2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 15 Destinations 人教版大纲第二册

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2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 15 Destinations 人教版大纲第二册_第1页
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2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 15 Destinations 人教版大纲第二册_第2页
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2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 15 Destinations 人教版大纲第二册_第3页
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《2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 15 Destinations 人教版大纲第二册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 15 Destinations 人教版大纲第二册(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二册Unit 15 DestinationsI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1arialysis 2arrange 3current高考须掌握的短语:1into 2then 3of 4off考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇1guarantee vt保证确保eg: They guarantee this cIock for a year他们对这钟表保修一年。 Buying a train ticket doesnt guarantee you a seat,买到火车票并不能保证你有座位。 I guarantee to pay off

2、 his debt我保证付清他的债务。 I guarantee that you w1l be satisfied with the result我保证你会对结果感到满意。相关链接:guarantor n保证人用法拓展:guarantee sth保证 guarantee曲sth/guarantee sthto sb保证某人某物 guarantee to do sth保证做某事 guarantee sth(to be)保证是 guarantee that保证案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1-1 (典型例题分)Can you me a job when I get there? You know

3、, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling. A. provide B. guarantee C. arrange D. apply考题1-2 Mum, I have finished my homework. -Oh, if you not to disturb me, you can watch TV. A. offer B. support C. guarantee D. want考题11点拨:答案为B。此题考查动词词义辨析。从下文I have to work in order to pay for my schooling可知:我

4、需要工作来支付我的学费。四个答案都合有。提供工作”的意思。但provide sbwith sth“提供某人某物”。arrange for sbwith sth“与某人商量某事”或arrange sth“安排某事”后不接双宾语,apply for ajob申请工作”,guarantee sbsth或guarantee sthto sh“保证某人某物”。从四个词的用法搭配看,只有B符合题意。句意为:”当我到那儿时你能确保给我一份工作吗?你知道,我得工作来支付我的学费。”考题12点拨:答案为c。此题考查动词词义辨析四个选项都可以和to do sth连用,但offer to do“主动干某事”,sup

5、port to do“支持干莱事”,want to do sth“想干某事”均与题意不符。而guarantee to do sth“保证干某事”符合题意。句意为:“妈妈,我做完功课了。如果你保证不打扰我的话,你可以看电视。2downtown adv住城里住市中心adjn商业区(的)eg: Lets go downtown this afternoon咱们今天下午去闹市区吧。 They moved downlown 1ast year去年他们搬到了城里。 I work in a downtown offilee我在市区的一家公司上班。用法拓展:go downlovn去商业区 lilve down

6、town住在商业区 a downtown office市区的一家公司特别提醒:go downtown去商业区”,此短语中downtown是副词前不加冠词。考题2 (典型例题)There wont beclasses this afternoon. Lets go shall we?. A. for the downtown B. to the downtown C. the downtown D. downtown考题2点拨:答案为D。此题考查。去闹市区”的表达方式,应是go downtown,这是一固定搭配,在此短语中,downtown是l副词。句意为:“今天下午没有课,我们去商业区好吗?”

7、 二、重点短语3every now ad then偶尔,有时eg: He only comes to LondoB every now and then他只是偶尔来趟伦敦。 Every now and then a plane WOHld take off不时会有一架飞机起飞。用法拓展:every now and then/again不时偶尔 now and then偶尔有时 just now刚才。现在,眼下(for the time being) up Io now到目前为止 now then(用于句首表示警告、抗议或引起注意)喂eg: Now thenJackdonl go on sayi

8、ng that我说,杰克别再说了特别提醒:every nQw and thenevery noW and again和now and then都表示同一个意思:“有时偶尔”。考题3 (典型例题分)We get along quite well though there are quarrels between us A. now and then B. here and there C. at one time D. up and down考题3点拨:答案为A。此题考查副词短语的辨析。四个选项中noW and then表示“有时,偶尔”,here and there表示“到处。处处”at on

9、e time表示“从前一度”,up and down表示“上上下下前前后后来来回回”。根据题意:我们相处得很好,虽然有时我们会吵架。可知A为正确答案。 4look into朝里面看;调查检查eg:Thctcommittee is loQki玎g into the caHse of the aceident委员会正在调查事故原因。 He looked into the bOX but saw nothing他往盒子里看了看但没看到什么。用法拓展:look up抬头看look up to尊敬敬仰 look dOWn on/upon轻视;俯视 look around/rouRd/about环顾四周

10、look after照料照顾look for寻找look through浏览透过看 look out往外看;当心。注意look back回头看回顾回想 look forward to盼望look 1ih看起来像 Iook a1注视看特别提醒:look into中Into是介词。考题4 (典型例题 分 ) Mike his girlfriends number in the phone book to make sure he had got it right. A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up考题4点拨:答案为A。loo

11、k up sthin the book/dietionary表示“在书或字典中查找。”;look for表示“寻找;期待”piek out表示“挑出;辨认出”;piek up表示“拾起;拿起”。 5get/be tired of sth/doing sfll对做某事感到厌倦;对做某事失去兴趣eg:Im getting tired of Iravelling我厌倦了旅行。 She is tired of Ihe same food for hteakfast ever3r day 每天早餐吃同样的食物她感到厌倦了。相关链接:tiring adj令人厌烦的。tired adj劳累的疲劳的 用法拓展

12、be tiretl of sth/doing sth厌烦了做某事 be/get tired from,/with(dolng)sth因(做)某事而疲劳tire曲out使某人筋疲力尽特别提醒:。对感到厌烦”用be/get lired of介词用of而“因(做)某事而疲劳”用be/get tired with/from doing sth介词用fronl或with。 考题5 (典型例题分) Why were you absent from the meeting? Oh. I was tired the awful speech. A. of B. for C. in I). out考题5点拨:答

13、案为。A。本题考查be tired of一表示对某事厌倦”。be tired out表示“累坏了”与题意不符。三、重点交际用语6I,ll do everything I can to help you我会尽我能做的一切来帮助你。 do everything one eAR to do尽可能干 eg: The doctors are doing everything thcy can lo Save the boy 医生们正尽力做一切来拯救这个孩子。 Lei Feng did what he Could to help everyone雷锋做他能够做的一切来帮肘每一个人。用法拓展:做一个人所能做

14、的来干的表达形式: do something one can to do do everything one can/eould to do do what one can/COUld to do sth do all that one can/COUld to do sth特别提醒:do everything one can/COUld to do句型中one can/COUld后省略动词do,此句作定语修饰everything。而to do是动词不定式作目的状语,并且一定要用to do。考题6 ( 典型例题, 1,分) The entrance exam is on the way. I will do everything I can the exam. A. pass B. passing C.to pass D. in passing考题6点拨:答案为c。此题考查do everything one can to do sth“做一个人所能做的事情来干”。解答此题必须弄清楚l can后省略动词do,且作everything的定语。句意为:“入学考试快到了。我会尽我所能通过


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