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1、 精品范文冀教版五年级英语下册全册教案2_小学五年级英语教案 lesson6 what are they doing? .教学目标:1.知识与技能:理解并灵活运用下列句型 : what is _ doing? - he/she is _ing what are you doing? - im _ing what are they doing? theyre _ing 2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演3.情感态度教育: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人.教学重难点:理解课文并能够熟练使用下面的句型what is _ doing? - he/she is _ing what are you

2、doing? - im _ing what are they doing? theyre _ing .教具学具准备录音机和磁带,多媒体课件.教学过程step1. greetings and review 可以做动作,让学生猜词语,如hungry, thirsty, sleep,draw 等。然后出示卡片,复习这些词。 step2. leading-in and listenshow some pictures to the class by ppt.(幻灯片)and present the sentences:what is he doing? he is running./ what is

3、she doing? she is singing./ what are they doing? theyre playing.(to the class) what are you doing?c: were looking and listening.t: good! then do you know “ what are jenny,li ming and danny doing on the train?” what are they doing?( write the question on the blackboard)领学生多读几遍。 ok, lets listen and fi

4、nd the answer. what are jenny,li ming and danny doing on the train?” 播放录音,第一遍听,第二遍跟读,之后让学生回答问题。what are jenny,li ming and danny doing on the train?”step3. reading comprehensionread the text and fill the chartwho what is he/she doing?the babythe womanthe three mendanny检查学生的完成情况,进行指导。step4. practicedo

5、 “ask and answer” in pairs like this:(利用书中的图画。)whats the baby doing? he is_ing.教师先与一名学生示范一组,然后再让学生联系。step5: homework画一幅人物图,并写出句子whats the _ doing? he/she is_ing. . 板书设计lesson6 what are they doing?what is _ doing? - he/she is _ing what are you doing? - im _ing / were _ing what are they doing? theyre

6、_ing 课后反思: lesson 7:are you ready for a song? 一、 教学目标: 知识目标:1、完成本正课的句型问答,并通过句型练习,能正确地运用句型:can you_?及其答语,描述能在火车上做什么。2、 复习现在进行时并学习本课的歌曲。3、 完成本单元的故事和活动手册。4、 复习单词loud,quiet能力目标:1、利用所学的知识进行情景交际联系。2、通过所学歌曲,进一步加深对现在进行时的认识。情感目标:通过学习,培养学生对大自然的热爱及合作意识。二、教学重点:1、能正确运用单词“loud,quiet 和句型“can you_?”及其答语。2、完成本单元的故事和

7、活动手册。3、复习现在进行时。4、利用所学进行情景交际练习。三、教学难点:利用所学进行情景交际练习。故事的学习。四、教具、学具准备:录音机(磁带)或光盘,五:教学过程:1、 greetingt: hello! boys and girls. how are you today?ss: im fine.t: hows the weather today?ss: the weather/its _,t: how do you go to school?s: i walk to go to school./i go to school by bus.t: what can you see on a

8、bus?t: i see_.t:what can you do on a bus?ss: i can _.t:how do you go to beijing?ss: i go to beijing by bus/train/car.t: what can you do on a train?ss: i can _.t: can you look out of the window? can you read a picture?(让学生在不知不觉中完成了本课的一部分学习任务,调动了学生的学习积极性)2、 lets sing a songt: today, danny is on the tr

9、ain, too.what happened? lets listen to the song.和学生一起朗读歌词,解答学生不懂的词语或句子。按节奏朗读歌词。达到熟练。(打开书或看光盘,学习本课的歌曲,教师可利用手势语或体态语言帮助学生理解本课的歌词,边唱边做动作,这样也可激发学生的学习兴趣)3、 story bookt: today baby becky doesnt go to school. he goes for a walk with her mother. what can do? lets look at the story. 播放故事录音,让学生边看书边听。勾出自己不懂的地方。

10、 然后将学生分成小组,互相帮助解决勾出的问题,小组内解决不了的,全班同学一起解决,教师指导。 再次听故事,跟读,并思考老师提出的问题。what can baby becky do? 回答老师的问题。 师生讨论故事,可以互相提问,也可以自由讨论。老师可以给出一些有关的问题,如:do you like baby becky?why or why not? 表演故事。将学生分成小组,组内的学生分别扮演不同的角色,表演这个故事。小组到前面展示对话表演。(对于本课的故事教学,教师主要培养学生的合作意识,带动那些不积极参与的学生。)4、 class closingactivity book (检查本课所学

11、知识的掌握情况,对于所遇到的问题及时解决) 板书设计: lesson 7: are you ready for a song? what can you see on a bus? i can see_. what can you do on a bus? i can _. what can you do on a train? i can_. can you look out of the window? yes, i can.can you read a picture? no, i can read a book.课后反思:lesson 8 again, please一、 教学目标:知识

12、目标:1、掌握本单元的四会单词和句型“who is _? its _.2、能流利地用英语表达你在火车上所看到的、听到的和所能做的事情。3、能利用所学进行情景交际练习。能力目标:通过本课的复习,能对本单元所学知识进行简单的总结,能正确的表达自己在旅途中的思想感情。情感目标:培养学生对大自然的热爱及其小组合作意识。二、教学重点1、本单元的单词、句型“who is _? its _.”2、能正确表达自己在车上的所见、所闻,并能进行情景交际练习。教学难点:能利用所学知识进行情景交际练习。二、 教具、学具单词卡片、录音机(磁带)或光盘四、教学过程1、greeting and review.表演唱歌曲wh

13、os drawing? 把学生带入课堂学习的氛围之中。2、教师发指令,做游戏simon says. 重点复习本单元所学过的词汇draw,look,point,see,sleep,quick,slow,loud,quiet,等。教师将学生分成小组, play “simon says”,继续复习本单元的单词:baby, man, woman, draw, look, point, see, sleep” 同时教师提问“ are you loud/quiet?”(当学生做动作时,比如说教师发出指令,please point to the blackboard后,可继续问“who is quick?

14、its _.”并把最快小组的分数写到黑板上,这样既复习了单词,又复习了本课的句型,还培养学生的合作意识,调动所有学生的学习积极性。)(3)play“go fish.” 把学生分成二人组或四人组,每人一沓词汇卡片,类似纸牌的钓鱼游戏,相同的词汇卡片可以配成一对,看谁配成堆的卡片多,谁就赢。在玩游戏的过程当中,让学生能正确的背着拼写本课的四会单词,并练习说单词和句子。 (此环节教学中,根据学生的年龄特点,体现了玩中学,学中玩,让学生带着浓厚的兴趣完成教学任务。 (4)小组竞赛:交给分别给出每小组相同的时间,看看哪组拼写的单词多。 (这样的竞赛,不但培养了学生们的合作意识,还巩固了所学的单词) (5)、小组利用所学的单词编句型或对话,展示本组的成果时,教师要



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