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1、小学四年级英语上册期中考试试卷-初三英语试卷一、听录音,选出正确单词并将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分)1.( )A. PTB B.BPT C.DPT2.( )A. cat B.hat C.at3.( )A. dad B.mad C.mat4.( )A. right B.light C.like5.( )A. ben B.ten C.pen6.( )A. door B.floor C.doll7.( )A. cake B.lake C.late8.( )A. 13 B.30 C.39.( )A. painting B.music C.science10.( )A. hair B.ear C.

2、eye二 听音判断对错用“”或“”表示。每小题读两遍。(10分)1 2 3 4 5( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三下面的单词缺了第一个字母,听录音,按四线格书写规范补全单词。每小题读两遍。(10分)例: d uck1. nt 2. oodles 3. acket 4. dea 5. armer6. abbit 7. gg 8. an 9. poon 10. ellow四、听录音,在相应的空格里填上正确的数字。(10分)Name book ruler pencil pen eraserJohnMikeAmySarahChen Jie五听录音,选出合适的答句,并将其编号填入前面括号里。每小

3、题读两遍。(10分)( ) 1. A. Lets go and have a look. ww w.xkb1 .comB. Its near the window.C. A teachers desk, two boards ,many desks and chair.( ) 2. A. Good idea. B. Good job. C. Sure. Here you are.( ) 3. A. Her name is Amy. B. Shes Mike. C. My name is Amy.( ) 4. A. I can see 28 desks. B. I can see 5 pens.

4、 C. I have 30 chairs.( ) 5. A. My book is blue. B. My seat is near the door.C. My book is in the desk.六、根据录音内容,判断意思是否一致,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(10分)1.( ) John and Susan are my good friends.2.( ) Amy has long hair and big ears.3.( ) There are 12 books in my schoolbag.4.( ) Our school is big and nice.5.( )

5、The girl likes music.笔试部分(40分)七、想想下面这些单词缺了什么字母,在四线格上写出该字母的大小写(10分)八、根据图片及句子写单词。(10分)(1)I have a long and a short .(2) There is a in my(3)Amy is a .She and Chen Jie are good(4)This is my .She has a funny(5)Mike is a . This is his九、选择填空。请在方框内选择适当的句子把对话补充完整,并将其序号填在横线上。(每题2分,共10 分)John: Hello, Bai Ling.

6、 _.Bai Ling: Really? _?John: Sure. Here you are.Bai Ling: Wow! It is a squirrel. I like it.John: Thank you! My bag is orange. _?Bai Ling: Its pink. My schoolbag is heavy.John: _?Bai Ling: Look, I have many books.John: _?Bai Ling: One, two, three,sorry, too many.十、 阅读短文,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。(

7、每题2分,共10 分)Hello! I have a friend. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and a small red mouth. She has long black hair. She is very beautiful. She is a good student. She likes music, science and sports. She likes beef, fish and rice for lunch. Who is she? Guess! Thats right! She is Susan.( )1. My friend is _. A. Susan B. Sarah( )2. She is _. A. short and thin B. tall and thin( )3. She likes _ .A. science, sports and painting B. science, sports and music( )4. She likes _ for lunch.A. beef, fish and rice B. beef, duck and noodles( )5. Susan has _ eyes and a _ mouth.A. small big B. big small



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