七年级英语Unit 7 The new students(新来的学生)人教朗文版知识精讲

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《七年级英语Unit 7 The new students(新来的学生)人教朗文版知识精讲》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语Unit 7 The new students(新来的学生)人教朗文版知识精讲(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初一英语初一英语 Unit 7 The new students(新来的学生)(新来的学生)人教朗文版人教朗文版 【同步教育信息同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容: Unit 7 The new students(新来的学生) 1. 语音: u numbercup Lucyruler:u dutycomputer:ju 2. 词汇: morning,class,on,we,arent,have,new,student,look,the,same,look the same,American,sit,down,sit down,over,over there,after,look after,M

2、iss,way,put,coat,them,let,us,lets,go,classmate,nice,love,No. = number,middle,middle school,duty,on duty,twin,washroom 3. 语法: (1)Be 动词的复数:are (2)人称代词:my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their 4. 交际用语: Whos on duty today ? This way , please . Please look after them . Are you English / American ? No , we are

3、American / English .Please sit down over there . Do you know ? No we dont .Put them here . Are we all here ? They arent here .Lets go . 二. 教学重难点: 形容词性物主代词的用法。 三. 课文内容分析: 1. Good morning class . class 在此句中是呼语,是老师对全班同学的称呼,意为“同学们”。 class 的其它解释为:班级;课程;等级;种类 2. Whos on duty today ? 今天谁值日? on duty 值日,值班 3

4、. Are we all here ? 大家都到了吗? 同义句是:Is everyone here ? all 强调所有的人,常放在动词 be 和情态动词的后面,实义动词的前面。 4. Who isnt at school today ? 今天谁没到校? 5. They arent here . 他们不在这儿。 6. Today we have two new students . 今天我们有两个新来的同学。 7. We are twins . twins 双胞胎 a twin 双胞胎之一 twin brothers / sisters 双胞胎兄弟/姐妹 8. You look the sam

5、e . 你们看上去长得一样。 same形容词“一样的,相同的”,反义词为 different。 look the same看上去一样 9. Thats OK 的几种含义 (1)不用谢,不客气。 (2)行,对了,可以了。 (3)是的。 (4)没关系。 10. Are you England ? 你是英国人吗? 同义句 Are you from English ? 11. look after 照顾、照看 12. This way , please . 请走这边。 这是给别人指路的礼貌用语,并常伴以手势。This way 表示“这边走。”That way 表 示“那边请”。 13. Am I in

6、 the same row ? 我也在同一排吗?In the same row . 在同一排。 14. Can we put our coats here ? 我们可以把外衣放在这儿吗? Put them here . 把它们放在这儿吧。 其中,put 是及物动词,后面须加宾语,常用的句型为:put + 宾语(名词或代词宾格) +地点状语。 15. Lets go . 我们一起去吧! 16. 元音字母 u 的读音规则。 在重读开音节中读ju:,还可以读长音u:。 在重读闭音节中读短音。 17. 辨析 Nice to meet you . 和 Nice to see you . 两人初次见面经相

7、互问候之后常说 Nice to meet you . meet 可用 know 代替。Nice to meet you .也用于很长时间没有见面的熟人,偶然相遇。而 Nice to see you .一般用于熟人。 朋友、同学之间相见时所说的话。Nice 可以用 Glad 或 Pleased 代替。 18. She is a nice teacher . nice 等于 good,fine,意为“好的,优秀的,漂亮的”,指物时指“好看的”。 19. My brother and I love it very much . 人称代词的排列顺序: (1)单数时:第二人称第三人称第一人称 (2)名词

8、人称代词 (3)人称代词其它代词 eg . he , I and some others . 【模拟试题模拟试题】 一. 选择划线部分发音不同的词。 ( )1. A. askB. atC. andD. cat ( )2. A. cakeB. haveC. ageD. game ( )3. A. seeB. teacherC. sevenD. she ( )4. A. nextB. excuseC. deskD. very ( )5. A. hillB. myC. niceD. Chinese ( )6. A. itB. missC. sixD. five ( )7. A. thoseB. no

9、C. wrongD. hello ( )8. A. sorryB. oldC. boxD. clock ( )9. A. muchB. numberC. excuseD. up ( )10. A. thirteenB. girlC. birdD. their 二. 用所给词的正确形式填空: 1. Are these (上衣)yours ? Yes , they are . 2. What are these in English ? They are (鸟). 3. Where are the (蛋糕)? They are in those (盒子). 4. I can see some (树

10、)and two (船)in the picture . 5. The five (小孩)are American . They are in different (学校)in China . 三. 选择填空: ( )1. We are in . A. Two row B. Row Two C. Row two D. Two Row ( )2. Lucy is American girl . A. a B. / C. the D. an ( )3. Who is duty today ? A. on B. at C. in D. of ( )4. Who those girls ? A. ar

11、e B. am C. is D. Am ( )5. Who that woman ? A. are B. am C. is D. Am ( )6. I Lucy , she Lily . We twins . A. am , are , is B. are , is , am C. am , is , are D. is , am , are ( )7. Bill is a student . school is over there . A. Her B. My C. His D. He ( )8. How old is friend ? A. you B. yours C. your D.

12、 he ( )9. Can we put coats here ? Oh , yes , put here . A. her , it B. her , its C. our , their D. our , them ( )10. What class are they in ? Do you know ? No , . A. they do B. they arent C. I dont D. Im not ( )11. Wheres Bill ? . A. He is ten . B. He is in Grade One C. He is a boy D. He is at home

13、. ( )12. Lucy and Lily are . A. in same classB. in the same classes C. in the same classD. on the same class ( )13. You look the same . . A. Yes , OK B. All right C. Thats rightD. Its all right ( )14. They are new students . Look them , please . A. like B. after C. over D. / ( )15. What school are y

14、ou in ? Im in No. 5 . A. Middle School B. Middle school C. middle school D. middle School 四. 句型转换: 1. The old woman is 60 years old . 2. Li Lei is on duty today . 3. They are in Row Four . 4. We can put our coats on the desk .(一般疑问句) 5. His pencil-box is new .(复数) 五. 翻译句子: 1. 她们是双胞胎。你能照顾她们吗? Theyre

15、. Can you , please ? 2. 麻烦一下,请问洗手间在哪儿? 请这边走。 . Wheres the washroom , please ? , please . 3. 他是中国人还是日本人? 他是一位日本学生。 Is he Japanese ? a Japanese student . 4. 这是我的包。我能把它放在这儿吗? 可以。 This is my bag . Can I here ? Yes , you . 六. 补全对话: Teacher:Good afternoon , class . today ? Student:I am . Teacher:Are we here today ? Student:No , Li Ming


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