Unit 6 Holidays 第一课时_小学六年级英语教案

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1、 精品范文Unit 6 Holidays 第一课时_小学六年级英语教案一教学目标1.能听懂,会读,会说单词dragon boat festival , easter, may day ,mid-autumn festival, spring festival, didnt, dress up, watch the moon.2.能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词和词组childrens day, new years day, people3.能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型whens?its inwhat do people usually do at ? they did you last? yes

2、, i did./no, i didnt.4.能正确根据所给图片进行描述和讨论。二.教学重点和难点能用whens? its inwhat do people usually do at ? they did you last? yes, i did./no, i didnt.等句型进行相关图片的问答,并用自己的语言进行描述。三.教学准备 课件,课前预习 四.教学过程step 1 free talk1.greeting2.review t: whens your birthday? s: my birthdays on theof(问3-4人) (复习月份)t: whose birthday i

3、s in january? please stand up and say it quickly.(s: my birthday is in january.) whose birthday is in february? (s: my birthday) how about march? (s:) 下面的月份教师直接点单词,让学生自己站起来说。 t: what do you usually do on your birthday? s: i usually (3-4人) step 2 presentation 1.(课件停留在刚才出示的12个月份上,鼠标指向september and oct

4、ober) (1)t: boys and girls, please listen carefully. theres a holiday in september or october. people usually watch the moon , eat moon cakes and play with lanterns. (show the message and let them read it by themselves) theres a holiday in september or october. people usually watch the moon(课件图片) ,

5、eat moon cakes(课件图片) and play with lanterns(课件图片). t: look at the three phrases, who can read it? how about this one?(鼠标指向watch the moon) this one(依次往下)?(每个短语请23人试读,重点读lanterns) now read all the word-groups together after me ,two times. (2)(课件右下方出现一问号) t: guess, which holiday is it?a:出示单词mid-autumn

6、festival,teach: mid-autumn festival talk about the message: t: whens mid-autumn festival? s: its in(2-3人) t: what do people usually do at? s: they usually (23人)t: did you watch the moon/eat moon cakes/play with lanterns last mid-autumn festival? yes or no?s: yes, i did. / no, i didnt.(2-3人) b: answe

7、r me together,(师用以上句子问,生集体回答)。 show the sentences on the blackboard , read them after teacher.(注意:did you watch the moon , eat moon cakes and play with lanterns last mid-autumn festival? 若学生的回答是唯一的,可以单独提问) (3)t: can you ask me? (12人问) then ask me together(再集体问).(4) then talk about the message use th

8、ese sentences, pair work.2.show the pictures and the names of easter , spring festival , halloween and dragon boat festival.(1) which can you read? try your best.(让学生试读,2-3人)then teach the new words(重点注意easter, spring, dragon boat).教师整体带读两遍,read all the words after me, two times.去掉单词名称,整体指读(图片顺序打乱)。

9、(2) read and matchyou have done some surveys(拿起一张表格示意下)about the holidays. lets read and match according to your forms.(可用中文解释)halloween january or february make easter eggsspring festival october dress up in costumeseaster may or june eat rice dumplingsdragon boat festival march or april have lots

10、of nice food t: whens halloween? s: its in t: what do people usually do at halloween? s: they usually(师边听回答,边连线) t: what else do they do?(让学生用事先预习的纸回答) s: they t: did youlast ? s: yes, i did. /no, i didnt. 学生回答完后,教师教短语dress up in costumes,带读两三遍 (3) pair work, talk about the other holidays according

11、to your forms.(给学生两三分钟时间准备)(在check answer 的过程中,教师边连线,每个节日选23人说)3.listen to the tape and choose may day , new years day, childrens day , national day(图片,单词) t: here are some other holidays, can you read it?(生试读23人齐读2遍,拼读new years day , childrens day) t: listen and choose the right picture. (1) it is

12、on the 1st of january. people usually have a party and eat a lot of nice food. children usually wear new clothes and have some presents. i ate lots of nice food last year. which one? check it: picture 2, its new years day 课件出示短语:the 1st of january have a partyeat a lot of nice foodwear new clothesha

13、ve some presents 鼠标移动指向每个短语,教师边用短语形式介绍。new years day is on the 1st of january. on new years day, people usually have a party and eat a lot of nice food. children usually wear new clothes and have some presents. 生跟说短文 生个别说短文(23人) 集体说短文 (2) it is on the 1st of may. people usually have a long holiday.

14、they usually meet friends, go to parks and take photos. i met friends and went to parks last year. which picture? check the answer: picture 1 , its may day. 课件出示短语:the 1st of may have a long holiday meet friends go to parks take photos 师用短文形式介绍,may day is on the 1st of may. on may day, people usually have a long holiday. they usually meet friends, go to parks and take photos.生个别说(23)集体说 (3) childrens day, national day (不听录音,不出现短语) please look at here, this is childrens day (引说) and its national day(引说).now talk about them in group


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