高中英语 生活大爆炸第2季中英字幕7素材

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1、生活大爆炸第2季中英字幕700:00:08,700 - 00:00:09,830时间到Time!200:00:09,900 - 00:00:11,900好的 克林贡迷们 放下铅笔All right, Klingons, pencils down.300:00:13,960 - 00:00:15,960好的 我这有 pokh星际迷航里的克林贡语Okay, I have pokh.400:00:16,030 - 00:00:17,630有了 有了Have it. Got it.500:00:17,700 - 00:00:18,630PotlPotl.600:00:18,700 - 00:00:19

2、,900有了 有了Yup. Have it. Have it.700:00:19,960 - 00:00:20,900PukhpaPukhpa.800:00:20,960 - 00:00:22,230有了 有了Have it. Got it. Yup.900:00:22,300 - 00:00:23,230我有chorrrI have chorrr.1000:00:23,300 - 00:00:24,130有了Got it. Yup.1100:00:24,200 - 00:00:25,330-Nekhmakh -有了-Nekhmakh. -Yeah. Yeah.1200:00:25,400 -

3、 00:00:26,760和kreplachAnd kreplach.1300:00:26,830 - 00:00:28,160等等 Kreplach吗Hold on a second. Kreplach?1400:00:28,160 - 00:00:28,990对Yeah.1500:00:28,990 - 00:00:31,380那不是克林贡语 那是依地语 意思是肉馅饺子That isnt Klingon; its Yiddish for meat-filled dumpling.1600:00:32,600 - 00:00:35,430看来它也是克林贡语中的词语Well, as it tu

4、rns out, its also a Klingon word.1700:00:35,500 - 00:00:36,860真的吗 给它下个定义Really? Define it.1800:00:36,930 - 00:00:41,600Kreplach: 美味的克林贡饺子Kreplach: A hearty Klingon. dumpling.1900:00:41,660 - 00:00:42,960裁判怎么裁决Judges ruling?2000:00:43,030 - 00:00:44,830不予采纳Bilurrrbe.2100:00:46,260 - 00:00:48,630大伙 我要

5、看一下你们的电视Hey, guys, I need to use your TV.2200:00:48,700 - 00:00:49,800你的怎么了Whats wrong with your TV?2300:00:49,860 - 00:00:50,960我也不知道 刚刚没影了I dont know. It just died.2400:00:51,030 - 00:00:52,300里面全是雪花Im getting a bunch of static.2500:00:52,360 - 00:00:53,460你付你的有线电视费了吗Did you pay your cable bill?26

6、00:00:53,530 - 00:00:56,960你这口气跟有线电视公司一样Ugh, you sound just like the cable company.2700:00:57,030 - 00:00:57,960好吧 大家安静All right, so, shh!2800:00:58,030 - 00:01:00,730泰拉班克斯(超模之母)马上要从 全美超模大赛 里踢人了Tyra Banks is about to kick someone off Americas Next Top Model.2900:01:00,800 - 00:01:02,460抱歉 佩妮 但我们要Exc

7、use me, Penny, but were.3000:01:02,530 - 00:01:03,460别 别 别告诉她No, no, dont tell her.3100:01:03,530 - 00:01:04,530正在玩克林贡语拼字游戏playing Klingon Boggle.3200:01:04,600 - 00:01:06,260哦Aw.3300:01:06,330 - 00:01:07,630你哦什么What do you mean, Aw?3400:01:07,700 - 00:01:10,760难道她不知道我们是书呆子吗Like she didnt know we we

8、re nerds?3500:01:10,830 - 00:01:12,030好吧 如果你一定要看的话All right, if you must watch,3600:01:12,100 - 00:01:13,560那就请你静音 只看字幕then mute it with closed captions, please.3700:01:13,630 - 00:01:14,900随你Fine.3800:01:18,400 - 00:01:22,960好了 拼字斗士们 开始吧All right, Boggle warriors. kapla!3900:01:29,300 - 00:01:32,30

9、0看看这些姑娘Look at those women.4000:01:32,360 - 00:01:33,630真是光彩照人啊Theyre gorgeous.4100:01:33,700 - 00:01:36,700Worf 不错 名词 当专有名词就太可惜了Oh! Worf, nice! Too bad thats a proper noun.4200:01:38,260 - 00:01:41,300看那位 她就是未来的沃罗威茨夫人Oh, look, thes the future Mrs. Wolowitz.4300:01:41,360 - 00:01:44,300不对 等等 那位才是No,

10、 wait, thats the future Mrs. Wolowitz.4400:01:44,360 - 00:01:45,700头上戴着With her head in the lap of.4500:01:45,760 - 00:01:49,560真是太巧了 她才是未来的沃罗威茨夫人Oh, what a coincidence. Its the future Mrs. Wolowitz.4600:01:49,630 - 00:01:52,430对 她们都可以搬去同你和你妈妈一起住Yeah, and they can all move in with you and your mothe

11、r.4700:01:54,800 - 00:01:57,060现任的沃罗威茨夫人The current Mrs. Wolowitz.4800:01:59,260 - 00:02:03,200qochbe是用嘴发音 还是用喉咙发音Is qochbe spelled with a (gargling) or a (guttural grunt)?4900:02:03,260 - 00:02:06,860为什么沃罗威茨夫人在哭呢Why is that Mrs. Wolowitz crying?5000:02:06,930 - 00:02:08,030那是阿娜伊斯Thats Anais.5100:02

12、:08,100 - 00:02:09,300房子里其她女孩都不喜欢她None of the other girls in the house like her.5200:02:09,360 - 00:02:12,260房子 什么房子House? What house?5300:02:12,330 - 00:02:13,960她们都居住在同一所房子里They all live in a house together.5400:02:14,030 - 00:02:15,630房子在哪A house, where?5500:02:15,700 - 00:02:17,760我不知道 洛杉矶的某个地方吧

13、I dont know. Somewhere in L.A.5600:02:17,830 - 00:02:20,930等一下Wait a minute.5700:02:23,960 - 00:02:26,800你是说我只需开车就能到Youre telling me that Im within driving distance5800:02:26,860 - 00:02:30,760这些胸怀大志的超模们的住所吗of a house filled with aspiring supermodels?5900:02:30,830 - 00:02:32,460对 我想是的Yeah, I guess.6000:02:32,530 - 00:02:38,230她们住在一起 一同沐浴 还And they live together and shower together and.6100:02:38,300 - 00:02:40,800裸体枕头大战have naked pillow fights?6200:02:43,300 - 00:02:44,500你要去哪Hey, wh-where are you going?6300:02:44,560 - 00:0



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