2012高中英语 Unit2 What is happiness to you学案 牛津译版选修6

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1、2012高二英语学案:Unit2 What is happiness to you(牛津译林版选修6)一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化。1. Doctors and medical supplies were r _ to the scene of the accident.2. She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with a_.3. What I have achieved in the past few months i_ me with confidence.4. We should

2、 never play tricks on the people who are d_.5. To my d_, my father didnt buy me any present on my birthday for he had completely forgotten it. 6. Her local doctor couldnt tell what was wrong, so he sent her to see a s_.7. The driver of the car received serious i_ to the legs and arms in the accident

3、.8. After ten years of hard work, he has a_ a great deal in his work.9. We should learn to stay o_ no matter what difficulty we may have in our lives.10. The earthquake happened last night destroyed everything in the village and left all the villagers h_.11.And how has Mike _(适应) to his new life in

4、China.12._(无论什么) way I look at it, I will never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.13.To some, happiness is being_ (围绕)by family and friends.14.while she was in hospital, the world was amazed by the way she remained _(乐观的)。15.Her teammates described her as _(精力充沛的), happy

5、, and hard-working二词形转换1、injure (v) _(n); 2、energy (n). _ (adj)3、guidance (n.) _(v.) 4、disabled (adj.) _(n.)5、hunger (n.) _(adj.) 6、devote (v.) _(n.)7、specialist (n.) _(adj) 8、motivate (v.). _(n.)9、confused (adj.) _(n.) 10. innocent (adj. _(n.)三.补全佳句1. 他的母亲曾经是一名教师,她把毕生都献给了教育事业。His mother was a great

6、 teacher and she _ all her life _ the cause of education.2. 在我英语考试不及格后,我最好的朋友为了让我振作起来带我去看音乐会。 After I failed my English exam, my best friend took me to the ballet to _me _.3. 她哭得很伤心;她肯定已经知道那个噩耗。 She is crying sadly; it_ _ _ _ _ _ the bad news. 4.使她失望的是,尽管她准备了很久,她考试还是没通过。 _ _ _, he failed the exam th

7、ough he had been preparing for it for a long time.5. 因为严重受伤,她将永远无法再走路._ was because of her severe injuries _she would never walk again.四.句型变换1.Her teammates think she is full of energy and happy and always works hard. Her teammates described her as _, happy and _.2.Sang Lan has inspired all of disab

8、led people, and her courage is admirable. All of people with _ have been inspired by Sang Lan ,_ courage is admirable.3.As an innocent child, I didnt need to worry about what I earn or how to take care of a family. As an innocent child,I _ worry about _ or how to take care of a family.4.I motivate m

9、yself to work hard now so that I can enjoy my future life after I think this way. This way gives me the _ to work hard now so that I can enjoy my future .5.While she was injured and stayed in hospital,the world was amazed by the way she remained cheerful. _ and in hospital,she remained cheerful,whic

10、h _ the world.6.She was able to get rid of her disappointment and just be proud of the things she had accomplished. She was able to _ her disappointment and just take _ in the things she had accomplished.7.No matter which way I look at it,Ill be never really good at anything if I go on doing everyth

11、ingelse. _ way I look at it,Ill be never really good at anything unless I _ doing everything else.8.Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents,she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics. _ her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents,she was happy

12、 to devote herself to gymnastics.9.To those who have been injured or struggle with a physical disability,happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive. To those _ or _ with a physical disability,happiness can simply mean a day without pain or just being alive.10.She was taken to a

13、 top hospital in New York and specialist from many parts of the world said that because of her severe injuries , she would never walk again. She was _ to a top hospital in New York and specialist from many parts of the world said that _ her severe injuries , she would never walk again.五单元话题作文 1写作训练 在经历了汶川地震后,为了让学生认真思考生命的价值,认识生命和尊重生命,昆明某校采用了“遗书模拟”的方式,组织学生思考“如果这是你生命中最后一天,你最想说的是什么?”这一话题。该教育方式在社会上引起不小的这样争议。请根据表格内容提示,写一封信给21世纪报的编辑,描述这一争议,并发表自己的看法。 人群 理由 多数同学赞成 1.更懂得珍惜什么,放弃什么。 2.更明确目标,增强学习动力。 多数家长反对 1.使学生对未来悲观。 2.写遗书不是正确交流方式。 专家意见 1.文化禁忌,家长难接受。 2.要谨慎,勿揭学生创伤。 个人意见 1 2._


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