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1、1,Are you ready for your New Term?,Welcome,3,Lets enjoy a video !,Attitude is Altitude !,What can we learn from the video ?,4,Chanllenge !Attitude !,5,Lets play a game !,Suppose A to Z stand for 1 to 26, can you sum up the following letters? HARDWORK KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE,7,H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K=98%,K+N+O+W+

2、L+E+D+G+E=96%,ATTITUDE A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%,It is OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% ! ! !,ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING,Change Your Attitude ,And You Change Your Life ! ! !,Attitude is Altitude !,10,College Entrance Examination is a big chanllenge for us !,Wh

3、at should we do to meet the chanllenge or what should we do to learn English well ?,11,English Study,- some advice for every student,12,一、 培养学会几个习惯 1.Learn to use dictionaries,13,2.Learn to take notes.,14,3.Learn to listen to me in class,15,二、做到“二”习 “四”多,Prepare your lessons well before every class.

4、(预习) Review what youve learned in time.(复习) Read more and read different materials.(多读) Write as often as possible.(多写) Talk more either in class or out of class.(多说) Turn to your teachers for advice and help.(多问),16,近八年高考英语阅读部分词量分析表,17,三,英语的所有问题 -,单词问题!,18,本学期复习时间安排,第一轮(基础+能力)2016.8 .基础词汇 熟记名师指津每个话

5、题单元的词汇短语,句型,背诵范文 复习必修1-选修8每个单元的词汇 2.一定的语法知识 3.听说考试训练 4.写作,English is not taught, but learnt.,2016年8月-2017年2月,19,I see, I forget. I read, I remember. I do it, I understand!,Remember more! Exercise more! Revise more! Have the ways of your own!,little by little, again and again,20,各项能力要求,词汇量:识记3500词汇和短

6、语 热点:熟词生义 阅读:考生要在40分钟内阅读4篇文章,语篇的词汇量会有所增加,题材也会更加广泛,涉猎生活的各个方面。建议:阅读控制在10分钟 书面表达:要求学生能够熟悉应用文体裁,篇章结构怎样安排。建议重视句子结构的训练,保证句子的准确性,多背范文。,22,具体要求,23,听说:每周要确保听一套以上的题。抓早落实口语考试的问题,避免被动。 朗读:早读,每天30分钟,20分钟读,10分钟检测 阅读: 得阅读者得天下,每天至少要阅读1篇,全年累计不少于800篇,包括考试和习题。 写作:高分的关键因素:每天写或抄一点,卷面一定要整洁,基本句型用心记好。 答题速度,全年要有梯度要求:各项所需时间要

7、逐渐减少,从速度向准确度过渡。,24,开学准备,1. 做好课前准备(随堂练习本1本,听写本2本,作文本1本,句子翻译本1本,词典,笔记本) 2. 红笔。,2017年高三英语备考策略:,八多八少: 一、 多听老师的,少自作主张 二、 多用碎时间,少搞大突击 三、 多接触英语,少钻研语法 四、 多做高考题,少抠模拟题 五、 多攻词汇表,少记课外词 六、 多做一般题,少钻研难题 七、 多阅读完形,少做单选题 八、 多背好用法,少问为什么,27,比别人多一点努力、多一点自律、多比别人多一点努力多一点自律,多一点决心,多一点反省多一点学习多一点实践多一点疯狂多一点点就能创造奇迹! Lets work h

8、ard together, I believe we can achieve the goals we set.,28,Do you know him ?,He is famous for his Crazy English !,29,Though /Im not/ the smartest person/ in the world , Though/ Im not/ the most talented person/ on earth, I firmly believe/ I will succeed ! I keep/ working hard, I keep/ practicing En

9、glish crazily . I keep/ yelling English/ every spare minute, I keep/ pushing myself mentally ,/emotionally /and physically . I keep/ making progress/ every single day ! I keep/ telling myself /I will make it ! I have/ total confidence /in myself ! I strongly believe/ my dream/ will eventually come true!,30,Homework,预习P7短文改错。,31,



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