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1、2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,1,计算机专业英语,东莞理工学院 计算机学院 赵维佺(博士、副教授) Email: Tel:13712270139(短号:784069) http:/,Computer Professional English,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,2,课程简介(一),学习的应用点: 阅读文献,科技论文写作,报告,发邮件 课程性质:考察课 理论学时:32 与普通英语的区别:专业性,科技性 表现形式: 词汇构成,时态与语态,符号表示方法,翻译方法,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,3,课程简介(二),课程学习:课前预习

2、+课堂讲授+课后练习+ 学生自己做报告 练习内容:以组为单位,阅读一篇专业文 献,以报告的形式讲解展示; 考试形式:闭卷 成绩比例:平时出勤、作业(20%) 小组课堂报告(20%) 卷面考试(60%),2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,4,教 材 内 容 简 介,本书包含了大量与计算机专业基础、专业技术及专业前沿知识相关的英文资料,并根据知识点分成28课。分别讲述了计算机硬件基础、计算机系统结构、计算机软件思想、编程语言、计算机网络结构、电子商务应用、计算机图像与动画以及计算机领域的新技术等内容。 每课内容相对独立,如数据结构、操作系统、无线网络、远程教育、人工智能、电子支付等。 每课

3、后均附有重点词汇、课文难点注释、练习、两篇与课文内容相关的阅读材料以及计算机专业英语中相关的语法知识讲述或专业术语介绍。 书末附有练习答案,同时提供课文及第一篇阅读材料的参考译文。,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,5,目 录,Unit 1 Introduction of Computers Unit 2 CPU and Memory Unit 3 Input and Output Systems Unit 4 C+ Language Unit 5 Operating System Unit 6 Data Structure Unit 7 Database Principle,2020

4、/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,6,目 录,Unit 8 Principles of Compiler Unit 9 Software Engineering Unit 10 Multimedia Unit 11 Distance Education Unit 12 Computer Graphics and Images Unit 13 Animation Unit 14 Grid Computing,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,7,目 录,Unit 15 Distributed Systems Unit 16 Computer Network Basics Unit 17

5、Internet Unit 18 Wireless Network Unit 19 Computer Virus Unit 20 Office Automation Unit 21 Virtual Reality,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,8,目 录,Unit 22 Artificial Intelligent Unit 23 Neural Network Unit 24 Introduction of Electronic Commerce Unit 25 Electronic Payment System Unit 26 Logistics and Supply-chain

6、 management Unit 27 Electronic Marketing Unit 28 Computer Security,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,9,Unit 1 Introduction of Computers,1.1 Text A computer is a digital electronic data processing system. Digital computer uses the binary number system, which has two digits: 0 and 1. A binary is called a bit. Info

7、rmation represented in digital computers is in groups of bits.,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,10,Notes,1 By using various coding techniques, group of bits can be made to represent not only binary number but also other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letter of alphabet. 译文:通过应用各种编码技术,字位的组合不但可以用来表示二

8、进制数,还可以表示其它的离散符号,比如十进制数字和字母表上的字母等。 说明:本句的“By using various coding techniques”作状语,主句采用被动语态。,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,11,Computer Development,The First Generation of Computers (1946 through 1959). Through 1950, several other notable computers were built, each contributing significant advancements, such as

9、 binary arithmetic, random access, and the concept of stored programs. 到1950年,又制造了几台著名的计算机,而且每台都取得了很大的进展,如二进制运算,随机存取和存储程序的概念。,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,12,Computer Development,The Second Generation of Computers (1959 through 1964) 2 The transistor meant more powerful, more reliable, and less expensive co

10、mputers that would occupy less space and give off less heat than did vacuum-tube-powered computers. 译文:使用晶体管可做成功能更强、更可靠、更价廉的计算 机,它与真空管计算机相比占地面积小,功耗小。 说明:本句的“that”引导定语从句,修饰宾语“computers”。,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,13,Computer Development,The Third Generation of Computers (1964 through 1971) In time, the co

11、nversion of information systems from second-generation to third-generation hardware was written off as the price of progress. 这时(很快),信息系统从第二代向第三代硬件的转换完成了。 written off:注销;很快完成 as the price of progress:由于价格的进步,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,14,Computer Development,The Fourth Generation of Computers (1971 throug

12、h now) First there was Large Scale Integration (LSI), with hundreds and thousands of transistors per chip, then came Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), with tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of transistors. 首先,出现了一个芯片上具有数百和数千个晶体管的大规模集成电路(LSI),接着出现了一个芯片上具有数万和数十万个晶体管的超大规模集成电路(VLSI)。,2020/1

13、0/14,计算机专业英语教程,15,Some people prefer to pinpoint the start of the fourth generation as 1971, with introduction of large-scale integration (more circuits per unit space) of electronic circuitry. 有些人主张把推出大规模集成电路(单位空间上有更多的电路)的1971年作为第四代计算机的开始。 However, other computer designers argue that if we accept t

14、his premise, then there would probably have been a fifth, a sixth, and maybe a seventh generation since 1971. 然而其他的计算机设计者争辩说如果接受这个观点,则可能在1971年后已经有了第五代、第六代、甚至第七代计算机。,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,16,Computer types,Microcomputer is generally a synonym for the more common term, personal computer, or PC, which i

15、s a small single-user computer based on a microprocessor. 微型机通常是更常用术语“个人计算机”或“PC”的同义词。个人计算机是基于微型机基础上的小型单用户计算机。 3 In addition to the microprocessor, a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for displaying information, and a storage device for saving data. 译文:除了微型处理器,个人计算机还有输入数据

16、的键盘、显示信息的显示器和存储数据的存储装置。 说明:本句中的“In addition to the microprocessor”是状语,宾语是“keyboard”、“monitor”和“storage device”,宾语后的“for”结构是宾语补足语。,2020/10/14,计算机专业英语教程,17,Computer types,Workstation is a powerful single-user computer. 工作站是功能强大的单用户计算机。 Mainframe or mainframe computer is a powerful multi-user computer. 大型机或大型计算机是一种功能强大的多用户计算机。 Minicomputer is a multi-user computer of a size between a microcomputer and a mainframe. 小型机是一种多用户计算机,尺寸介于微型机和大型机之间。 Supercomputer is an extrem


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