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1、Contents 结构 两大用法 现在分词 大显身手 拨开云雾见时态(四) - 现在进行时 现在进行时 结构 am isdoing are I am reading Sanzijing. Xiao Pang is reading Sanzijing. Xiao Shou is reading Sanzijing. We are reading Sanzijing. 两大用法 描述 此刻 正在进行的动作 标志词: now right now at the moment look listen 来源 :学科网 Look! The snake is eating the crocodile. Tom

2、 is catchin g Jerry at the moment. 描述 现阶段 正在进行的动作 标志词: these days this term this week I m reading Harry Potter these days. We are learning science this term. 来源 :学*科* 网 现在分词 现在分词的变化规则 现在分词ing 变法有 4 般 来源:Zxxk.Com 一般直接加见 e 去 e 加 重读辅元辅双写尾字母 ie 结尾变为Y 再把 ing 加 大显身手 1-Excuse me, where is Lily? -Oh, she th

3、e volleyball match on the playground. 来源:学科网 ZXXK Ais watching Bwill watch Cwatches Dwatched 2-Have you seen Mr. Smith? -Yes. Look, he his bike over there. Ais cleaning Bcleaned Ccleans Dhas cleaned 3听,有人在哭泣。 4他们在打乒乓球吗? 5小新的妈妈在批评小新吗? Keys: 1A 2 A 3Listen! Someone is crying. 4Are they playing table t

4、ennis? 5Is Xiao Xin s mother criticizing him? 测试题 一、写出下列单词的现在分词 work _ _ sing _ play _ _ study _have _ dance _ write _ take _ run _ sit _ shop _ swim _ sing _ put _ _ cry _ 二、单项选择 1Listen! The baby _ in the next room. Acrying Bcried Cis crying Dcries 2What are you doing? I m _ _ TV. Awatch Bwatches

5、Cto watch Dwatching 3Tom _ an English class now. Ais having Bhas Chaving Dhave 4Listen! The girl _ in the room. Asi ngs Bsinging Cis singing Dare singing 5- What is Tom doing in the classroom? - He _ something on the blackboard. Adraws Bdraw Cis drawing Dare drawing. 6It s six o clock in the afterno

6、on .Mr. and Mrs. Green are _ dinner. Aeating Bdoing Chaving Dwaiting 三、仿照例句写对话 Model : Where/Jim/sing He/in the classroom Where is Jim singing? He is singing in the classroom. 1Where /the postman / go He / to our friends house _ _ 2Where / the woman /sit She / in the park _ _ _ 3Where / An na / read

7、 her book She / in the living room _ _ 4Where / man / work 来源 :学科网 He / behind the house _ _ Keys: working singing playing studying having dancing writing taking running sitting shopping swimming singing putting crying CDACCC 1Where is the postman going? He is going to our friends house. 2Where is the woman sitting? She is sitting in the park. 3Where is Anna reading her book? She is reading her book in the living room. 4Where is the man working? He is working behind the house.


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