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1、1,Unit 1 The Happy Man,新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)高级英语2电子教案,2,Detailed Reading,Contents,Warm Up,Global Reading,Consolidation Activities,Text Appreciation,Further Enhancement,3,Section 1: Warm Up,Watch a video about the formula of happiness and discuss this question: what in your opinion are the main sou

2、rces of happiness? The following quotations about happiness are for your reference.,Lead-in,Background Information,4,Section 1: Warm Up,Lead-in,Background Information,Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence. (Aristotle) 2. Happiness is when what you

3、 think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. (Mahatma Gandhi) Happiness is not a rewardit is a consequence. (Robert Ingersoll) 4. Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing. (George Sheehan) Happiness is not a station y

4、ou arrive at, but a manner of traveling. (Margaret Lee Runbeck),5,Section 1: Warm Up,About the Author Bertrand Russell: a British philosopher and political activist. Russell became the best-known philosopher of his time because of the volume and clarity of his writing, and the vigor and prominence o

5、f his political activism. His major early work was The Principles of Mathematics, first published in 1903.,1872-1970,Background Information,Lead-in,6,Section 2: Global Reading,What is the text mainly about?,Structural Analysis,Main Idea,In this article, the author points out that when the external c

6、ircumstances are favorable, the greatest obstacle to happiness is self-centered passions. He proposes that one should cultivate genuine interests in the outside world to get rid of the obstacle and achieve natural and healthy happiness. He believes that only by taking oneself as a member, rather tha

7、n as the center, of the universe, can one find the greatest joy of life.,7,Section 2: Global Reading,Please divide the text into 3 parts and summarize the main idea of each part.,Structural Analysis,Main Idea,Part I,(Paragraphs 1-3) Introduction,In Paragraphs 1-3, the author points out clearly that

8、the greatest obstacle in peoples way to happiness is their excessive self-absorption.,8,Part III,(Paragraphs 6-7) Discussion on Self-denial,Paragraphs 6 and 7 are devoted to the discussion of self-denial which, according to the author, is also a kind of self-centered passion.,Part II,(Paragraphs 4-5

9、) Solution,In Paragraphs 4-5 the author offers his solutionto cultivate genuine interests, and introduces in detail the specific remedies for such self-centered passions as the sense of sin, self-pity and fear.,Section 2: Global Reading,Structural Analysis,Main Idea,9,Section 3: Detailed Reading,1 H

10、appiness, as is evident, depends partly upon external circumstances and partly upon oneself. We have been concerned in this volume with the part which depends upon oneself, and we have been led to the view that so far as this part is concerned, the recipe for happiness is a very simple one. It is th

11、ought by many, among whom I think we must include Mr. Krutch, whom we considered in an earlier chapter, that happiness is impossible without a creed of a more or less religious kind.,The Happy Man,10,Section 3: Detailed Reading,It is thought by many who are themselves unhappy that their sorrows have

12、 complicated and highly intellectualized sources. I do not believe that such things are genuine causes of either happiness or unhappiness; I think they are only symptoms. The man who is unhappy will, as a rule, adopt an unhappy creed, while the man who is happy will adopt a happy creed; each may att

13、ribute his happiness or unhappiness to his beliefs, while the real causation is the other way round.,11,Section 3: Detailed Reading,Certain things are indispensable to the happiness of most men, but these are simple things: food and shelter, health, love, successful work and the respect of ones own

14、herd. To some people parenthood also is essential. Where these things are lacking, only the exceptional man can achieve happiness, but where they are enjoyed, or can be obtained by well-directed effort, the man who is still unhappy is suffering from some psychological maladjustment which, if it is v

15、ery grave, may need the services of a psychiatrist, but can in ordinary cases be cured by the patient himself, provided he sets about the matter in the right way.,12,Section 3: Detailed Reading,Where outward circumstances are not definitely unfortunate, a man should be able to achieve happiness, pro

16、vided that his passions and interests are directed outward, not inward. It should be our endeavor therefore, both in education and in attempts to adjust ourselves to the world, to aim at avoiding self-centered passions and at acquiring those affections and those interests which will prevent our thoughts from dwelling perpetually upon ourselves. It is not the nature of most men to be happy in a prison, and the passions which shut us up in ourselves constitute one of the worst k



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