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1、第 1页共 3页 .单词拼写 1This hat will give p_ against the hot sun. 2My wallet c_ two hundred yuan and my passport was lost when I was shopping. 3Mrs Browns dog b_ the mailman when he was delivering newspapers yesterday afternoon. 4Both bees and butterflies belong to i_. 5The mother is r_ her baby against mo

2、squitoes. 6Youd better _( 存留) the money for future need. 7Well go _( 打猎) tomorrow. 8We greatly _( 感谢,感激 ) your timely help. 9She turned her _( 注意力) to new problems. 10The dog looks _ ( 凶恶). Youd better keep away from it. .单项选择 1The driver was at _ loss when _ word came that he was forbidden to drive

3、 for speeding. Aa; theB/; / Cthe; the Da; / 2It is_that his English is_perfect. Asure; very Bright; rather Cexact; fairly Dcertain; quite 3Stop _ this kind of snakes. They are _. Ahunting; dying out Bto hunt; dying out Chunting; dying away Dto hunt; dying down 4Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I

4、 can have time for a cup of tea. Aas soon as Bas a result Cin case Dso that 5 Are you driving to the airport, sir? Id appreciate _ if you could give me a lift. Athat Byou Cthis Dit 6More attention should be _ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production. A paid to improving Bpaid

5、to improve C taken to improve Dtaken to improving 7How many passengers were in the plane? It _ 100, 20 Chinese _. Acontained; included 第 2页共 3页 Bcontained; including Cincluded; contained Dcontained; containing 8The disease failed to_to the new drugs the doctor applied. Arespond Bturn Creply Drefer 9

6、Much _ by the story of Cong Fei, I am also determined to be a volunteer worker. Aaffected Bappreciated Cadmired Deffected 10There may be kinds of infectious (传染的 ) diseases in public places. You should keep your children_to the places where people are crowded. Anot go Bnot to go Cgoing Dfrom going 1

7、1After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came _ being, which would have a great effect _the cultural life of the people. Ainto; for Bto; to Cfrom; at Dinto; on 12Nobody knows exactly how many years it will be _ the Chinese football team enters the final stage of the World Cup. Awhen Bsi

8、nce Cbefore Duntil 13She was knocked _ by a car and now was still _. A down; in danger B off; dangerous C down; dangerous D off; in danger 14Excuse me, what time is it now? Sorry, my watch _. It _ at the shop. Aisnt working; is being repaired Bdoesnt work; is being repaired Cisnt working; is repaire

9、d Ddoesnt work; is repaired 15My car started up at last. You should have it repaired _ its working now. Aas long as Bas though Ceven though Din case protection, containing , bit , insects , rubbing reserve, hunting , appreciate , attention , fierce 1.答案: D 解析:考查冠词。 at a loss 迷惘不知所措,且word 指“消息”时, 无冠词

10、。 2 答案: D 解析:考查It is certain that.句式, quite 是副词“相当”,修饰形容 第 3页共 3页 词 perfect.句意为: “他的英语相当好,这是真的。 ” 3 答案:A 解析:stop doing “停止做某事”,而 stop to do 表示“停下来去做某 事” 。第二空die out “灭绝” 。 4 答案:D 解析:句意为:“我想早到 20分钟,目的是为了我能有时间喝杯茶” 。 so that 引导目的状语从句。 5 答案: D 解析:语意:先生,你是开车去机场吗?如果你能载我一程,我将非 常感激。根据语意可知,it 为形式宾语,代替真正的宾语 i

11、f you could give me a lift. 6 答案: A 解析:考查pay attention to doing sth. 的被动结构。 7 答案: A 解析: contain 容纳,包含; include 包括。第二空用sb./sth. included 或 including sb./sth.。 8 答案: A 解析: respond to起反应,回答,响应; turn to 转向; reply to 回信, 对作出回答,对作出反应;refer to提及 9 答案: A 解析:表示“受到的影响” ,且在句中做状语,用affected. 10 答案:D 解析:keep sb./

12、sth. from doing sth. 意思是“阻止 (人或物 )做某事” ,其 中介词 from 不能省 11答案:D 解析: 考查短语come into being “形成”和 have an effect on “对 有影响” 。 12 答案: C 解析: 考查句型 “it will be 一段时间 before.”“多久以后,才” 。 13 答案: A 解析: knock down 撞倒; knock.off. 把从上撞下来;in danger 处于危险中; dangerous 危险的。 14 答案: B 解析:考查动词的时态和语态。第一空用一般现在时说明实际情况; 第二空用现在进行时态的被动形式表示此时的状态 15 答案:C 解析:句意为“即使车还能工作, 你也应该把它修一修”。even though even if 引导让步状语从句,意为“即使” 。


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