牛津5B Unit7 A busy day 第三教时_小学五年级英语教案

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《牛津5B Unit7 A busy day 第三教时_小学五年级英语教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津5B Unit7 A busy day 第三教时_小学五年级英语教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 精品范文牛津5B Unit7 A busy day 第三教时_小学五年级英语教案一、 教学目标:1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型i want to do you want to 2.了解字母组合ar在单词中的发音。3.能诵读歌谣a clock二、 教学重难点:能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型i want to do you want to 三、 教学准备:ppt, things cards, exercise paper四、 教学过程:step1 warming up1. free talk:t: what day is it today?/how many lessons do you h

2、ave today on?/what subject do you like?2. show teachers timetablepptt: this is my timetable. which day is a busy day for me?/what day am i busy? answer questions. find the busy day from the timetable.step2 presentation1. t: friday is a busy day for me./im busy on friday.how about you?how about david

3、?2. review the text ppt(1)t: whats the time?/ what time is it?(2)t: what does david do at?/what is david doing at?3. write by memory: 值日,在晚上,准备好做某事,真的很忙,带些面包,六点半4. check the answer pptanswer questions. look at the clock and say the time.say the things david does according to the text. read the textw

4、rite by memory, then checkstep 3 practice1. part e ppt(1)t: what time does david get up?what time do you get up?how about sam?(2)six questions about six pictures.t: what time does sam get up?how does sam go to school at eight?what time do classes begin?(板书begin的同义词start和 -ing形式)do sam and you have l

5、unch at the same time?does sam come home at ten to six or ten past six?what does do at nine?(3) talk about sams timetable(4) ask a boy and a girl to talk about their own timetable. 2. part f (play cards)(1) t: we do different things at different time. there are many things on your cards. look at you

6、r card and think what time do you do it? write the time on the back of the card in english.(2) play a game:(教师画钟)t(拿一卡have lunch): what time does he/she have lunch? guess!(教师注意记住两三个学生的事情及时间,为d部分做准备) 3. part d(1)t: look, its (点钟),what is he/she doing?(指着刚才游戏中做该事的同学)(2)直接问该生:what are you doing?(3)t: i

7、 want to do you want to join me?(4)p56(5)play games with cards.教师拿一卡用卡上事情问某同学:i want to do you want to join me?(6)ppt地震图 4. exercise and check ppt 5. part g(1)ppt t: look, liu tao and his friends. lets play a riddle.t: where are they? ( ppt show car)where are they going? ( ppt show park )do you know

8、 the name of the park? its a kind of shape. ( ppt show star)why are they going to the star park?(2)ppt show 4 words and the phonetic symble(3)read, find other words(记录学生所说单词,最后与quarter区别) 6. part h(1)ppt t: theyre having a good time, but “tick, tock, tick, tock”, time goes fast.(2)pptt: look at the

9、clock. whats the time?is it late or early?they should go home before dinner students read part e by themselves. answer the questions talk about sams timetable ppttalk about their own timetableeg: i get up ati go to school at write the time in english. s: has lunch atss read the correct answer togeth

10、er. s: he/she is s: im s: no, im talk about these pictures. 学生看着自己卡上写的事说:no, im do exercise and check the answer. try to find 4 words try to find other words which “ar” pronounced /a:/ ss: its ten to eight. ss: its very late.ss: read: before dinnerstep 4 consolidationppt finish a passage about time

11、step 5 homeworkppt blackboard showunit 7 a busy dayi want to 简笔画: 钟面do you want to join me?yes, / no, im的单词 设计意图:step1从ppt表格中可以很直观地看到周五最忙,起到承上启下的作用。 step2以ppt“钟面+david做的事”的简单形式复现课文并复习,既复习了时间的表达,又在事件描述中复习强化了句型,同时又给到了学生关于课文的清晰线索,再穿插重点词汇的默写,多方位地帮助学生复习了a、b、c版块内容。 step3 e部分以sam在几点钟做什么事为线索复习单数第三人称陈述句的表达,提

12、问设计富有新意,即以各图片为基点,设计包括一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句等在内的各类句型,并涉及单、复数及好几个不同疑问词,多方位地帮助学生开拓思维、巩固知识点,水到渠成地完成新授。最后学生通过谈论自己的时刻安排,又很自然地帮助学生从书本过渡到了实践运用。 f部分及d部分都有效地运用了卡片帮助教师达到教学目标。卡片上是各种事情,如play football,do homework等,学生为其配上时间成为完整句子,如:i do homework at seven. 教师再通过提问转而成为第三人称的,在转到d部分,顺理成章地完成新句型的新授与操练。 g部分是音标,多数教师会选择读一下一带而过,但这里巧妙地运用ppt,将学生带入了一个猜谜的情景,在快乐的活动中掌握发音与规则,极具新意。



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