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1、用心 爱心 专心 九年级九年级英语英语期末试卷期末试卷人教朗文版人教朗文版 【同步教育信息同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容: 期末试卷 【模拟试题模拟试题】 I. 听力测试(共 20 小题,每题 1 分,满分为 20 分) yc3yyal21.ASF 听对话,选图画 下面有 5 段对话,每段对话听两遍,听完以后,从 A、B、C 三个 图画中选出符合对话内容的图画。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 用心 爱心 专心 听对话,选答案,请听对话,每个小题听两遍。听完以后,从三个答案中选出最佳答 案。生词:advise 建议 6. A. Go and see the doctor. B. Have s

2、omething cold. C. Take some medicine. 7. A. $29B. $28C. $27 8. A. Dad doesnt know how to fix it. B. It was broken by Tom. C. The girl dropped it on the floor. 9. A. They didnt sleep well because of the noise from the street. B. They couldnt go to sleep because of the uncomfortable room. C. They coul

3、dnt find a better hotel. 10. A. See a film. B. Travel by plane C. Take an exam. 听句子,选答语 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最适当的答语。 11. A. I am busy. B. Im afraid not. C. Youd better see a doctor. 12. A. It was all right. B. It was dark. C. It was cloudy. 13. A. Im sorry I wont. B. It doesnt matter. C. Dont be so seriou

4、s. 14. A. Help yourself. B. Have a good time. C. Good luck. 15. A. She is my sister. B. She is a teacher. C. She is English. 听短文,选答案 根据短文的意思,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的 答案。 16. What does Andy like? A. He likes driving. 用心 爱心 专心 B. He likes drinking. C. He likes swimming. 17. How many times did Andy deci

5、de to give up drinking? A. OnceB. TwiceC. Three times. 18. How did he hurt himself? A. He hit a tree. B. He hit a woman. C. He hit a car. 19. Why did Andy have to get out of the car and push it? A. Because he left his licence at home. B. Because he had drunk too much. C. Because something was wrong

6、with his car. 20. Which of the following is not true about Charlie? A. Hes helpful. B. He is a true friend. C. He doesnt like Andy. II. 语言知识(共 15 小题,每题 1 分,满分为 15 分) 请你从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳的选项。 21. You look so beautiful in blue. _. A. Thats all right B. Thank you C. Not at all D. I dont know 22. Nearl

7、y three quarters of the earth _ covered with water. A. hasB. have C. isD. are 23. The largest number of people in the world speak Chinese _ a first language. A. asB. for C. inD. with 24. My brother does well in all his lessons. His wish to become a college student is sure to _. A. come outB. come ne

8、ar C. come trueD. come on 25. I kept _ phone calls to my friend, but nobody answered. A. to makeB. make C. madeD. making 26. Her idea _ different from ours. We should think it over. A. feelsB. looks C. turnsD. sounds 27. My sister didnt want to _ so much money on the dress, for other things had _ he

9、r a lot. A. pay, spentB. spend, cost 用心 爱心 专心 C. pay, takenD. spend, paid 28. I saw him _ into the building. A. goB. to go C. goesD. went 29. Eighteen people will come to the meeting, but therere only twelve chairs. We have to get _. A. more sixB. six more C. more than sixD. other six 30. They _ New

10、 Zealand, so they know little about it. A. have gone to B. havent gone to C. have been to D. havent been to 31. Did he tell you who _ at the gate? A. he was waiting for B. is he waiting for C. was he waiting for D. he is waiting for 32. The color balls must _ in the same box. A. be putB. to be put C

11、. putD. to put 33. Mr Smith, thanks for teaching us so well. Have you taught for a long time? In fact, I have only been a teacher _ I came to China in 2000. A. afterB. since C. whenD. before 34. He asks me _ there is going to _ a concert tomorrow. A. that, beB. that, have C. if, beD. if, have 35. Wh

12、ich sign tells us the way into a building? A. ENTRANCE B. PUSH C. EXIT D. PULL III. 阅读理解(共 16 小题,每题 2 分,满分为 32 分) 阅读 A、B、C、D 四篇短文,然后从每篇短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案。 A A man in Florida, in his 80s, called his son in New York one November day. The father said to the son, “I hate to tell you, but weve got some

13、troubles here in the house. Your mother and I cant stand each other any more, and were getting a divorce(离婚). Ive had it! I want to live out the rest of my years in peace(和平). Im telling you now, so you and your sister shouldnt go into shock(great surprise)later when I move out. ” He hung up, and th

14、e son called his sister in Hampton at once and told her the news. The sister said, “Ill deal with this.” 用心 爱心 专心 She called Florida and said to her father, “Dont do ANYTHING till we get there! Well be there Wednesday night! ” The father agreed, “All right. ” The old man hung up the phone and shoute

15、d to his wife, “Okay, theyre coming for Thanksgiving. Now what are we going to tell them for Christmas?” 36. The old man lived _. A. by himselfB. with his wife C. with his daughterD. with his son 37. There was _ between the old man and his wife. A. a quarrelB. a talk C. a fightD. nothing wrong 38. From _, the daughter got the news that her parents were going to divorce. A. her brotherB. her mother C. her fatherD. herself


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