halloween 四、课型:单词句型新授课五、教学内容:单元part bcd六、教学目标:1. 掌握单词a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig2进一步巩固掌握句型do you like ? yes, i do

15、./no, i dont. i likei like what do you like? i like 七、教学重难点:1. 新单词的发音。2. 熟练掌握句型:do you like ? yes, i do./no, i dont. i like i like what do you like? i like 第二部分教学过程第一步:复习t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you again. 同学们,大家好。t: last lesson, we went shopping with ben and his family. 上一节课,我们和ben以及他的家人一起去购物。and they bought many things for their halloween party. 并且,他们买了很多东西来举行万圣节聚会。what did they buy? 他们买了些什么呢?我们一起再来回顾一下课文内容,然后回答老师的问题。(ppt4出示课文短片)t: what did th


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